10 Steps to Reverse Autoimmune Disease

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I am often asked if there is a way to deal with autoimmune disease — the most common chronic disease – the most common question being “Is there any way to deal with this without taking powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that often have serious side effects?”

コメント (21)
  • I was recently diagnosed with Graves. Cut gluten, dairy, sugar, and ate only organic. Helped my symptoms immensely.
  • @koala2464
    Paleo diet, turmeric, apple cider vinegar and good sleep,helped me with my Lupus and inflammation. Both my mother and I were diagnosed (different symptoms and autoimmune disease) at the same time. After my father and grandfather died of cancer in the same year. Stress and trauma is so to toxic for our bodies.
  • I've been diagnosed with RA , lupus and fibromyalgia and was so sick with so much pain on 28 pills a day. I felt like a zombie for years UNTIL I took my health into my own hands. I've not taken one single medication for a year. I eat as organic as I possibly can and take kratom for pain relief. It works better than any pain meds I've ever taken! If I eat something that's bad for my body it tells me immediately and the pain lasts for day's. If we honor our bodies and only put great fuel into them we will feel the difference!
  • @br9791
    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 20 years ago. Back then in 2000, I saw Gary Null on PBS tv, I bought his book the next day. He recommended juicing and vegan diet for 6 months to clean out your colon and gut. I made it 4 months. I felt 50% better in a week. After that I went to acupuncture for 6 months. That helped too. Now I can pretty much regulate it with diet, I was also taking probiotics and digestive enzymes for about 2 years. I’m walking almost every day for an hour, I could barely walk to the bathroom, my ankles and hands were swollen and purple, it was hurting so bad, I don’t take any medication, I was on methotrexate and steroid.
  • I started taking calcium magnesium zinc and vitamin d, also doing body awareness meditation. I'm now doing a gut cleanse and taking probiotics. All are tremendously helpful along with better diet. Thank you for your videos it's so important to treat the body as a whole rather than a series of disconnected parts. We need more doctors with this kind of approach <3
  • Thank you very much. I needed just this to help me out of my condition. It’s shocking that a 10 yrs old girl could have got into such a condition. How is in short life did this happen. It’s very scary but there’s hope and recovery with your solutions.
  • I finally get to come back to Functional Medicine after trying for several months after my doctor left. Hopefully I can finish up by getting help to stabilize my menu and get the proper tests to see how my vital organs are functioning these days. I want off the roller coaster.
  • I love all your videos Doc! They're to the point and extremely insightful. I can feel you don't have an ego and you're genuinely passionate about helping people. Thank you!
  • @saraquit
    Thank you so much for your help! Is so good to hear someone that actually cares about healing and not just covering the symptoms , many many thanks!
  • Muchas gracias doctor, yo padezco de pendigo vulgar y artritis reumatoide, seguiré sus sugerencias, bendiciones ❤️
  • Thank you so much, Doc, for this video and all playlist! I'm 51, and I have Graves' disease. I stopped talking to endocrinologists, who recommended those traumatic methods against thyroid. I asked them "why should I do this, if there's no direct life threat?" And they answered: "well, we recommend it to everyone who got a relapse after thiamazole".... Actualy if I would listen to them I'd lost last 15 years of my professional life for I'm and opera singer, and sure you know what I mean. I'm ok more or less, but now I was searching for some information, for some different approach, for alternative medicine. I'm so happy I found it. I'm stronger that this disease, and I'm going to find a RIGHT specialist. Thank you for your work!!!
  • Dr. Mark, thank you for this insight. Could you help us with those steps to get done with auto immune diseases?
  • My mother has MCTD and my ANA just tested positive. Thank you for these tips!
  • @yvette968
    Thank you both for sharing your experience. ❤
  • I've found that "Artificial" is a massive issue for me. Sweetener, Additives, Preservatives, Flavourings, Colourings et al. Neigh on impossible to avoid in pre packaged food and drinks. They are everywhere! I thought for many years I was gluten intolerant. Turns out it was all the preservatives and additives in pre packaged bread. I bought additive free bread off the fresh bake counter and had no issues whatsoever.
  • @yan28286
    Thank you so much Dr. Hyman for all you do to help and educate our society on real health!! Amazing!