The Power of the Fed (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

Published 2021-07-13
When COVID-19 struck, the Federal Reserve stepped in to try to avert economic crisis. As the country’s central bank continues to pump billions of dollars into the financial system daily, who is benefiting and at what cost?

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FRONTLINE investigates “The Power of the Fed” — and how the central bank’s actions have played out over the years on Wall Street versus Main Street — in a gripping new documentary.

From the award-winning investigative team behind “Amazon Empire” and “The Facebook Dilemma,” the film traces how an experiment the Fed began after the 2008 crash has been dramatically changing the American economy — exploring criticisms that, while well-intentioned, the Fed’s efforts have contributed to wealth inequality, helped today’s financial world grow far removed from the real-world economy, and prompted fears of growing inflation and an impending crash.

The documentary is supported by The WNET Group’s Chasing the Dream, a public media initiative that examines poverty, justice and economic opportunity in America.

The correspondent is James Jacoby. The writers and producers are Anya Bourg and James Jacoby. The co-producer is Megan Robertson. The senior producer is Frank Koughan. The executive producer is Raney Aronson-Rath.

For more reporting in connection with this investigation, visit FRONTLINE’s website:

#Documentary #FederalReserve #Wall Street

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FRONTLINE is produced at GBH in Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Major funding for FRONTLINE is provided by the Ford Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. Support for “The Power of the Fed” is provided by The WNET Group’s “Chasing the Dream,” a public media initiative that examines poverty, justice, and economic opportunity in America, with major funding by The JPB Foundation and additional funding from The Peter G. Peterson and Joan Ganz Cooney Fund.

All Comments (21)
  • @NicholasBall130
    It's quite simple why rates are climbing with rising imports and falling exports, the FED is obviously to be blamed for banking crisis. Something will eventually break if they keep the quantitative tightening and higher interest rates. Is this really a good time to have some savings in stocks?
  • @gabriele894
    > When you read articles about financial freedom, you may hear people talk over and over again about how they spend next to nothing to be able to retire at a younger age like 30. Instead, they may have already achieved financial freedom and boast about how frugal they were in order to retire well before the typical retirement age.<>
  • @JohnDaniels
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless" -Thomas Jefferson
  • @3000yearslater
    Can we just stop for a moment to appreciate the quality of information given to us over the internet world wide
  • @arnstucki8641
    The market is no longer a free market, when stock & bond prices are manipulated into oblivion, and corporations are propped up, unable to fail.
  • @vulnavia691
    I love how having a job is now somehow classified as an asset. The money from that job is going to rent (someone else's pocket), to food, to petrol, to utilities. There is no growth or even basis in this "asset".
  • @maryalchester
    How likely is it, on a scale of 1 to 10, that the FED will raise interest rates? In a piece by Jim Roger that I read, he talked about underlying prospects in a bear market. Since the beginning of the year, the market's trend has been hazy. Any definite course this quarter?
  • I had never heard anyone put QE in terms of trickle down economics, but when Stiglitz said it, it just clicked. Great doc and very eye opening for anyone who doesn’t know how the fed works.
  • The guy said it all in this video “The market is a confidence game”…. and 99.99% of us aren’t in the game.
  • @debscamera2572
    He called it a "confidence game", aka "con game". He said that out loud.
  • Question? Even if you put Americans back to work, if they don't make enough to buy homes, cars and pay for high priced needs, how does any of this actually help Americans?
  • The thing that all of these experts fail to take into account is that the politicians will never act fiscally responsible and they will continue to encourage the FED to print money thereby worsening inflation.
  • @claudiaperea
    28:08 Dude, no matter how many times you say you’re helping the poor still doesn’t make it true.
  • @clarestucki5151
    A few simple facts for viewers of this episode. 1) Forcing the interest rate to unrealistic low levels invariably leads to misallocation of resources, and 2), Monetary inflation (raising the ratio of money in circulation to the supply of goods and services in the marketplace) invariably results in price inflation. Two basic laws of Economics that cannot be repealed.
  • @kukumdogo
    The rich are planning for a ride in space and we can not afford a decent food on the table. Very sad indeed.
  • @pipmeyer7764
    That was fucking depressing, everyone who was born in the 90s on are in for a hell of a ride.
  • @bullwaves6681
    I listen to this over and over when I am exercising. This is one of the best documentaries about Stocks/FED I have ever come across.
  • A raise of the minimum wage to 4 times the rent of a local one bedroom apartment and a real measure of the economy was too practical.