They are slowly killing their bodies for 'beauty'!

Published 2022-01-20

All Comments (21)
  • @ryuoshinz
    Everyone has different beauty perspective so I would say staying true to yourself without using any artificial way to make yourself look beautiful is true beauty.
  • @ye-jun5475
    I hate how stupid these beauty standards can be sometimes. My mental health as well as my physical health was affected because of some of its standards ever since I was 12. I’m trying all that self love stuff, but sometimes I just can’t look in mirror because I don’t like what I see. To all the boys and girls who were ever affected by it, I hope you will come to realize that you are fine just the way you look. It will take a while to come to terms with, heck I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that people will still love me no matter the way I look.
  • @fenvinetwist
    the worst part about this is that it’s not their fault they don’t think they’re already beautiful, it’s society pushing these disgusting standards onto them
  • @eimy9897
    As a woman, i see "Beauty Trend" will never end.. I interested in it, but i don't want to involve in it.. Especially when it can be dangerous for our lives.. I hope one day, we can see our beauty, our uniqueness and accepting it.. I hope more people aware about this because of you, Agon.. We always support you here..
  • @jeonneverland
    I remember how my mother never allowed me to wear makeup when I was a kid even tho I loved it alot. Not even the slightest. Not even a little lip gloss. Now when I'm grown up, I really don't like wearing a lot of makeup since I have a habit of not wearing it. I just see how people wear too much makeup that they can't be recognised without it. I used to get sad in the past but now I'm really thankful to my mom for this. Guys, no one's ugly, positivity and kindness always radiates on our faces. So always be good and positive. (I'm not attacking the people who wear makeup, it's an art and I admire the people who can actually do it. I'm just talking about how some people are insecure about their faces. Try to understand my point :)
  • As a girl, I can already tell you that beauty trends are not ending anytime soon. These beauty trends literally make teens depressed because they think that they are ugly or fat.
  • Doesn't matter how great your partner looks, if you don't have matching values, your relationships will fall apart. Chase good morals, self-discipline and health (mental and physical). That in and of itself is beautiful. I once liked this girl who could be objectively described as ugly. Pimples, eczema, etc. But she didn't let herself go because of that. She worked out, kept within the healthy BMI band, and took care of herself. She was really self disciplined (maybe as a consequence of her skin diseases?), morally upright, hardworking,, as healthy as one can be with her conditions and REALLY smart. That shit was attractive as hell, and still is.
  • @gltchymtrx5953
    Fun fact: Back in the days when people acted weird or unlike other people, others would accuse those people of doing witchcraft. Even if they simply talk to themselves, they would be accused of being a witch.
  • @CrimsonJewel
    "I believe that the essence of fashion is comfort before style." -Ai-ai Delas Alas
  • It’s really sad to just see people do such things to themselves just for something having no value :( There’s no such thing as ugly or beauty, everyone is unique in their own way, inside and out. Just love youselves as you are <3
  • @imjustme3850
  • @Abyssal2808
    Random fact: Corsets aren't necessarily dangerous if you used correctly, but people used them incorrectly by lacing them way to tight! They are actually considered comfortable if used right, because they replaced bras. They were never meant to be dangerous until some women started wanting what they couldn't have. Also the tapeworm thing is actually terrifying!
  • @diyashikha93
    Beauty standards, social médias and the view of other people regarding us.. Those are a deadly cocktail mix
  • @mmmmmfino
    "Nobody is born ugly, we just live in a judgemental society" -A Wise Man
  • I’m a person who has been and I still am insecure about my appearance but I’m working on myself to be confident!!If you feel like you are ugly and doesn’t have the courage to stand in front of people it’s not your appearance you should change,it’s your MINDSET!I’m currently working on myself now!If you feel like “oh what will they be thinking of me” seeing your face then that’s where you gotta love yourself and improve yourself !Don’t care about what they think!Don’t try so hard so that other’s become pleased but do something for yourself!!I’m saying this whatever good things happened to you and is gonna happen to you,you deserve it!!✨ If someone leaves you it’s not the end of your life it’s the end of their part in your life!!❤️so keep going
  • @Bon-bn5lc
    This is proof that society pushes people to look "pretty" when in fact they are removing the beauty they already had
  • @Noctrinus
    They are ruining themselves just to look “pretty” but instead they look scarier after they ruined themselves
  • @elsiegodin2624
    Yo can’t “adjust yourself to for beauty” because there’s no real term for it. It’s always changing and peoples perspectives of what is attractive is changing too. No matter what you do now to make yourself won’t matter in a few years. It’s not worth it. Stay you ❤️