Understanding how Hillary Clinton would govern

Published 2016-09-08
Hillary Clinton's greatest skill can also be her greatest weakness.

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All Comments (21)
  • @svillegassmusic
    All I gotta say is: Hilary is still a million times better than Trump
  • @yohami
    How come you've covered her all this time and not discovered her pile of bodies, corruption, criminal business, etc?
  • @arachnidaaa
    I'm Filipino and I love watching American politics like I'm American, hahaha
  • @raptorekpl
    "I did not have a sexual relation with that classified email" -- Clinton.
  • @lradmclovin9
    I cannot believe you dichotomised Hillary as a "listener" and Bernie as a "talker". What an absolute joke. I cannot remember the last person in history who listened to the woes of the common people more than Bernie Sanders. When he was a "talker" he was a conduit for their voices. Hillary listens to the highest bidder, whomever can give her power.     What a pathetically shameless, sycophantic video this is, Vox. America is so divided that you'll sacrifice your integrity to give 'your side' a boost. Pathetic. You don't always get what you want in democracy, but you always get what you deserve.
  • @Sewblon
    I tried to read her platform. It was long, detailed, and without any apparent unifying objective, theme, or principle. Now it all makes sense. That platform was written by everyone she ever had a conversation with together.
  • Something tells me most people disliked this video without even watching the entirety of the video.
  • @artemis_lena
    I don't blame her for not trusting the press. The main press in the U.S. is a disgusting joke.
  • @edli444
    "Why don't YOU get a drink with Mitch McConnell?" - Barack Obama
  • @x12danx
    Watch the whole video before rating or commenting you impulsive idiots.
  • @TheYossarianTom
    This is so funny to see how Americans are spoiled, you have an excellent presidential candidate compared to what represents Trump and yet you whine like little babies, that she did that email thing, if it wasnt for Russian spies, the email leak would never happen, doesnt that sound an alarm in you? Putin wants America to vote for Trump, his Trojan horse that will help Putin get back Russia into position where it was a key player in world war politics, do you really want to do that? DO you really want to give the keys from the white house to your arch enemies? Are you blind to what is happening in the world. I am from Slovakia, we border Ukraine, and as many other European countries we are under fire from russian hybrid war and propagande constantly for over two years, and many people here have fallen for that cheap trick. USA I beg you, dont make the same mistake. Dont fall for this anticampaign that is led by people connected and working for Putin. The evidence is staggering. Hillary is not perfect, but she is the closest to sanity in world politics like Angela Merkel in Germany, she fights to keep the EU united in its hardest time in the past 70 years, please be rational and keep the world from shattering to pieces again by letting Trump win the office and leave Putin do whatever he wants to further divide the world. PLEASE
  • @ericadurazo9242
    Remember when people acted like it was a hard choice between Trump and Hillary.......I still hate those people
  • @tinadong1413
    Wow imagine having a leader that listens. The current Cheeto couldn’t even directly answer a question from the press
  • - Hillary is a Warmonger corporate puppet. - She defended a rapist and then laughed about the situation. - She was a Republican. - She was against same-sex marriage until 2013, when it became popular. - She help hide her husband's sex scandals. - She voted for the Iraq war and endorsed it in exchange for 20 billion dollars from his friend George W. Bush to "repair New York" after 9/11. Let's remember that George W. Bush did not take previous terrorist warnings seriously and that allowed 9/11 to occur. - Having learned from that mistake, she did it again in Libya. - She received money from countries like Saudi Arabia in exchange for weapons deals. Those weapons are currently being used against Yemen in an indiscriminate way. And let's remember who did 9/11 (the Saudis). - She voted for a disastrous bankruptcy bill that keeps many people in perpetual debt. - She supports Wall Street deregulation. She does not want to restore Glass Steagall, which would have prevented the 2008 crash. - Her position on gun control is irrational. She wants to make legal gun sellers accountable for what their clients do with legally purchased guns. - She supports disastrous trade agreements like NAFTA, TPP, Panama, etc. - She supported mass incarceration, and received money from the private prison industry. - She does not want marihuana to be legalized. - She participated in regime changes Central America. - Wall Street gave Hillary a total of 153 million dollars in paid speeches. - She, her Super PACs and her foundation received money from Big Oil, Private Prison, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex , Monsanto, Wall Street, dictatorships, etc. - She wanted war with Iran, but Obama instead made a deal she now supposedly supports. Leave these crooked politicians. Hillary is a puppet and Trump is crazy. Go to Jill Stein, an unbought candidate that actually cares about people.
  • @LEEboneisDaMan
    This is why I subscribed to vox. Not to agree with me on everything. But to present a smart intelligent subject on a complicated issue where I agree with some aspects and disagree with others. Well done guys.
  • @jada589
    America needs a leader that listens to its struggling people and helps rather than send the national guard to silence and control them.. smh
  • @myhappyskin3093
    Listening was never something what was treasured in the American politics. Show is that what’s counts. That’s why we now have a clown as a president who entertains us every day