Breaking Bad: Walter Warns Mike

Published 2022-08-02
Season 5, Episode 7: Say My Name

When Mike's lawyer agrees to give up Mike's location in order to satisfy the DEA, Walter calls Mike in order to alert him of the betrayal. Mike is forced to leave his granddaughter behind while escaping from the incoming cops.

Uploaded because this specific scene wasn't on Youtube.

All Comments (21)
  • For those asking how Mike got out of there despite being surrounded, there’s a deleted scene where he takes out a jetpack and flies out of the park. They ended up cutting it for budgetary reasons.
  • That look of pain in his eyes. Knowing that suddenly he doesn't even have a chance to say goodbye to his granddaughter for one last time. Heartbreakingly fantastic acting from Jonathan Banks.
  • @blipsauce1143
    “Yknow Walter, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have someone watch your back.”
  • @Aleehondro
    They pulled up on both sides and Mike still made it outta there lmao
  • The real question is… how did the cops not see a bald old man in a 25x25 park with like 1 swing set and a sand box lol
  • I like to think he at least knew his granddaughter was at least safe. Sure, he'd never get to say goodbye, but the police surrounded the area and would soon identify her. He knew leaving her wouldn't put her in any danger as they would watch her until her mom got her
  • @K_B241
    Mike has intimate knowledge of how police perimeters are conducted from his years of experience as a former cop. He’d know the loopholes. That’s actually not implausible, it’s how the Golden State Killer was able to elude capture for so long. He too was a cop.
  • @BoredVHSlover
    can we appreciate that even tho they hated eachother walt still warned mike to GTFO
  • @mario167100
    I don't know. I always had a weird feeling about this scene. Like, if the lawyer was insistent on going to Mike, I felt like he should've picked up on the fact that it was all a setup.
  • @badmofo
    Mike, giving his position away over the phone was one of the only mistakes I can remember him making on the show.
  • Walt and Mike have such a strong relationship too bad Walter didn't know when to put his d away and ended up killing Mike as a result
  • @xaviersmile82
    Mike was suspicious even before the phone call from Walt. probably why he immediately believes Walt and doesnt even argue
  • @johnrex9612
    The reason Mike escaped is very simple. Police did not expect that the suspect will suddenly know he is being chased. They approach the playground calmly looking for the person, they expected him to sit somewhere or play with his granddaughter. If they knew he is fleeing the scene this very moment it would have been different
  • The actor for mike had said the only problem with this scene is that mike would never abandon his granddaughter
  • @qg1235
    I absolutely love breaking bad, but now I think of it, this scene was actually a bit weak... Mike would normally be smart enough to recognise something is up and not just tell his criminal lawyer his location when he's with his granddaughter
  • @RawiriG69
    The best part is how quickly Walter got word of it and warned Mike, Awesome