Scuba Diving Depth Record Gone Wrong | The Guy Garman Disaster

Published 2024-02-25
On August 15, 2015 fast rising diving star Guy "Doc Deep" Garman was attempting to break the diving depth world record during an attempted world-record dive of 1,200 feet off St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands when something went horrifyingly wrong. This is the story of how it went down.
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All Comments (21)
  • @karachaffee3343
    The constant swishing sound when you edit to the next picture gets really annoying.
  • @mataafa1
    Forward video 10 mins first 10 mins has nothing to do with garmen ffs
  • @robertsole9970
    Another arrogant doctor dies doing something beyond his skill. They usually crash high performance planes or fly into storms, or as we see divers too deep. A man’s got to know his limits.
  • @DoubleMonoLR
    As mentioned in other comments, the video contains a number of errors, which are compounded by other issues. eg: It's impossible to "inadvertently" try to break a scuba record, inadvertently inherently means not trying. Similarly anyone accidentally approaching the record depth, or casually attempting it is unlikely, due to the requirements & risks to get anywhere near the record. The AI narration, aside from feeling "off", also makes simple errors more common, as a fluent english speaker would be unlikely to say "the dive went on planned" (which was presumably from a typo) instead of "the dive went on as planned" At a minimum, asking someone else to check the video should also catch such things, along with many of the aforementioned errors. The script also feels AI generated, whether it actually was or not, in part due to the large amount of marginally relevant information, such as the successful dive that makes up most of the video. There seems to be an increasingly common trend to make videos as long as possible, but inevitably this can make videos tedious &/or lack relevance. It may get less views, as for some reason such videos always seem to end up with higher views, but I'd personally recommend taking a more natural approach: -conventional research & script writing -narrating it yourself or asking someone else to -making the subject of the story the main part of the video, with superfluous elements removed. -similarly give specific details on the subject (ie: what specifically went wrong), with less detail on less relevant aspects -cut down on effects, particularly those that are used repetitively and without specific purpose such as rotating photos and the "woosh" sound -use more (relevant)videos rather than almost entirely photos, it seems likely there are a number of videos related to the dives -when photos are used, they could also be improved by being more closely tied to what is currently spoken about, rather than very general. eg: many photos just look like stock diving photos, rather than being specific to the effects of deep dive pressures for example, when talking specifically about that.
  • Dr Garman fought the ocean, and the ocean won. Who couldn’t see that coming.
  • @dshogan6174
    SKIP to 13.22 for any sign of the actual story details. OMG this was so dramatically overembellised. Try REPORTING the event without this excessive hype.
  • John Bennett was a very close friend and diving buddy. So sad how he was lost on a very simple dive in Korea. Most of us tekkies quit the deeper tech dives after that. Me including. Now I just grab a tank jump in from my boat and enjoy easy peasy diving. Miss him dearly. RIP John
  • @two6520
    I love these stories of bravery and stupidity.
  • @Jaemashallah
    That sound after every transition is really pissing me off
  • @PoseidonDiver
    this video is terrible. "The weight of 3 men on him ... underwater... " clearly OP has never done scuba
  • @michalpotok
    I stopped at the moment when the voice said that a diver could be crushed by the water. It means that the author of the video has no idea about diving.
  • @SopwithTheCamel
    Same as 652 Olympic swimming pools stacked corner to corner.
  • @ArcFixer
    SCUBA, not SCBA. Three football fields end to end, not side by side. SUBA tanks float Their weight before submerged will not be felt by the diver. But they will be very awkward. There's a reason SCUBA divers wear lead belts. Cheers
  • @M14armorer
    To categorize him as a “Fast rising diving star” is a joke. He was extremely inexperienced, literally had only been diving a few years.
  • @DA-bp8lf
    Surrounded by an inexperienced team, that couldn’t comprehend potential problems at depth. They should’ve researched this better and understood the risks that were involved. They are all responsible for this man’s death.
  • @johnpaula1400
    Why???? What purpose does it serve??? What does it provide for humanity? His friends should have said NO! And it is not just him.
  • @Capt_RedruM
    Just get to the point, 2 day intro is pushing it.