The Emperor Of Mankind's 5 BIGGEST Mistakes | Warhammer 40k Lore

Published 2023-02-13
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While the Emperor of often lauded for all the good he is done for humanity through his great crusade and might - lets not forget about the times he has seriously stuffed things up - resulting in the horrible current state of the galaxy

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All Comments (21)
  • Getting a video about how each of the pre heresy primarchs would have reacted to being in Guillimans current situation would be pretty cool ngl
  • The book scars makes it clear that magnus wanted 0 restrictions or forbidden knowledge to psykers. Jagahatai and sanguinius joined him in designing the librarius specifically to help control magnus' thirst for psychic power as well as help their own psyker sons develop their power and self control. The big E should've allowed sanguinius and the Khan to be the ones to control magnus
  • @thewerdna
    Jaghatai and the White Scars are actually a case study in why telling them about chaos would have been a good idea. Their homeworld was already somewhat aware of chaos and demons to begin with, and were thus already taught to be careful and wary of warp threats. This was a big reason why they even stayed loyal, because they already knew joining chaos was a terrible idea.
  • The thing Big E doesn't seem to realize is that a basic understanding of Chaos is actually a good inoculation against corruption.
  • @chob_2916
    Magnus also found the webway and told it to the Emperor and he said "Yeah i knew about it for some time." Magnus also suspected that it's the webway why the Emperor left the crusade.The Emperor should've kept Magnus close to him, teach him, because Magnus had much more psychic power from the get go than the Emperor when he was at Magnus's age. Also Angron... As a 37k years old person the Emperor couldn't take a few days to help his son...
  • The thing about the emperor is that, ironically, Despite being the very pinacle of human evolution and potential, he lacked...Well, Humanity. And because of this he forgot that mankind is not a singular entity that would just follow the golden path he set out for them, but a countless mass of individuals with their own wants, beliefs and desires.
  • I gotta say, I think misleading Erda so that the chaos gods could manipulate her into helping them scatter the primarch babies in the first place was by far the biggest fuck up. Every single one of these you’ve mentioned would’ve been prevented most likely if the Emperor had raised the primarchs himself as originally planned
  • @rhysjones6830
    It is worth noting that Mortarion was shown the Webway project by Malcador to reassure him that the Emporer planned to remove humanity from needing the warp
    Honestly, his biggest mistake was introducing the "All xenos must die because once upon a time some of them attacked us after a robot apocalypse that we were responsible for turned the entire galaxy into a Mad Max movie and caused everyone to lose their marbless for a while but please ignore that last part " rule.
  • @Jimothyjohns
    The Angron mistake is compounded just recently because Angron converted like a 10th of the Indomitus crusade into a Khornate rage.
  • Now I want a what if the Emperor told the truth of chaos and the warp to his primarch early on the crusade.
  • @pxxxlyt
    I think Big E didn’t help Angron because he knew half his sons would betray him and once he say Angron’s primarch abilities had been destroyed he no longer cared to have him on his side
  • @chinesemanese
    a video about what society looks like under chaos control would be cool
  • The Emperor's 5 biggest mistakes? Boy,we need to add a zero or two to that number....He may have been an incredibly powerful pysker but man,he did fuck up in a lot of areas
  • @Alasthors
    Another big mistake: he laugh at Malcador's idea of "crafting" a sister or two to the Primarch. He would have had only two Chaos Primarchess instead of 9 of them :p
  • @shane610
    Angron could’ve been such an interesting loyalist primarch. But got wasted. An empath hand to hand badass. Could’ve been cool
  • Majorkill:The Emperor didn't want to have conflict between sons. Lost Primarchs:We would like to have a word with you.
  • @romank90
    In "Outcast dead" (middle of heresy as timeline goes) the astropath is flying over the palace the guide states in awe, that they are passing the place where Emperor spent a day with his Primarch Sons before sending them on the crusade. His reply was "maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if he spent more than a day with his sons"
  • I have a theory about the nature of the Emperor and the Primarchs that may explain why he made so much mistakes on what was suppose to be mankind's greatest champions and shepherds of a new golden age. Being someone that follows the theory that Primarrchs were minor warp gods, I think the process in which the Emperor made the Primarch souls greatly affected him as well and made him into the strange detached man we see in the great crusade. I surmise that the Emperor went in with the best intentions with him wanting to keep all the Primarchs even after he took the galaxy. Now here is the meat of the theory, the process of making the Primarchs didn't just merely affect the Emperor, it damaged him greatly. The Primarchs not only have their own quirks but also seem to contain aspects of the Emperor so I believe he gave each of those souls a fragment of himself as well. Even before he sat upon the golden throne, the Emperor was already fragmenting and breaking apart, both from gaining vast powers from the warp AND losing parts of his soul to craft the Primarchs. This would explain why he was in such a hurry to conquer the galaxy, he was losing much of himself as time went on and thus was pressured to complete everything while he was still able to. This is why some of his meetings with certain Primarchs were so perfect, cementing their loyalty and support and alienating others, he was not always there, probably at certain times he was far more fragmented, leading him to treat some of them badly, losing them in the process, while other times he could pull himself together enough to be the father figure they wanted or needed him to be. The cold calculating Emperor could also be explained as the only way he could focus on his goals, and him suppressing his emotions and empathy were because they caused him to fragment further.