
Published 2014-08-25
Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is a vlog, commonly known as the Monday Show. In this episode, I overcame the frustrating challenge of failing technology by getting straight to the good stuff, my new kitten friends. I hope you can help me name them, calling them "orange dude" and "grey one" doesn't feel quite right. I hope this video finds you very well, life is short, days are long, might as well enjoy them both. see you soon, - nice peter

All Comments (21)
  • @VakoGames
    You should call the grey one "Lance Corporal Meowton"
  • @waddjantachi
    I didn't know that the great Nice Peter was a cat person.
  • @outworlddragoon
    Lloyd and Kassem   Prince and Jester Smokey and Bandit Issac and Newton so many names but you will find one from your heart.  Its great to see you save the lives of those little ones!   I am a softy when it comes to animals. congrads on your new additions. 
  • @rjdehn
    Peter, I have named many pets and my best rule of thumb is to name them what you first thought of when you saw them. That being said when I saw your two I thought of Buttercup(orange) and Smoke(grey). I also feel that a Charlie II(orange) would be warranted. Finally I think a tribute of Freddy(orange) and Mercury(grey) would be awesome! anyways I hope you love your pets as much as I love mine!  
  • @xPhyreflyx
    Smith and Wesson immediately came to mind when I saw you with them. Beethoven is still one of the best characters you've played so it seems like a good incorporation from the lyrics.
  • @shawnbigger1832
    You keep mentioning how there was "no pitter-patter running around the house" So I think their names should be Pitter, and Patter.
  • @93Lizje93
    Hey Peter, You cats are adorable! I am glad they found a happy home with you. As for name suggestions, I would call the grey one Abe and the red one Teddy like the presidents! Hope you have a wonderful week!
  • @emilmadmax
    The Monday show including adorable kittens...Congratulations, you just won the internet, Peter
  • @xXxJinxed1xXx
    Adorable :)  I suggest: the red: Goofy, Grey: Zulu.  or : Red: Milo, Grey: Baloo :) 
  • @shapeofsoup
    Pickles and Star-Lord. Who says they have to make sense?
  • @sciteacherSJ88
    Adorable, we rescued a cat not long ago and we named him Toothless (like the dragon from How to train your dragon), my kids' idea. If you want creative names definitly ask a small child to help name, kids are very creative.
  • NicePeter, today was not a good day for me. It's been a while since I watched your videos. I went back, watched some Monday shows, and now I feel like I can make it through the challenges coming. Thanks, Pete. You picked a smile from a field of frowns.
  • @MistaUnlucky
    Bob and Rick since they have a wonderful time being together like spongeBOB and patRICK.
  • My suggestion : Call them Patch and Mork, in memorial of great Mr. Williams... Have a wonderful week, Man! Thank's for... well, all these videos and good mood you put us all through :) You are one of the best role models ever.
  • @spavlos21
    The gray one reminds me of Toonces (the driving cat). Hmm... Cheech & Chong... Crockett & Tubbs... Butch & Sundance... Can't go wrong with any legendary duo.