How To Spend GOLD In D&D

Published 2020-07-22
Here are 50 ways to spend gold in D&D! There are many ways to spend gold, but it's not exactly intuitive in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, so these tips should help you as a D&D player or Dungeon Master! ⏬ More below! ⏬

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00:00 Everyday Expenses
03:48 Luxury Expenses
05:41 Gold Coins & Wood Dice
07:35 Adventurer Expenses

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All Comments (21)
  • @emmathesheep
    Strangest thing my group has spent gold on maybe is 100 plastic champagne glasses (modern setting) so that we could pose as a catering company and spike the drinks with a true sight potion so a crowd would see the BBEG's true form (lich disguised as an elf politician)
  • @ocnblues
    Fund your own quests. Are you a wizard that needs special components but are a bit tied up cleansing demons? Help starting adventurers and give them the drudge job of retrieving a clutch of feathers from some cockatrice. This could even be a good source of hooks for different sessions. // Flip a dungeon and turn it into a base for your group or the local liege.
  • @gariko
    Players in a shop: We're trying to save you, give us this for free. I demand a discount. Too expensive. Let's just kill the shopkeeper and take everything. Players upgrading their house: 1000 gold? Okay, seems reasonable.
  • @Kadakism01
    I once had a character spend most of his gold and an expensive gemstone into the pettiest fashion accessory ever. My boy Burton wore an eye patch because he thought it made him look more rugged and mysterious. During out adventures, we found a beautiful gemstone. Everyone wanted it, so we played dice to see who got it. Burton won. The whole way back to town, the Paladin kept insisting that he sell the gem and split the gold evenly among the party. Instead, Burton had the gem set into a brand new gold plated velvet eye patch. It made him a target for every thief in a hundred miles, but ya know. Sometimes you have to suffer to look good.
  • @caelan97
    My players the second I brought up taxes: Let's commit tax evasion! That plan fell through when they decided to start an adventuring guild and the fantasy IRS caught up with them.
  • @jdworlow
    One of the more eccentric characters I had was during 3.5. He had a cart (for carrying things), a rowboat (stored on the cart; just in case), and two donkeys for pulling the cart, named Kicken and Haulen. Then, because it would be cruel to leave his donkeys in the cold, he had a portable hut. He also kept a collapsible bathtub. But probably the weirdest thing was that I maxed out his Profession (Calligrapher) and Forgery skills (my DM allowed them to synergize), so he had fine quills; colored inks and waxes; and various other tools of the trade.
  • @Andromeda7Music
    My Glamour Bard became Captain of a ship so I had her spend gold on training to become proficient at sailing! I think training is a really fun way to spend gold. Ships come with their own expenses ie paying crew, upgrading the ship, repairs, food and other resources. Weirdest purchase: My Paladin bought 30 pieces of dried fish for 2 gold from a little girl. She had set up her shop near by a hostile place the group was about to enter and she didn't want the possibility for her to get hurt so she bought out all the little girls stock. The girl also made her promise to come back the next day to buy more fish... So this could be an ongoing thing.... good thing My Paladins Find Steed is a Bear.
  • @IranahyeNotVTEC
    Two of my players were infected with lycanthropy, but they're too low level to have remove curse yet. They encountered a wizard NPC that offered to remove each curse for 100gp each. They tried persuading her to lower the price, which they did, to 90gp each. They then said "That's still way too much. Screw it, we'll find our own way!" and left. The next session they spent 250gp on minor healing potions 🙃. Last session there was a full moon, so those two PC's transformed then ran off from the rest of the group. Now we gotta deal with a split party yay 🤷
  • @aliceofspades
    Most of my characters tend to be fairly generous with their money, giving it to poor or needy people or making donations to temples, schools, and hospitals. After all, adventurers are obscenely wealthy compared to the average person in D&D. If you have that much gold laying around, give some of it to people who need it more. Also, it's a great way to boost your party's reputation. :)
  • @echorome6260
    A ring of featherfall and an umbrella is my favourite combination. For when the paladin in full plate decides to be Mary Poppins instead.
  • As a player, I once had a character (Gnome, Thief), who used most of his money to spread his fame all over the world, (Not as a thief but as a nice guy and philanthropist), I did this in secret with the DM. Every time our party would arrive in a new town, the people would come out and greet me with joy. The other players couldn't figure out how I was so well known. [ I told the DM I wanted to hire town criers and others to spread my wealth to each of these towns mentioning their benefactor in the process.] It did get me out of a few jams at times but mostly it was just fun.
  • @jeffdauscha1436
    Two cool things my kids have spent their gold on in our campaign: 1. My youngest bought an inn/tavern and is renovating it into the Eolian from kingkiller. Of course that meant Stancheon and Deoch became hirable NPCs to run it and develop talent since they’re on the road most of the time. 2. My oldest has been investing in shipping and stil equipment and is in the process of building a rum distillery/bottling business. She has contacts on a southern island for sugar, a ship for transporting it, friends with dwarves to build equipment, and rescued a friend from death who was a brewer. Plus the main NPC operates a series of taverns throughout the kingdom for her to start a contract with. Serious up front investment, but it will eventually set them up for retirement.
  • @TheDungeonCoach
    Congrats on 5k!!! And good spending is a big problem, love that you gave so many options! Great stuff!
  • @alec2themax
    You're doing great on the extra editing these days Bob
  • @jonb1966
    When I was running my game the other night one of the PC's where dedicated to finding a stray dog in town and keeping it as a pet. So I made a small dog and rolled for how healthy it was and let's say mangy and frail is nice. So after they fed the dog they went to pet it and failed a con save rolled 3 and needed a 7 so I gave them fleas and they proceeded to use their gold to clean the dog and provide it food. Not to mention the gold to get rid of the fleas and then also to nurse a dying dog back to good health.
  • From a player prospective I alway try to give my characters something that they like to spend money one, like poetry books, fine foods/ sweets, or gambling. It can lead to interesting rp and I fine it makes them seem more real
  • Great suggestions! I always have my PCs repair their weapons, clothing, and gear. Plus I tax them and they have to pay a weekly wage to their hirelings and any dues for the ones who are involved in guilds. My players LOVE keeping track of these little mundane details. Keep up the great videos Bob!
  • In my last campaign the players had to fight a BBE-Monster. And in doing so they needed to bring an equally powerfull and colossal creature to the material plain. One PC was a Cleric with the Travel domain who planed to build a spelljammer ship anyway. The the players redisgned the ship to stow that colossal creature and end up paying gold for the ability to plainshift.
  • @HHSDaily
    It's really interesting to see how much your videos have changed in a year. Even the way you present. Your voice is more confident. Early on it was very hushed and quiet, almost ASMR material really. Now, your expression helps tell your videos as much as the info. Its one of the best parts about your channel, and you are truly willing to teach anyone! I am here, because I realized, I don't think I ever watched this video (oops) and since Tumble is all about buying things ( even though she is trying to save up some money to get to the surface), i figured I would hop over here and check out this video.