Keep Going, Buddy [SFM]

Published 2020-09-28
At around the 4:03-4:48 mark , I have been copyright claimed, I did not know it was copyrighted music, so I replaced it, for anyone new I suggest turning on subtitles, sorry about this, I should have informed myself better.
What makes life worth living ? The Scout asks himself that question everyday...

This is my longest video so far, hope you enjoy, I learned a lot and enjoyed making this. For the first time in a while, I'm actually proud of something I've done, and that's what matters right ?

Music (not in order, too lazy) :

A lot of them are from this site:

Incompetech (of course) : Odyssey Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Uncharted 4 - One Last Time
Team Fortress 2 - Soldier of Dance
Team Fortress 2 - Archimedes
Team Fortress 2 - Right Behind You
Team Fortress 2 Rocket Waltz Orchestra

All Comments (21)
  • @pokysfm
    Please read this : At around the 4:03-4:48 mark , I have been copyright claimed, I did not know it was copyrighted music, so I replaced it, for anyone new I suggest turning on subtitles, sorry about this, it sucks but I should have informed myself better.
  • @scout7849
    The beginning: dramatic, depressing story The end: your average game of 2fort
  • A tf2 anti suicide film is something that I would never expect but lets be honest we as community need it
  • 4:04 the silence actually adds so much. It’s like scouts just…not listening. Like he’s just completely numb. Adds an eeriness to it that I love
  • "To exist is to suffer. To live is to find meaning in the suffering." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • soldier: BOYS WE HAVE A TRAITOR spy: i think not soldier: understandable
  • @moony_otter
    A scarily realistic rendition of depression caused by antisocialism and loneliness. I've felt a lot of these things myself; the mistakes brought on by trying to detach, the demotivation to put in any effort, the tuning out of anything and everything, the emptiness, having zero happiness from things that usually bring you joy, the staying up for hours merely contemplating life itself; all of these feelings are captured perfectly. And I think the silence during Soldier's speech is a lot louder than any audio that could have been included. Incredible, and a good showcase of how to respond to an isolative person who's going through a rough time. Peeps just need a little positivity thrown their way from time to time, even if brief. Awesome :)
  • I love how at the end, scout's smile is the widest. The entire time, we see him smile lightly at best. But now, he looks so happy. This truly is a work of art.
  • @spartains5493
    I love how scout just has an action figure of one of his coworkers on his nightstand.
  • @PreeSpunky
    Humanity would achieve world peace in a matter of hours if the kazotsky kick had the same connotation in the real world as it did in tf2, mark my words
  • At one point in my life I was barely scraping by, living day to day just like this. The most exciting part of my day was coming back to bed. In bed, I could pretend I didn't exist. But one day, I found this jem of a community. Team Fortress 2. I spent hours that day combing through all of the content I could find, laughing and crying and feeling relaxed for the first time in months. That was about 3 or 4 years ago, and in 2022 I watched this animation for the first time. I must admit, it made me cry. I have been in Scouts shoes before. I have spent nights unable to sleep, being plagued with unsavory emotions. But I found my Engie, my best friend, and I found my community in TF2. This animation reminded me of my own life so much that once I finished it, I had to send it to my Engie and tell her how much I loved it. Now it's 2023. I'm a bit late to the party, yeah. But I needed to tell all of these people in the comments, any newcomers that may see this, the creator; Life was, IS, worth living. The world seems to be taking a dark turn nowadays, but there will always be people who love you and people who you love back. People who will have your back and defend you, push you to get better, be a shoulder to cry on. As life marches on and shitty things happen to you, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of friendship, family, love and acceptance. I have been off of my meds for 2 months now... After nearly a decade of struggling, I am reaching a point of emotional clarity. I want whoever is reading this (IF anyone reads this) to look back at your past. Who you've met and who you've lost, all of those joyous moments and all of those bad memories. And I want you to be proud that you made it this far. You made it past all of those horrible moments to create perfect, beautiful, meaningful moments, and it's amazing. Be proud of yourself even if you are in a low place full of struggle and greif, because you are still alive. Be proud of yourself if your life is perfect, because you made this life for yourself. And be proud if you are somewhere in between, because you are making progress, and you are doing a great job. This is amazing work, and an amazing SFM. The story is so touching and the ending made me laugh a lot :-)
  • i did NOT expect the kazotsky kick to be the very thing that gets me bawling my eyes out. watching this for the first time is an experience i will never get back. kudos
  • @pokysfm
    SPOILER ALERT: If he killed himself, the Scout wouldn't respawn unless he's in the war zone, I'm really sorry, should have made it clear.
  • @SciRuler
    I'm not going to lie to you, this isn't the most impressive animation I've ever seen, this isn't the best story animation I've ever seen, but this is the one with most heart behind it. One of the best 17 minutes ever of my life, thank you. As a former suicide contemplating man, this really did mean so much to me.
  • @gegnabean
    Alternate title: When your feeling depressed but then the whole server goes friendly
  • @stiky5972
    "Spy!" "I think not." "Oh okay." *lowers shotgun*
  • @pyrotf2198
    this animation truely shows what bad mental health can do to someone, thats something what everyone should have in mind, if they are with someone and they are feeling down, to not mke it worse otherwise they might end up on the wrong path, and to instead, try to talk to them, see what the problem is and try to fix the problem, or to do somehting to lift the mood up 9.7/10 animation