The Rise Of Skywalker Is The Most Frustrating JJ Abrams Film

Published 2019-12-31
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The Rise of Skywalker suffers from all of the usual problems I have in JJ Abrams movies. Here’s why.

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All Comments (21)
  • -I'm Peter, by the way. -Rey Skywalker. -Oh, we're using our made up names.
  • @rammiller225
    Rey: buries the Skywalker lightsabers in SAND Anakin: Rolls in grave
  • @grobertson9
    “I’m Rey.” “Rey who?” “Rey Sistance” Rey smiles and winks at grimacing ghost Luke and Leia.
  • @kevinkelly5780
    "I'm Rey." "Rey who?" "Rey Ban," and she slips on the shades
  • Rian Johnson: Your parents were nobody, you don't have to come from someplace important to be a Jedi. J.J. Abrams: But your GRANDPARENTS...
  • @lordodysseus
    When Rey thought she killed Chewbacca, that was my favourite part of the movie. Not because I'm a sadist or don't like him or whatever, but because it introduced real stakes and told us Rey is dangerously powerful. Then 5 minutes later Chewy is fine. Geez, what a way to evoke emotion.
  • @grrtt9113
    When Kylo tells Rey "You are a Palpatine," it falls so so so flat to me. The reason this moment worked for Luke and Vader was because 1) Luke idolized his imagined father had known and hated Vader for over three years in universe for killing his father and his mentor and 2) because the audience had sat with the mystery of Luke's parentage and Vader's past for two years in the real world only to be thrown a huge and devastating plot twist. None of that happened with Rey. First of all, she had literally never met Palpatine or had any connection to him at all up until that point in her life so that revelation didn't really mean anything to her on a personal level, and secondly, the audience had been re-introduced to Palpatine as a presence in the saga only an hour ago and had no emotional connection to the relationship between him and Rey. I honestly cannot believe that JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio are paid storytellers, what a sad, sad missed opportunity
  • @CapnJigglypuff
    The last scene looks heartwarming until you realize that that old lady knows where Rey buried the lightsabers and now she has to kill her.
  • @kraceje3865
    "I'am Rey." "Rey who?" "Rey Rey Binks." Directed by Jar Jar Abrams
  • @rocksolid4597
    The last scene would be so much better if she said: "I'm Rey" "Rey who?" "Just Rey"
  • "it's just lucky that Adam Driver is such a good actor"... only good thing most people can genuinely agree on this hot mess.
  • @spider-spectre
    "There is a traitor" Cut Hux the only named first order character: "I am the Traitor" Cut "I found the traitor" Hux gets killed Cut the fact that this was a 1 minute story arc made be pause the movie just to reflect on how comedic-ly bad it is.
  • Rey taking Skywalker as a last name is like me taking the last name of a professor I had for one semester.
  • @macdeus2601
    The word "somehow" sums up this entire movie.
  • @cgrenadier
    How much more powerful would a Kylo redemption be if he spends two acts hunting Leia...and only finds her grave?
  • @sierra750
    I couldn't believe that her final line wasn't "just Rey" because I felt like that was what her whole arc had been building towards. Ugh I hated that scene
  • I think if her parents left her because they were AFRAID of her, that would have had more of an impact
  • @bigdreamertone
    “We know that he’s the equivalent to a school shooter in this universe” I almost spit out the cheerios I was eating😭
  • The very idea of bringing back Palpatine from the dead, out of nowhere only at the end of the latest saga is bad writing and reeks of desperation!