Staying Sane in the Next Five Years | Charles Eisenstein

Published 2023-05-29
A far-ranging speech of dizzying heights and depths. Charles speaks of a shift of timelines, the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the collapse of the old story, sanity and madness, vengeance and redemption, synchronicity and will, and the songs of birds.

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Video Contents:
0:00 - Introduction by Jimi Eisenstein
2:48 - Two Timelines; the planetary significance of private actions
7:13 - Prediction vs conscious choice
12:14 - An accelerated collapse of the Old Story
13:58 - Reverence in communication; sanity as “being in reality”
17:31 - The Sanity Project: What is it? Why now?
25:21 - How we go insane; self-gaslighting
30:37 - Why Charles is supporting RFK Jr’s presidential bid
33:14 - Another path to madness
35:48 - Shifting timelines through our choices
39:40 - Orchestrating Intelligence, synchronicity, free will
44:03 - The timeline of Reunion arising
45:46 - Birdsong; to praise and contribute to Creation
53:43 - The timeline of vengeance
55:39 - Timeline paradoxes
58:42 - Our work going forward
59:53 - Prophetic speech
1:02:18 - Group exercise: moving beyond cynicism
1:09:38 - Questions & Answers
1:10:45 - Is this the time of Kali Yuga?
1:13:37 - Connecting with “the other side”; sacred anger
1:19:22 - Preparing our children for these times
1:22:43 - Seeking community
1:25:57 - The “purple” team
1:27:33 - RFK Jr’s “real chance”
1:29:19 - Reclaiming the American Dream
1:33:02 - What would you say to the whole world?
1:34:57 - “The ME decade”; community vs audience
1:37:27 - Where do dreams come from?
1:39:44 - The RFK campaign; healing the divide
1:44:32 - Duty vs embodied knowing; rethinking “The Princess and the Pea”
1:49:12 - Closing remarks


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All Comments (21)
  • @nighteyes5852
    Yesterday I listened to RFK Jr speak at the House Judicial Hearing, and never in my 45yrs have I heard a political figure speak with his wisdom, integrity and kindness. It blew me away because for a moment I had a sense of what it must have been like to live in JFK's era, and for the first time in a long time, I felt hope. Today I have found this talk by you, and your words on synchronicity really resonate. Thankyou Mr Eisenstein.
  • Perhaps it is as simple as choosing love over fear, choosing love when in fear. Maybe every time we step out of the story of 'us and them', 'right and wrong', and chose love and compassion to self and others, even the perpetrators, then the love and peace and harmony we seek is suddenly revealed in our own hearts. Maybe it is that simple. The more i own that all of humanity's light and dark are also my own, the more i am graced by compassion, and in that compassion is the peace i seek.
  • @selenefee7801
    Just heard this today. May '23 and it has really shook my perceptions and structures of reality. I get from this that i have been gasslighting and ignoring my reality while trying to fit into the social construct of society that prevails. Ive been lying to myself that what i sense inside me doednt have relevance or importance. That the lies politicians, media, advertising, global coorperations and more dont bother me. And ive been slowly been going insane in each piece of deep truth i give away to the lies. While beating myself up. The most precious deep gifts i get from this is the uprising of the deeper intelligence, the soul. I guess i never believed there was an all prevading intelligence, so i dissed that deeper wisdom rather than celebrate and align myself and life with it. SomehowCharles talk has shown me the matrix, took me out of it and replaced me with choice of who and what i say yes to. Big thanks and gratitude for this talk. It feels like its a new pair of glasses and a new story for me xx
  • Touching on so many fundamental topics with such grace, gentleness and precise articulation. This gives me strength and a deep faith that we will, as a collective, find the right path. Onwards, with love.
  • @DaleRogers
    “Hold your anger so sacred that you will not allow it be converted into hate.” Powerful. It reminds me that my emotions are my friends. They tell me what is happening inside me at the belief level. Hold them sacred.
  • One of the few thinkers that inspires hope in my cynical heart. Bless you Charles. You're an inspiration.
  • @gmichailow
    Greetings from Tenerife. I guess this is an evolving stage of Ascent of Humanity
  • So wonderful to hear Charles speak. I am also in the Kennedy Team and proud to say so! Thank you for this. We HAVE to evolve in a more graceful way. The Sun will do it for us in any case so let's be prepared to be AUTHENTIC now not later.
  • @rosemoon8072
    I found I wanted to close my eyes and 'absorb' what Charles brings, through, behind and beyond his words. He carries such a vital impulse and energy for us in these very disorienting and disquieting times. Like he says, our bodies feel it all and sometimes its not so much about the words, but what he transmits through his voice and presence. I felt the message deeply and a sense of relief. I think he is a true visionary of our times, and sometimes you don't need an 'answer' so much as the reassurance that someone out there "knows" the truth of it, and you are not alone .. This makes the apparent story bearable, that someone out there is holding the reality so we can survive its appearances. It somehow means that what is behind the scenes is not as horrific as how reality is showing up to us. "We cannot hold the story alone". Thankyou for pointing out the new age distortion about 'creating our reality'... that we are simply given an opportunity to say yes or no to what is being offered . This is a talk that I think I will be able to listen to over and over in the moments where I feel I'm losing hope I lose hope, faith, or sanity, to remember that there is a Unity behind the divisions. When a conspiracy theory offers you an explanation for EVERYTHING ... be careful !!! VERY important.
  • @erinreese5572
    I'm so glad I listened to the entire talk. The best part for me was the last question from the audience - and I want to give a big shout-out to the young man who asked it as well as Charles' eloquent response (1:44:32 - Duty vs embodied knowing; rethinking “The Princess and the Pea”). Listening to our bodies and not overriding their wisdom is absolutely essential. Our bodies know long before our minds in most cases. They will guide the way. Overriding leads to a form of gaslighting of our very souls, then speaks in symptoms of anxiety, crisis and despair. To the young man conflicted about work for greening of cities, and trusting his body's wisdom - I hope you read this; you are on the right track, and I'm sure you will be a forerunner for your generation as you are ahead of the curve, so to speak. Love.
  • Hi Charles.. I've been following your work for years and am grateful. I resonated with 99% of what you said, but one part worried me. If home schooling is a pathway for that young mother, what happens to all of the precious children can't afford that arrangement either because they don't know how to organize their lives around that option or they aren't aware of that option. Public education can work when the whole community is an active pod that supports children and child centered curricula. We've ceded responsbility for our children to the policy makers and textbook and testing industries and that's why education is insane. But to come together as a community and actively advocate for not just our children but all children is the way we can make a difference, not by retreating into our own little silos, however progressive we think they are. When we do that, we are abandoning the children (and families) left behind in shcool.
  • The last question from the audience was so powerfully vulnerable and so on point.
  • @lizzieleigh
    'Community cannot be achieved when it is an end in itself.'... so pertinent. Gratitude rising, especially for the last questioner and the answering - both of which had me in tears. Deep wisdom shared humbly. 'Kinspeaking' which brings the more beautiful world home to my heart, now.
  • @beverlyt2503
    Wouldn't it be fun to have a discussion with Jordan Peterson and Charles Eisenstein?
  • @ 20:26 the gratitude tears started, 🥲😭TYSVM for acknowledging all of the parents like me!🙏🏼😇
  • @NewBeliefs
    So lovely to hear you speak Charles! Just a thought... Vengeance, punishment and hate, or healing, are not the only options. There is an option that can arise from neutrality called Justice. Sometimes for healing to occur, justice is necessary. The crimes against humanity may be a bit too far gone to expect healing without some form of Justice, which does not require hate, only discernment.
  • @brinkrunning769
    This guy makes the hairs on my arms stand up. A lot. Many beautiful truths.
  • @andrearenee7845
    Thank you for your light. Many more people are waking up, wanting, and designing something better for their lives, and loved ones. And the love that gets us there.
  • @SVisionario
    Love this what a pleasure it was to watch this at home, I'd love to be there present sometime. And come to Brazil, here these encounters of musicians and love happen all the time Big love from Brazil
  • Sanity begins with the recognition that Life exists only Now, Marvelous vid. World 5.0