The New Player WoW Experience Has Me Confused, Lost and... Hooked

Published 2024-07-24

All Comments (21)
  • @manbearcow
    Absolutely love seeing new people get into wow. Its always such a cool thing to watch someone elses first interactions with the game.
  • @drnamnumnu
    Just remember to have fun, don't get burned by trying to grind.
  • The War Within does not matter at all to you, you won't even be able to access any content from it until you finish what you're currently doing. it is made for level 70 to 80.
  • Also, skinning and leatherworking aren't the best professions for a warrior. The best professions would be either mining and blacksmithing, mining and engineering, or mining and jewelcrafting.
  • @jbobOO7
    Welcome to WoW! I hope ya have fun and find a good group of people to make memories and enjoy the game with. Stay curious and keep exploring my friend. Well wishes champion and see in the world of Azeroth.
    The main thing about "campaigns" to keep in mind, is that WoW's expansions are all basically separate from one another mechanically - but not narratively. So you can start, go through and complete any of them, they're all optional. At the start of this video you were doing Battle for Azeroth's "War campaign" which is the story for that expansion. But events do happen in BfA that lead to the Shadowlands story. The Shadowlands story has some things in it that get brought up later, etc. But you never are actually required to finish a previous expansion story before starting the new one. You only need to be at the level required, and you can accept it. In this video, you started the Dragonflight story (the one you picked up from Wrathion). Thats what you continued in the next video. :) All of them can be entertaining if you're just looking for lore, but you can do them in any order you want to (even though it won't make a ton of sense chronologically).
  • @motleyflux8669
    "Confused, Lost and... Hooked" Yep that's the WoW effect. We were all new players at one time.
  • The best way to level is running dungeons over and over, but you will enjoy the game a lot more if you quest.
  • @crossface7770
    Blizzard usually changes the the Main page every expansion, but this is the first time they changed the character selection screen,*which i like* and the warband thing, at level 70 you can goldpurchase this new bank tab they made and have up to 4 characters sharing gold, gear, items, etc, this will save gold down the lane, from not having to mail items to your other characters. Since you are a Warrior, you should of did Mining and Blacksmithing for your professions, you can make yourself gear, mail at first but you get to plate at a certain point, and when your farming ORE they will appear on your map in the corner, but you can make some kind of money on the auctionhouse with skinning, but you need leatherworking with it, also could go back to Stormwind, and do questing in eastern kingdoms, theres copper ore veins in elywnn forrest also, and if you find Chromie npc in stormwind can change what expansion to level in, they made Battle for Azeroth they just recently made battle for azeroth the base starting.
  • Also if you enjoy reading the quest text, there is an AI addon that adds AI voiceovers for a lot of quests.
  • @mathenis
    because of pre patch you have to go back to stormwind and go to campaign Dragon Isles, they changed the starter expansion for new players to Dragonflight.
  • @litebkt
    I did a boost when I first started and it was a huge mistake. I got killed by every mob. I set that character up as a banker and started over. You shouldn’t worry about professions yet. Unless you really want to learn them, don’t. There will be time at max level.
  • @sednah8975
    Answering questions: you’ll need to be pretty close to level 70 to access the leveling campaign for The War Within. The game will likely allow you to start around level 68 or 69, but not sure yet. Should you keep questing the Battle for Azeroth campaign: You can if you’re enjoying it! You got put there as a new player because Battle for Azeroth was the old leveling campaign Blizzard decided new players should level through the first time. With The War Within pre-patch, the new player leveling campaign has changed to Dragonflight and the xp needed to level to 70 has been reduced. Personal opinion: the leveling campaign for Dragonflight is really really good. Level in the story you enjoy the most, but understand that you’ll likely hit max before you finish the campaign anyway. I would choose Dragonflight myself, but the Alliance campaign from Battle for Azeroth was also really good. As a new player, you’ll likely be less confused lore-wise in Dragonflight. Should you stick with skinning and/or add another profession?: skinning is fine. Any materials you skin can be sold on the auction house and you xp for things you skin. The crafting system is overwhelming for many. It was overhauled in Dragonflight and is being iterated on further in The War Within. Leatherworking pairs well with skinning if you want to dabble, but you could also grab mining or herbalism for the leveling xp and just sell what you gather for gold. You made mention that you were a little confused with the story, which is totally understandable and you’re not alone. Here are some suggestions I have to help, depending on how much “homework” you want. 1. The most time consuming thing would be to get to max level and then quest through all the leveling campaigns from all prior expansions as a max level character. This’ll be incredibly time consuming, but you get a nifty title (Loremaster) for doing it! 2. The WoW community has some excellent historians out there doing the Lord’s work parsing through the lore and explaining it. BUT, there’s a A LOT of lore and watching videos can get time consuming as well. A good starting point is Nobbel87’s channel. 3. WoW posts a lot of the in game cinematics on YouTube. You could check them out in order and sort of “watch the movie” regarding the main story beats from prior expansions. 4. (My recommendation) Quest through the campaign blind and look up answers to burning questions online. Then you can go down your own rabbit holes of interest at your leisure. Once you’re into the new leveling campaign for The War Within, it should get easier since that story is going to be new. Have fun and enjoy the game! It’s refreshing to see true new players in the game!
  • @KollectingKaos
    If you are enjoying it, then it can not be a waste of time. When it comes to the War Within, that will generally be high level content so just enjoy the leveling process and when you are high enough the game will point you to the War Within.
  • Just have fun with it. Explore and have a good time doing it. The pet battles are pretty fun. Check the collections tab to see if there are any weapons, armor, or mounts you'd like to find. 😊