Published 2023-01-05
FATHER FISH expands on the most frequently asked questions to setup and maintain a natural aquarium. Questions are in the time stamps below:

00:00 intro
00:20 questions questions
01:00 How do you set up your basic natural tank?
02:50 Should live plants be in the tank?
04:30 How many fish are good for my tank?
06:00 How much should you feed your fish?
06:30 What is a food web?
07:40 Where do I get a food web?
08:20 Why are leaves important?
09:20 What is the research project on leaves?
10:25 How do I clean my tank?
11;24 When should I change the water?
12:40 Remember! Life depends on death.
12:20 When should I clean my tank?
14:15 What kind of filter do I need?
14:53 How do I cycle my tank?
15:30 Can I have a natural aquarium?
16:40 What kind of lighting does my aquarium need?
17:00 If you have more questions comment below.
18:20 Please comment, like and subscribe.

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All Comments (21)
  • I would just like to say that I’ve gained more knowledge and insight from a handful of Father Fish Videos than the hundreds of other YouTube videos I’ve watched! I will certainly be watching the rest of your content and plan to place a few orders to purchase some of your plants and soil. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and knowledge, God Bless You!!
  • @nharrison81
    It’s never boring listening to information from someone who enjoys what they are doing to help you what you enjoy doing.
  • @andrewderksen3342
    I did the 'Father fish ' method I put the whole tank together including fish from day 1 And didn't lose any fish 👍
  • @hendywijaya3213
    No, father, your lectures are not boring! I could even listen to them for hours.. I even watch your videos throughout the sleepless nights. I love them! Please, don't stop teaching us the importance of the natural way of fishkeeping
  • @NEnigma777
    I was so skeptical of your method at first. I remember thinking, “Potting soil and sand in the tank? That’s filthy!” I can’t tell you how much happier my fish have been since I got rid of all the fake plants, filled the tank with real plants, and added soil and sand. I had a minor problem when I first did the sand because I didn’t clean the play sand enough but I just drained all the water (it took a while since it’s a 40 gallon tank) and now the water is beautiful, the plants are thriving, and my fish are so much more active! I thought they were healthy before but omg, they are in heaven now! People! Please listen to this man! He is absolutely correct about adding soil, sand, and plants! I also discovered I was over feeding, so that also contributed to the huge ammonia spikes. He literally had a video for every issue you are having with your tank so check them out!
  • I'm a plant pathologist by qualification but also a horticultural agronomist by profession - 23rd year doing this after 6 years of academia . Gotta say the 'natural' soilfoodweb approach to tank set up makes so much sense instead of relying on massive chemical and filtration inputs to control water quality and thus plant and fauna health - especially the dirt / soil substrate approach. Thanks for all your posts and insight and communication skills to get the messages across. I'm in the UK BTW so your voice is heard this side of the pond too. Cheers and best wishes!!!
  • @Anp8
    You are a wonderful person father fish, I set up a aquarium for my 75 year old mother and she adores it so much, shes had this aquarium for 20 years, I loaded it with a thick soil under sand, with plants, Rotala, Val and Crypts Thank you father fish for all the help, She loves your channel.
  • @MrBigscarythingy
    This is not just exceptional aquarium wisdom, it's a philosophy for life
  • Father Fish, we are fortunate to have you. You are real Father Fish. You have changed my perception totally. Your every words are mind opener for me. Thanks for your most valuable guidance that everyone can do. Only thing they need to trust. I HAVE FULL TRUST ON YOUR WORDS SIR. I have great respect for you Uncle "Father Fish". Really you are ......Great....
  • I love your "boring videos." I'm sure that you have answered those 9 Questions a few million times, but thanks for answering them one more time.
  • @gryaznygreeb
    As a young man who wants to study biology and keeps 30+ house plants and 4 fish tanks, your approach makes a lot more sense to me. This is how you truly create a mini ecosystem - which is what I want to do - not have living decorations. I am extremely excited to see that research paper as I have been diving deep into tannins and leaves that are safe for aquariums. I have been wanting to replace the beginner blue gravel in my first aquariums for several months now, I think I may try your soil and sand approach in that tank and expand it to my others if I have success. Thank you so much for these videos in a world bent on selling us as many aquariums products as possible that really are not necessary.
  • @rusty8735
    Anyone who owns an aquarium should be Subscribed to this channel thank you for the important Knowledge Father Fish, I’m from south florida east side so I get all the freshwater lakes and ocean full of life, i always collect my own sand rock water fish etc. it’s what make the hobby so exciting for me
  • @rylanblack8571
    I struggled greatly with my aquarium for a long time. I was taught on countless water changes and bare bottom tanks. Constant problems and death. Once I decided to create more natural scapes for aesthetic reasons, I quickly learned that the water changes and fussing seemed counterproductive. Once I left the tank alone (I didn’t even move plants, I just let everything do and behave as it pleased) I watched the tank ever so slowly begin to balance out. I am learning so much from you, thanks for all your valuable knowledge!
  • This was not boring. Not at all. It was very informative. I really enjoy the Q&A videos. It shows that people are wanting to learn about the hobby and are asking someone they trust to give them the best answer. And it also helps the ones who are to timid to ask questions or the ones who were given wrong advice from people who think they know it all. I digress, sorry. But yes, please do more Q&A videos.
  • @leem200
    By the way you are not boring. I hear you loud and clear, and I do not have to back track to rehear what you say. Wonderful presentation and vocals. Thank you so much. I love it a living book on fish tank care. You seem to have so much knowledge on it and I love learning. Thank you for this. Peace! I set my other tank up except for the mud but sand and rocks I did. This one I am going to go to the lake and get me some mud. My yard is sand, I live in Florida. Haha! Been years since I had a fish tank. I am so excited. I find it relaxing and I could watch fish for a very long time. Had to give away my tank for I had no heart to sale in when I did foster care. One little guy I had loved a head connection to it. I have not done foster care since we adopted two at 15 yrs old and now they are grown and off to life's adventures. So, I have missed having a tank. Peace!
  • @JTCT371
    I had my aquarium built before I came across your channel and really started listening. Deep substrate, Fluval Stratum for plants....alot of wood so put a couple of Nerites to jumpstart things...One passed, and in its death, and not related to the Nerite, I had eggs come in on plants and now have quite a few baby snails doing their thing. Also little white worms, which I dont believe are planaria...but I've adopted your approach... dilute polluted water while going through the nitrogen process. Im doing nothing else. I track parameters, Im not feeding the snails anything extra. When my aquarium can no longer support them, they will die off....and they will rise again when needed. Ive handed the reigns over to nature....and this is because of this channel. Thankyou to all at Father Fish!
  • I’ll be setting up my first aquarium in decades and first ever planted tank. Before I became disabled I was an avid terrestrial Gardner. I’m so happy after decades of no digging in the dirt to find I can plant an aquarium! It will be 15 gallons, with nano fish and Corydoras. Great video!
  • @letsgrow2
    This fellow has made me build my first planted tank , people out there miss guide you a lot making it difficult to have a planted aquarium but with help of father fish it's just easy and simple... Thank you Father fish my fish are now happy any breeding 😊
  • when im just starting ive encounter lots of problem, just dont give up and listen to father fish 😁 it will work out dont rush nature. now my tank is balance and i just 25% water change periodically.