Undercover Cops Irem arcade game and why the Alpha Renewal Version is the definitive version

Published 2023-07-27
WARNING: Game version music comparison gets really loud @16:12. I used my phone to record my commentary, plus I had my fan running in my room so audio quality is pretty garbly, i suggest turning on subtitles/CC lol. READ DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR SUMMARY and see comment for timestamps on specific stuff.

Just a quick summary... When Irem released Undercover Cops for the U.S./World English versions in arcades, they used an early build of the game instead of the much more enjoyable final build of the game which is what the Japanese arcade version is. Later, Irem released an upgrade called Undercover Cops Alpha Renewal Version, which is a fully English version of the complete Japanese build with all of the extra content except for one hidden song during the credits when 1CC-ing the game as the Flame character (renamed as Rosa in Japan, the other two characters also have different names from the English versions in the Japanese version).

Characters in the Japanese/Alpha Renewal Version had super desperation specials they can perform in the air, they have two extra throws, an extra standing combo finisher, they can now jump while dashing (players could dash but not jump in the World/U.S. versions) and do a dashing jump attack, and wake up attack to knock swarming enemies away.

There's additional art, including bonus playable character portraits during the assessments that play at the end of each stage for getting the minimum score which i forgot to mention. Extra background art, final boss cutscene before Stage 5, and the music is improved over the earlier prototype music that was used for the U.S./World versions.

Final Assessment: every arcade version has an end-of stage scoring assessment where if you reach the minimum assessment score requirement you get your health replenished and for every two successful assessments accomplished you also gain an extra life, but only the Japanese and Alpha Renewal Versions have a final assessment after the final stage of the game is cleared to get your true final score tally with a possible 1 Coin Clear (1CC) 1.5 million point extra scoring bonus

Also, one thing i forgot to mention is that in the Japanese/Alpha Renewal Versions, the enemies in stage 3 that jump up from the ground with the wolverine looking claws now die in one hit instead of two, making them far less annoying to fight.

All Comments (3)
  • @drlight6677
    I should really get a mic lol. Audio was fine when I recorded and played it back on my phone, then when I uploaded it to my computer everything was super garbly, oh well. I suggest turning on subtitles/closed captioning and reading my summary of the changes in the video description.
  • @drlight6677
    @0:52 how to toggle 3-Player mode in any of the arcade versions of Undercover Cops @2:18 What is the Alpha Renewal Version of Undercover Cops? @3:50 Claude's moveset @7:03 Bubba's moveset @9:17 Flame's moveset @11:30 and @12:30 difference in Stage 2 opening backgrounds @14:53 Final boss cutscene intro @15:37 Final Assessment (1 Coin Clear for 1.5 million point bonus not shown, i'm not good enough lol) @16:12 Alpha Renewal Version music @17:18 U.S./World version music