Do we need to abandon Einstein? | Eric Weinstein and George Ellis go head to head on wormholes

Published 2023-10-14
Eric Weinstein and George Ellis battle over Einstein's relevance in today's perception of the universe.

This was taken from the debate 'Down the wormhole,' which was filmed at the HowTheLightGetsIn festival in Hay-on-Wye, Wales in May of 2023.

Watch the full debate at…

At the highest speeds of current rockets, it would take more than 100,000 years to reach the nearest star. For Hollywood and the many who want to believe in the possibility of space travel across the galaxy, the solution is wormholes, swirly tubes that allow us to cross vast tracts of the universe and time in a magical jump. Compatible with Einstein's theories, scientists have been reported to have even created them. But critics claim this is false, arguing that we have no evidence for such a thing. The experiment was a simulation of a wormhole and was not real. And even if holes in space time existed travel along them would be impossible.

Should we accept that wormholes are an invention we want to believe but for which there is no evidence? Should we reluctantly conclude that space travel to habitable planets is never going to take place and we will always be alone in the universe? Or is it just possible that our sci-fi imaginings will successfully drive invention?

#DownTheWormhole #WasEinsteinWrong #SpaceTravel

Eric Weinstein is a mathematical physicist and the host of the podcast The Portal. He is the former Managing Director of Thiel Capital in San Francisco and was formerly a Co-Founder and Principal of the Natron Group in Manhattan as well as a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University in the Mathematical Institute.

George Ellis is a distinguished professor at University of Cape Town in South Africa. He co-authored 'The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time' with physicist Stephen Hawking, and is considered one of the world's leading theorists in cosmology.

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All Comments (21)
  • @chris4814b
    Eric's point is that if you want the NEXT Einstein, you gotta break free! Imagine if Albert had only held to Newton?
  • @seananderson127
    Einsteins work is valuable as is Newtons. We do need to break out of Einsteins paradigm, and be serious about it. I imagine Einstein would be the first to agree.
  • @_uncredited
    Unwritten rule of journalism: If the headline is a question, the answer is no.
  • @sidviscous5959
    After all, it was Einstein who said "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
  • @coldpotatoes2556
    I think Eric is in the right century, in 3D mapping a new way was found 4 months ago called Gaussian Scatter using A.I a week ago it’s up to Gaussian Scatter 2.0. The adaptive value of breaking current understandings in order to pursue new ones is obvious.
  • @AriesKJJ2
    It's amusing how many times in my lifetime people have announced that they have disproven Einstein!... and wonderfully hilarious how many times they have admitted Einstein was right after all!
  • @ArtisanTony
    too bad we couldn't watch the whole thing here.
  • @lowket
    The question is valid: proof Einstein wrong. He would be very proud.
  • @kokomanation
    The general theory of relativity is a great mathematical model that describes the mechanics of the universe up to a certain degree I think it is pretty close to perfect but in the very long interstellar distances it is not enough to describe gravity
  • @roelrovira5148
    We don't need to abandon Einstein. He inspired people around the world. He is one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics the most precise model of the microscopic world and the macroscopic world- Special Relativity and General Relativity (GR). Although it turned out lately that GR is wrong and could not be unified with Quantum Mechanics, it nonetheless brought forward winning formula, ways and means of tackling difficult problems in science. It is now up to us to continue his quest for a theory of everything in physics. The key is Quantum Gravitation. We now have an empirical theory of Quantum Gravity- The unitary Trinity God Theory and Equations that are deeply hidden in plain sight and manifested by Quantum Gravitation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Gravitational Quantum Computation. Also, Quantum Gravity is the key to unification of Gravity ang Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Gravity and the theory, mathematics, laws, reproducible experiments and observations that underpinned it, is crucial for an empirical real true Quantum Theory of Gravity that would finish Einstein's Revolution in physics. Problem is that, since the 17th century up to the present, the Mathematics that we have so far cannot solve the problem of quantum gravitation. Mathematics is invented and discovered. That's my personal experience. I've invented/discovered a completely new mathematics in the course of my 30-year-long basic research on Quantum Gravity in Singapore. I called it Majulah Matematika in honour of my home country Singapore. I use it to solve one of the most difficult conundrums in physics- the True Nature of Gravity. In addition, I also have invented/discovered the elusive Magnetic Monopole and the Gravitational Computation Language and Codes that program and run the Quantum Gravitation and the Universe itself as the Ultimate Massive Cosmic Computer System covering the entire observable Universe. Here is one of the many solutions that we can derive from my new mathematics: A Computer Universe that is real. It is run by Quantum Gravitational Computation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Quantum Gravitation covering the entire Universe. An empirical Theory of Quantum Gravity is the key. And it will led us to understanding of how and why Gravity works. It will also at the same time, debunk and invalidate String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, M Theory, Theory of General Relativity and all failed and wrong theories of gravity. But it will proved and validate Einstein's Hidden Variables and EPR's authors Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen correct. The Hidden variables are: Quantum Gravity, Quantum Anti-Gravity, Quantum Neutral Gravity, the macroscopic cosmic scale Gravitational Quantum Entanglement and Gravitational Quantum Computation. All these would complete the Quantum Foundation, Unification of Gravity with Quantum Mechanics and the realization of Theory of Everything in Physics. I have discovered and cracked the code of the true nature of Gravity in my over 30 years of basic research works in Singapore. This discovery/invention/theory of mine include THE GOD EQUATION - THE TRINITY Equations, Laws and Codes For QUANTUM GRAVITATION , QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL ENTANGLE MENT and GRAVITATIONAL QUANTUM COMPUTATION that pave the way for Theory of Everything in Physics: - THE 3-in-1 HOLY GRAILS of Physics: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/0 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α 2. Quantum Gravity/Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/1 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α 3. Quantum Neutral Gravity/Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/01 and/or 10 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α We now have a working Quantum Theory of Gravity that is testable and complete with reproducible empirical experiments with the same results if repeated over and over again and again, confirmed by empirical observations in nature with 7-Sigma level results, guided by empirical Laws, Cosmic/Universal Computation and physical/mathematical Trinity God Equations that are predictive, precise and does no collapse even in high energies of Big Bang and singularity of Black Hole. Quantum Gravity or Quantum Gravitation have three types that are equivalent to and manifested by Quantum Computational Gravitation- the biggest and most powerful Computer Software Program and Hardware in the Universe and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement - a Quantum Entanglement at Macroscopic Cosmic Scale namely: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity = Spin Up Quantum Entanglement State; 2. Quantum Neutral Gravity = Superposition Quantum Entanglement State; 3. Quantum Gravity = Spin Down Quantum Entanglement State. Quantum Gravitation is governed by and follow the unitary Trinity Laws, Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Gravitation, Gravitational Quantum Computation and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement. We now have a new Laws of Physics and two newly discovered Fundamental Forces of Nature - The Quantum Neutral Gravity and Quantum Anti-Gravity which completed the heart of the Quantum Theory of Gravity published in London. Paris and Zurich last December 2022 as follows: 1. First Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Gravitation: “The greater mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum Gravitational Field causes a downward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” - Roel Real Rovira Equation for Quantum Gravity, and Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α Where: QG is Quantum Gravity in Rovira (value of downward acceleration force due to quantum gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in greater mass density of Quantum Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↓α is the Resultant Downward Acceleration of Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. 2. Second Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Anti-Gravity. “The lesser mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum Gravitational Field causes an upward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” -Roel Real Rovira Equation for Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α Where: QAG is Quantum Anti-Gravity in Rovira (value of upward acceleration force due to quantum anti-gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in lesser mass density of Quantum Anti-Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↑α is the Resultant Upward Acceleration of Anti-Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. 3. Third Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Law of Quantum Neutral Gravitation. “The equal mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects and the Quantum Gravitational Field causes a zero acceleration or floating or hoovering of the gravitating Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational Field, instantaneously mediated by Graviton.” - Roel real Rovira Equation for Quantum Neutral Gravity and Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement: QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α Where: QNG is Quantum Neutral Gravity in Rovira (value of zero acceleration force due to quantum neutral gravity) in kg. ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in equal mass density of Quantum Neutral Gravitating Objects to the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3. ↑↓0α is the Resultant zero acceleration or non-acceleration of Neutral Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec. More detailed information could be found on the published papers 2 years ago in London, Paris, and Zurich, online and at the two scientific Journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE. Alternatively, you can google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA to arrive at the published paper on Quantum Gravity. Most recently, additional two well respected scientific journals namely NATURE and the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY APS Physical Review Journals have officially invited this author to submit manuscripts on his Research on Quantum Gravity for publication for PRX QUANTUM in preparation for a celebration for International Year of Quantum IYQ 2025 to showcase the best papers of the year. Copyright 2022 ROEL REAL ROVIRA. All Rights Reserved.
  • @AkiraYuki5150
    Eric criticizes everybody in general terms but doesn't really propose specific plans to replace any of the established ideas he criticizes.
  • @x0rn312
    This is Eric at his best, and George handled it wonderfully...... all around a great panel.
  • @merlepatterson
    Personally, I will not submit to IAI's "Paywall". Tough break for science education.
  • @glenmenas9424
    I've always imagined wormholes and quantum entanglement behaving similarly to magnetic flux but in reality they're most likely entirely different physical phenomena
  • @PerpetualScience
    Well since we're talking about this, how about we look at the flawed determinant of the metric tensor in GR. The determinant of a square matrix can be described in terms of its trace powers alone. Trace powers are found be taking the kth power of a matrix and finding its trace. In differential geometry, the concepts of both finding the kth power of a tensor and finding its trace only make sense for rank-2 mixed index tensors. The metric tensor is covariant though, and finding its determinant is a nonsense operation in GR which is fundamentally inconsistent with the rest of the theory. Either it must have no impact, or GR has a serious flaw. Maybe this is where we should look for the flaw in this potentially effective theory.