Surviving The Harsh Australian Outback | Australia's Wild Places | Real Wild

The Australian desert is home to some of the most deadly animals in the world. In this Real Wild documentary, we explore how animals live in the high heated Australian outback. The famous marsupial kangaroo along with lizards, camels, and wild horses are among these animals. We also see how the bush operates and struggles in the extreme heat, which often leads to uncontrollable fires.

The Australian red desert is named this due to the rocks containing high amounts of iron. In this type of environment, these rocks actually begin to rust. As the rust expands, it weakens the rock and helps break it apart. The oxides produced through this process give the ground its reddish hue.

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コメント (21)
  • I really enjoy such life. Free from traffic and pollution. There is nothing harsh about it. It's just pure nature. You just have to keep some essential things for any emergency.
  • I was curious how people in the middle of Australia survives, considering 85% live at the edges - and searched "Australian outback" this was even more interesting than i was hoping. Thank you for your work!
  • This was fabulous, thank you for sharing it with us. It was very informative , and I enjoyed the indigenous peoples legends relating to the plants and the Elements on which they depend for food, and so much more. A life lived in connection to all life, we need to return to that kind of mindful and balanced way of living before it is too late. This Earth, the Great Mother will survive just fine without us…She will even repair the damage we have done, but we cannot survive without Her and the bounty She provides.🖤🇨🇦
  • “How can these cats survive the desert?!” …They were desert cats before they became house cats. They /came/ from the desert.
  • @Bambisgf77
    This type of documentary is both fascinating & soothing. Thanks!
  • @v-gc7257
    Hopefully we can visit Australia later on. Gorgeous indeed
  • When you have a presentation about Australia 🥹🥹 amazing video btw 👌
  • 7:25 this video doesn't mention that those feral cats in the Australian Outback can grow huge, twice the size of domestic cats.
  • Kangaroos breading to plague proportions? Time for a roo Barbi!