Joe Rogan - Progressives Deny Gender Science

Published 2018-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • @Kakerate2
    "Woman for 6 months and wins woman of the year" LMAO
  • @marlkalone7361
    I identify as Michael Jackson. My pronouns are "He/Heeeeee".
  • @avarmauk
    I want to be accepting, I want to not have bigoted views. But when someone accused me of being transphobic because I said I wouldn’t sleep with a person who was biologically born a man, I really lost the plot. The lady was claiming that you don’t see her as a “real” woman, and I said she’s not. Then I was viewed as Hitler from that point on. Seriously, what is the world coming to. Are we helping people find their true self or exacerbating mental health issues.
  • @shawnwes9023
    I just broke up with a long term off and on relationship because I didn’t agree with call a biological male a “she” in the privacy of my own life. I did not know this person and would probably never meet this person and she told me I was disrespectful and ignorant. It was absolutely mind blowing to me. Just thought I’d share my story on how insane these topics are and what damage they can cause.
  • @waitin4winter
    I'm grateful for shows like this that reassure me that I'm not going insane.
  • @artieche9
    I don’t think children should be allowed to physically transition either. Those are irreversible effects.
  • @johnl262
    "What it is is homophobic" she nailed it. As a gay guy, i have felt this way for awhile. Parents seem to rather have a trans girl than a gay son anymore. A shame.
  • @maroru7577
    This conversation needs to happen every other week. People are nuts ,very touchy on this subject.
  • @magicsteve5523
    “In 10 years time they’ll be no men, no women, just wankers” - Renton
  • @assnat4422
    I am a lesbian and I grew up a tomboy. After hearing all the conversations, I'm glad no one made me transition. That's not who I was. You can't let children decide, you can be compassionate about their feelings but transitioning before 18 is a big no no.
  • Grown ups having a grown up conversation without being shouted down. I would like it if Joe flipped the script and got someone in there who was super into transgenderism. I've taken it upon myself to listen to a few of these folks chatting about their lifestyle or who they are and I'm not going to lie... I have some problems with some of what they're saying. That doesn't mean I'm not like 80% supportive, it just means there's just a handful of aspects I just won't/can't embrace. I have learned they're super touchy about people whom aren't 100% in agreement with their thinking... that for me is always ared flag. Anytime someone is a hundred percent anything and then gives an ultimatum whatever the topic/subject is I can just about guarantee you there's something off
  • @scumemg8021
    Bill Nye isn’t actually a scientist!?!?!?!? I’ve been lied to!😱
  • @louisd100
    The patients are running the asylum
  • Remember the term "tomboy"? Let's bring that back instead of trying to chemically manipulate children who can't yet think for themselves🙄
  • @0023Pr
    "they want the best for their kids" ever hear the saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions? an abuser never tells you im here to abuse you. Never trust someone who talks about how good their intentions are/were.
  • @bergenleigh8256
    When he said Bruce was the Kardashians whipping boy for years when he was the only one in the house with talent 🤣🤣🤣
  • @lennartka4848
    I identify as a light switch. My pronouns are "On/Off".
  • @FightingMexican
    Humans were designed to do one of two things... 1) Give sperm for procreation or 2) Receive sperm for procreation. This means you can either be male or female. It’s really not that complicated.