5 Reasons Why Leaving America for Spain Was the Best Decision for me and my family

Published 2024-05-06
Are you contemplating a move to Spain but unsure if it's the right choice for you? Join me in this video as I share my personal journey and the five compelling reasons why I decided to make the leap from the US to Spain. Whether you're considering retirement in Spain, relocating with a digital visa, or exploring the non-lucrative visa option, this video is packed with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

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#LifeChangingMove #RetireInSpain #LeavingAmerica #NewBeginningsAbroad #BestDecisionEver #digitalnomad

All Comments (21)
  • As a long term(18 years), British born, and very content resident of The Costa Blanca here in Spain, I would like to add a couple of salient points to those already expressed. Firstly, as a "Senior" resident now(I am 74 and partially disabled) I am treated with dignity and respect, unlike
    London(U.K.) where I lived for 12 years and where all too often, I was met with irritation, ridicule, even downright rudeness. Admittedly I live in a small, mostly Spanish "Pueblo" and cannot peak for major urban centres here, but the culture in Spain is just very different and respect for others is ingrained from a very early age. In truth in 18 years here, I have Never felt to be at risk or vulnerable here.
    Secondly is "The way/pace of life" in Spain. What many foreigners may not realise is that the Spanish work the most hours per week of any country in Europe, yet seem to have a far better "Work/Life" balance than virtually any other "First World" country. There is very little social pressure here to drive the most expensive cars, or wear currently, the most fashionable designer labels. Such things are simply unimportant to most Spaniards. So stress levels from the need to compete, are very much lower. I have listed just two examples which are difficult to equate in financial terms, but which are nevertheless important to me, regarding my life here in Spain... Viva Espana..!!!
  • @santosrb2770
    My partner arrived from New York more than 30 years ago, after all these years he's still confident and happy with his decision. Good luck with your new life.
  • @tomtorres212
    To be honest - to this day i don´t understand why the majority of americans don´t angrily revolt against the massive looting commited by the Pharma and Healthcare Insurance Companies.
  • Hi, I,m Frank from Galicia and welcome to España. Every body is bienvenido to Spain. Europ. Be happy
  • @ivearies4187
    I live in Denver. It’s not only the cost of living, but imo,and having lived in different states, Denver has little to offer for the price tag. I am a coastal person and miss being by the ocean. Congratulations! Have a wonderful life in Spain!
  • @MontanezMonti
    I've been planning my move to Spain for the last two years. We will move right after my retirement in December 2025. Either Seville or Valencia. I speak Spanish, so I will be in my environment.
  • @agb2024
    Spain has one the highest life expectancy, if not the highest.
  • @ComdBanana
    Gracias por el vídeo.
    Ya que usted ha sido tan amable con nosotros, le voy a contar un secreto que quizá aún no le haya sido revelado. Guarda mucha relación con lo que ha estado contando, y viviendo en Málaga no solo le será útil, sino también agradable. Los expertos dicen que los productos marinos se asimilan mejor por el cuerpo (¿Quizá porque la vida empezó en el mar?). De hecho, dos de los países con más esperanza de vida, Japón y España (y eso que en Japón el nivel de estrés es muy alto), son de los mayores consumidores de pescado.

    La cocina mediterránea tiene sabrosísimas recetas con pescado y productos del mar, y en España la oferta es muy variada. Viniendo de los EUA, usted posiblemente no esté tan habituado, pero es algo que puede cambiar y, de verdad, es muy rico. Coma pescado, pulpo, u otro producto marino al menos una vez a la semana.

  • @unhagalega
    Bienvenido! Que seais muy felices en España, hoy viernes 17 de Mayo en toda Galicia es festivo, dia das letras galegas
  • @Ilar-en7lg
    Opening hours are much stricter in other European countries such as Germany, so you are lucky to live in Spain in that respect.
  • Bienvenidos...hagamos un mundo menos egoista. Se habrá percatado que para disfrutar de la vida no hace falta tanto; un poco de paz, un poco de comida. La razón junto a la emoción nos proporcionan todo lo que uno puede ansiar, si coge conciencia del paraiso en el que vivimos...Salud y suerte
  • @MR-pr8tp
    Enjoyed your video. I studied in Spain many years ago and am considering moving back even as a senior citizen. If I can make a suggestion: for your video is the background music distracted from your message, as I struggled to focus on your voice. Was too loud for your voice. Great information and again hope this will help me make that scary decision. Thanks for sharing.
  • @Ilar-en7lg
    Regarding the public national healthcare service, it's much better than the private one for serious matters (cancer, emergencies, rare diseases, difficult births, etc) and you should always go there first if you want better service, better doctors, etc.
  • @frgv4060
    I am a northern Spaniard and I also want to live in Malaga 😂, perfect place. That was interesting, thanks.
  • @AmericaToSpain
    Feel free to ask questions about moving to Spain here in the comments.
  • @ReaperOfSouls83
    Many people from the US are moving, to Europe: Spain, Italy, the Netherlands....
  • @leoric18ify
    I am from Malaga but living abroad (Germany). I am actually jealous you managed to move to my hometown, such an amazing quality of life.

    By the picture, looks like La cala above the highway. You need a car though, but great choice!