ao3 saver demonstration

Published 2022-05-06
Chrome extension:…
Firefox extension:

This video shows how my extension ao3 saver works with a real world demonstration of how it helps to recover deleted works.

Note that ao3 saver is only able to save works that where visited while using the extension, although it does provide buttons to help you find deleted works through easily if a work has never been visited by someone using the ao3 saver extension.

Let me know if you have any issues using the extension. I'll be sure to fix any issues with it if there are any.

All Comments (5)
  • @CatMeowMeow
    update: I plan to try and add a couple features in the near future, but I'm not sure how long it'll take. The main idea for a new feature I have in my head is adding a little menu that shows your recently/most visited ao3 works so you won't have to go through your browser history to find a deleted work. You'd just be able to click the extension icon to bring up a menu to see that. I also want to add a visual way in such a menu to show that a work is backed up to give peace of mind that it really is saved. I'll update with another video if/when I'm able to add those features. For now though I'll just monitor things closely to ensure the extension and the server stays stable. Should be no issues but being careful is always a good thing to be.
  • @HyenaPlayGames
    What happens to works that the extension saved but instead of deleted they have been "hidden" or placed on a challenge so people can no longer see it? (This work is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! You can find details here: Unrevealed)