The Flash: Absolute Worst of the Worst

Published 2023-08-03
A solid comic book movie :')

00:00 - Hype Beast
02:21 - "A bat mess."
08:43 - Click bait journalism, flashbacks, and time travel.
16:22 - Barry breaks the universe.
26:12 - Spaghetti time!
28:53 - Rescuing Supergirl & Tone deaf writing.
36:24 - Shankings and reverse Holdo maneuvers.
39:46 - I AM THE FLASH, DR. HAN!

➤ Music:
✘ Title: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys [1 HOUR]
✘ Music: Kevin MacLeod
✘ License: CC BY 3.0 (
✘ Download:

SRC: USUAN1400011
© 2014 Kevin MacLeod

All Comments (21)
  • @MediaMana
    EDIT: Warner Bros ended up claiming the video. So for those of you who've been asking about the increase in ads, that is why. And seeing as I'm an incredibly small channel there's really zero chance I'd be able to dispute it. But the video is still up at the very least (for some reason) so all the usual algo stuff still def helps me out! Had to go a bit overboard with the overlays because YT's copyright bot has been hell bent on blocking the video. If it goes down again I'll try to get it up asap. Either way, hope you all enjoy! ✌
  • @AdianBlack
    Can we all agree that EMiller has the STUPIDEST run we have ever seen in all of human history??
  • @Ki_Adi_Mundi
    "I could drug you? Yeah, I could drug you and then you'd pass out and wake up and you'd forget that anything ever happened and it wouldn't be wrong right...?" Why do I feel like Ezra Miller wrote this himself? 🤔
  • @TheGeekChef
    What kills me is that the blueprint for this film exists in The flashpoint paradox. That movie would have been perfect as a send off for the Snyderverse AND to reboot WB’s entire DC universe. Imagine Jason mamoa and gal Gadot locked in a war, and Jeffery Dean Morgan as Thomas Wayne Batman!!! It’s a missed opportunity not only for a movie, but for the future plans of James Gunn’s DCU
  • @Awaken_To_0
    Paradoxes in the timeline already Flash Spaghetti Want's to save his Mom But he keeps on forgetting
  • @sainttrai
    I find it literally hilarious that he never thinks to check who actually killed his mom, its what the entire plot revolves around
  • @TheCosmicWave1
    “I’m so happy that you find this all so hilarious, but we are dealing with real people’s lives, people’s families. And I don’t think that you understand the gravity of that.” — a quote from Ezra’s lawyers giving them advice somehow made it into the movie
  • @biguy617
    The Flashpoint animated film did this plot better than this terrible movie did too!! What makes me more mad is that this movie doesn’t tell us who killed Barry’s mother in the first place!!
  • @KR-P
    To be fair Batman usually considers Gotham his territory. So for him to ask for help is surprising and does warrant at least a question.
  • I swear episodes of Justice League the animated series is not only written far better than many recent feature films & shows; those writers comprehend heroism soo much better than modern writers cause modern writers have been too busy sympathizing with villains & wanting audiences to sympathize with them too.
  • @shawklan27
    This film was just filled with so many wtf and questionable moments sprinkled in throughout that it made me go "yep this was definitely directed by the guy who did It chapter 2"
  • @_The_Traveler_
    From what I can remember, the lasso of truth doesn't even work that way. Yes, simply touching it even when its not being actively used by Diana can force the truth out of someone, but only when they're already speaking themselves or being asked a question. So like, even if they actively tried to lie, it would just come out as the truth. It doesn't just compel you to speak and admit deeply held personal secrets arbitrarily, it has to be prompted in some way. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe there's a single instance of it being used that way under the direction of a specific writer in a specific issue, but I don't remember ever seeing it work like that (I've been reading comics for almost 30 years). In fact it's quite the opposite, as far as I remember the lasso of Hestia can also be resisted in a handful of ways. If you don't know the truth it won't work to draw it out of you, it doesn't work if you've gaslit yourself into believing the lie or are otherwise disillusioned by the truth, and it can be resisted entirely by those with strong wills. Seeing as how Batman's will is among the strongest in the verse right behind characters like Hal Jordan, it's just goofy to me that he wouldn't be able to casually resist the lasso when it's not even being used directly on him.
  • @optimascrime5235
    I hate how the director not only give the excuse for the CGI being bad but also giving a vital piece of Michael keaton's Batman to why he hung up the cow in an interview piece and the only thing we got close to that in the movie was that Gotham was safe and that's about it😅...He was still the best part about the film and I'd much rather they have randomly done a 3rd Michael Keaton Batman film instead the movie where the criminal badly
  • @bloodrunsclear
    And this is the future of DC. It was nice while it lasted (sometimes)
  • @dah3071
    also might i remind you that the cartoon where flash had to get his powers back, which the totally nicked the visual of the chair and shelves from, actually spoke more to his character as the first failed attempt set him on fire and resulted in him being heavily injured but he still went again because he knew if he gave up the world was fucked and he had to put himself through it to save the world, the flash is a pretty damn good character in that regard despite how goofy he can be he always puts others first and is willing to put himself through hell in the process, this guy on the other hand is a clown person playing dress up by comparison
  • @WEYYYY874
    I’d rather shove a high fluorescent light in my eyeballs then watch the flash, I still can’t get over how a production designer said “this movie will make you forget Ezra Miller’s Crimes.”
  • What's interesting is this film references the Snyder Cut, meaning the Snyder Cut is canon to this movie, which raise more questions about character and time travel inconsistencies
  • @spasebar
    I was so distracted by the constant terrible creative choices in this movie that I didn't even notice the bazillion plot holes. Imagine a movie so bad that what's usually the worst stuff of other mediocre movies goes almost unnoticed here because it's buried in even worse stuff.
  • @keybladegames_real
    Doesn't the lasso of truth make you answer questions honestly instead of just blurting out private information? In the first wonderwoman movie it's used to make people answer questions and cause pain if they resist. They answer what was asked and say nothing else. Now I noticed whenever someone is making so much as the slightest contact with it they just start saying random shit for a laugh.