Looking back at the Supreme Court’s term and its landmark rulings

Published 2024-06-29
As the Supreme Court concludes another term, it is once again reshaping the legal landscape, with decisions on abortion, gun rights, social media and more. NBC News’ Liz Kreutz sits down with a panel of judicial and legal experts to reflect on this year’s rulings and their consequence. NBCUniversal News Group is the media partner of Aspen Ideas Festival.

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#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #abortion

All Comments (21)
  • @dlcs1406
    Roe should have been codified! Thomas's wife is MAGA up to her nose. She was at Jan 6. He should have recused!
  • President, Senate and House election all crucial for America. Vote blue 💙
  • @williamsrdan
    Homeless bans are cruelty. Kicking someone that is down, is cruelty. Destroying/confiscating someone's property is cruelty. These are 8th Amendment violations, medical and financial discrimination. As a person on Disability, govt mandated poverty, I cannot afford housing or a campground, and therefore have no choice but to park on the side of the road. The Safe Parking areas are so restrictive that I don't qualify, since I'm disabled and not going back to work. And they kick people out at 7am, not able to return til 7pm, with no place to go during the day. And forced to this regardless of the medical ability to drive safely at that moment. And they threaten to tow my RV, taking everything I own, because I have medical issues. Again, medical and financial discrimination, and 8th Amendment violations. I've been fighting this locally, after seeing that several cities and counties throughout the country ruled them unconstitutional, and now the supreme Court rules against my life. They think it's ok to criminalize us for being on govt mandated poverty.... I want to sue the SC over this! I've been threatening to sue my county, they've been sued before over these bans. Of course, we don't want people trashing an area, but that's what litter fines are for. They can't treat someone as guilty of a crime they are not committing. I, in an RV, raised to be respectful by my parents, make no mess outside my vehicle, I shouldn't be treated as guilty because other people are guilty. That's injustice. Being Disabled doesn't mean I should lose my Rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Yet cops threaten to take everything I own, and random people threaten to vandalize my shelter. And somehow these people don't think that vandalism is a crime......... 🤷🏻‍♂️ The SC needs to be sued.
  • @dlcs1406
    Sorry George but they mean to completely dismantle those agencies one by one
  • @mrlh61
    The situation is so bad that the whole Roberts court will need to be reviewed and many rulings overturned. Congress will need to begin writing laws to check the courts for corporate and political bias. All protections of corporations over people or liability will need to be stripped. Any action against professional doctors to be stripped because judges are not licensed doctors with credentials to judge health or outcomes.
  • @rt-420
    Landmark rulings are an understatement! No more life appointments, term limits for Supreme Court.
  • @padilla8687
    That’s where the money disappears. A whole lot of kickbacks for the favors! Only the public is dumbfounded.
  • I don't see anything wrong with having demanding a follow-up interview: Any of the justices who sat there in front of Congress and lied out of one of their two faces when they said "I respect settled precedent, and Roe is settled precedent", should be brought before Congress again and asked "So, what's up with that?!"
  • Tenure at the university I taught at was not a guarantee of a job for life. We were assessed yearly, and if our performance didn’t meet a particular level two years in a row, dismissal proceedings could begin. Maybe more assessment and job performance demands would work?
  • Remove and replace Alito and Thomas. They have shown nothing but extreme corruption at the very least.
  • I'm not American, but I'm very sorry that the USA is increasingly similar to a third world country...
  • @Feedme2323
    Didn’t the court just rule on receiving tips. I wonder who will get tips for this ruling
  • @monica8356
    What George doesn’t understand is that the judiciary is ignorant about science. They are really stupid about what nitrous oxide is. Gorsuch proved that. We need experts to decide complicated solutions.
  • The REAL problem with Justice Thomas that NOBODY is talking about is this: The reason HE gives for his "mistakes" of not reporting all these gifts & so on is that he misunderstood the statue and the legal form he was filing out. How is that nobody else find this deeply disturbing? I mean, if the man can't understand a simple statue on ethics, or how to fill out a government form... WHAT is the basis for his ability & authority to decide the most difficult, complicated and important interpretations of laws in the nation?!? HIS OWN explanation for his misbehavior completely undermines his credibility without even examining the ethical issues...
  • Legislation needs to be drafted and brought to the American people for a re-structure of the Supreme Court appointments, and have them accountable as any other federal employee.
  • The court has really changed! Thats an understatement..The future looks bleak.
  • @ksairman
    All of your speakers are focused on the larger picture, the major issue is if the decisions are moved to the judicial, they do not have the numerical capacity to decide in a reasonable time.
  • @viola147
    Something needs to be done and all the talking needs to stop too much talk not any action