Amy Adams Goes All In

Published 2018-08-20
It’s hard to believe that the linguistics professor translating aliens in Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival, the con-woman with fluctuating accents in American Hustle, and the troubled reporter with a turbulent past in HBO’s Sharp Objects were all played by an actress that also sang with the Muppets. Amy Adams’ versatility is matched only by her commitment to these incomparable roles. A talented actress makes you believe her performance; a great one like Adams makes you forget she’s performing altogether. Her acting is convincing no matter what role she takes on precisely because she’s not trying to convince the audience that what she’s doing is real. It is as though she truly is experiencing the events unfolding on screen. From goofy Will Ferrell comedies and offbeat Spike Jonze films, to dark arthouse thrillers and Paul Thomas Anderson dramas, Amy Adams always goes all in. And we love her for it.

For more of our ongoing series, “The Gush,” take a look at our odes to other impeccable performers, like Toni Collette, Aubrey Plaza, Angela Bassett, Christina Ricci, Michelle Yeoh, Jennifer Connelly, and Isabella Rossellini.

All Comments (21)
  • @ArtemisScribe
    Fun Fact: Amy Adams was nominated for the same number of Oscars as Leonardo DiCaprio in half the amount of time.
  • @floraice11
    I still don't understand how Emma Stone won an Oscar for La La Land when Amy Adams didn't even get a nomination for Arrival. Arrival only worked because of Adams' phenomenal talent - we weren't ever guessing at what she might be feeling we just felt along with her.
  • @david-ix7si
    How come Jennifer Lawrence has an oscar and Amy Adams doesn't
  • It's a known fact that no one hates Amy Adams. I mean look at her. So lovable and amazing!
  • @PalmurcioWorld
    That Arrival snub must be one of the worst mistakes the Academy has even made. She truly deserved to win that Oscar.
  • @staredwards268
    Amy doesn’t need an Oscar to be validated. Anyone paying attention already knows that she’s one of the best actors of our time.
  • @NizarNoor
    Give her an Oscar already. Long overdue.
  • @miriamthg
    She is an amazing actress. She deserves an Oscar for sure. After watching her in Sharp Objects she has convinced me even further that she deserves an Oscar.
  • @AskSydneyLipton
    She’s one of those actors that literally just acts in movies and does a great job and doesn’t get involved in scandals or annoys us with overbearing charisma. And might I add that she stays serving us looks 4 daysssss. I don’t know why, I just can’t pick up any dirt on her, I don’t think she’s here to play Hollywood games lol.
  • @Djinnk042
    First saw her in enchanted and I totally believed she was an animation come to life. She's an inspiration 💕
  • @donamirtz
    She made the sharp objects protagonist likeable. She rewritten a character.
  • You're SO right on about Amy's timing of her lines. I've found she's a natural poet, instilling almost a kind of mild iambic pentameter to her dialogue. Listen to her nighttime confrontation of Swanwick in BvS, and how she delivers, "I went into the desert and people died./ It keeps me awake; it should ."
  • @aly8950
    She’s amazing. I especially love scenes where she doesn’t have any dialogue and it just shows her powerful convey of emotions and facial expressions. Not many actresses/actors are very good at that but she absolutely kills it. Especially with every character she plays it never feels forced she’s just a natural more than what she credits herself for.
  • @arontamas5639
    The time she convinced me she's really talented when I saw her performance in Doubt and right after The Fighter...... Two totally different role to play....KILLED IT!!!!! With or without Oscar her talent is undeniable!
  • @MrLasveguinhas
    She is by far my favourite actress. It's funny how people constantly talk about how underrated she is and how she hasn't won an Oscar or whatever, but it's not true. People know how good she is, they know her talent, they appreciate it and she actually is a very profitable actress, so I feel like she's past that stage where she could be defined by having or not having an Academy award, which is exactly where you wanna get.
  • @NavidIsANoob
    After watching Sharp Objects, I am thoroughly convinced Amy Adams is the best actress working in Hollywood today.