Camp camp David snaps (warning language)

Published 2017-10-18

All Comments (21)
  • @trash_panda4117
    the fact that david almost broke down in tears hurts my heart.
  • Max hates David because he cares about something. But David will always care regardless of what Max thinks.
  • I feel like after The Forest this hits even harder. He doesn’t curse no matter how much pain he’s in. He didn’t “snap”, he didn’t curse because he was angry. He did it as a last resort, he spoke Max’s language to try to have a clearer understanding.
  • @GHXST_B01
    I like on how even the nicest person on earth can snap
  • David: “And I’ll never stop trying, because somebody fucking has to...” Me: “THERE IT IS! HE CURSED!”
  • @alexlacaze8773
    I literally flinched when David swore Swearing doesn't bother me at all, I swear too but listening to David- that bothers me right there The sweet bebe counselor-
  • @guardian962
    I love that immediately after that last line, David tells Max to go inside so he won’t get sick. Even when he’s at his lowest point, he still cares about others.
  • Everyone says this broke them or made them sad, but not me. Its more encouraging cause it proves that David will never give up on trying to make things better... “Because somebody FUCKING has to” Now thats hope
  • @pdtrx4900
    A wise man fears three things A storm at sea A moonless night And the Anger of a kind man
  • @katie15732
    When an angry person gets angry: 😐 When an happy person gets angry:😱😰
  • @roonkolos
    I always imagined David snapping in a horrid way This. This was far worse than I ever imagined. If you're going to make a character curse that doesnt do so otherwise, make it count and good god did this one do it almost too well
  • @flamestar7272
    I wish people cared like David I wish I cared like David. I want that something David has
  • @Reviewer2016
    @1:01 it hits me the most because David maybe obliviously to Cameron Campbell being a con man but even he knows he has more important thing in his mind then a camp he's suppose to run.
  • @_random3906
    Why is David my favorite character in Camp Camp? His determination against ALL odds.
  • I love how Max only in this scene represents so much more than a trouble maker kid who gives adults a hard time. Here he represents the struggles we all face as human beings, every time we get pushed down, fail and cry ourselves to sleep. that voice in our head that tells us to give up on life and to stop getting out of bed. Its because of this it shows what really makes David a great character, because he's not someone people who watch this show relate to, that role belongs to Gwen and Max. He represents what we aspire to be. because in the face of the abyss called life he still chooses to try and make his dreams come true no matter what and see the good that's around him, to keep smiling. It's part of the reason Max hates him, he's jealous of the fact this random guy gets to be happy in the face of nihilism, that he can still give a shit when nobody does.
  • @ryanmaclean1720
    tbh this scene is David at his truest self, he is honestly just as unhappy as everyone else, but because of his kindness, we never see it. The fact that this is the only time he swears it telling, he is the guy who is always polite even to the people who walk all over him. The fact that he does swear tells us all the rawness of his character in that moment, and to be frank, because of all the one dimentional or overused characters in media this is the first time in a long time we have a chilling moment of someone brought to their last straw. We can never see a moment like this with Rick or Morty, the closest someone else got to this was with the show Final Space (if you've seen it you know all the moments I'm refering too) and its sad that this kind of chill is a lost art
  • @whichleft9105
    I literally got chills when he cursed that’s how powerful it was to me cause i wasn’t expecting him to curse he is the nicest man on earth
  • @th-wi4kd
    Max: "You're dreams are pointless, stop trying, get with the fucking program." David: "You're right.." Max: Max: "..You're not supposed to fucking agree with me."