Why Klay Chose Luka instead of Lebron

Published 2024-07-19
Why Klay Chose Luka and NOT Lebron

All Comments (21)
  • @abp1400
    No taxes, less drama, a young rising star. Why wouldn't he choose the Mavs?
  • @MADDØG36C
    More likely to win with a young Luka than an old lebron
  • @lancedones208
    Klay said he wanted get back to form without all the scrutiny he was getting in GS. Why would he go to the LA circus?
  • Got to imagine them paying Drayomnd despite all the headaches he's caused them, and not offering him the big pay day had to be a big reason
  • @chocobocooki3
    Texas fans aren't as toxic. It seams Kyrie has been liking it.
  • Luka is young and very good. Luka doesn't have that "if you're not good, then you're gonna be traded fella" type behaviour. If he doesn't perform or does perform, media will not blame him solely or praise Luka and ignore klay if Mavericks lose or win. Luka isn't bigger (not height wise, respect wise) than his coach (Jason Kidd). Mavericks have a better roster that just reached nba finals. Mavericks doesn't have one player controlling the entire front office Mavericks didn't drafted a "trash not nba worthy" son of their star player.
  • @MavDon-qc9tc
    “Better system” my ass 😂 Luka pick and roll is by far a more efficient play than anything the lakers run and Luka generates the e most open 3s itl along with haliburton
  • @KaxMerg
    don’t even have to watch the vid and i know why: 1) Luka is almost half LeBron's age 2) Luka is better rn than LeBron 3) the Mavs made the finals last season while the Lakers did not. pretty easy to understand
  • The basketball fans will always respect Klay. The young kids calling him washed and saying he’s overrated didn’t watch him ball out during his prime. He might have had a bit of a dip but he’s still better than most of the league.
  • @TheGbelcher
    Look, if you aren’t a top 2-3 player in your era, you don’t need to worry about your legacy. Make your money, collect those memories, and have fun. F the fans. F the media. Do you and play your game.
  • @hissoka3138
    A choice between a disfunctional Lakers team and being Lebron's scapegoat every time they lose, constantly blamed by LA fans and a shit ton of extra noise, vs playing for what seems a tight young team in the Mavs that just came off a finals run with Luka being an MVP caliber player and a star that other than complaining too much to the refs doesn't really have any drama and is easy to be around. Not really a hard choice to make if Klay is trully thinking about basketball and trying to win another ring.
  • No one wants to go to the SideShow Lakers, they hired LeBron's podcast buddy and drafted Bronny. That's not a team trying to win, that's a team trying to capitalize on publicity, and any respectable player would not choose something like that.
  • @DrEnxy
    the luka package also comes with a complimentary kyrie
  • @mort996
    No state tax, no Lakers drama and infinitely more chance for another ring, it's a no brainer! Not sure how good that move was on Dallas' part as he seems a little washed but maybe it's more on the mental side, if he wasn't happy with the GSW anymore maybe he can bounce back on the Mavs. Next season will be interesting
  • @hichrisperry
    Klay has the best form in basketball history. I hope he torches the league this year and everyone eats their words. 🔥🔥🔥
  • Kyrie was a big reason he came to Dallas. I’m sure Kyrie told Klay that the Dallas organization and the fan base supported him wholeheartedly despite his controversial past. Being accepted and valued is way underrated when people try to figure out the reasons why people do things that seem to be strange at first glance.
  • @issamelarmi
    Klay wants nothing to do with the lakers and lebron's circus, he wants to play winning basket ball without the useless drama
  • @Hiaki1000
    I don't need a 20 minute video for that - cause he wants a championship and not a front row ticket to Daddy-Son show