SHRIEKY PIE - I'm gonna make you smile (MLP)

Published 2016-10-11
➽ PRINTS of Artwork -


Software used to paint - SAI and Photoshop CC.
Drawing Tablet used - Wacom Cintiq 13 HD

MUSIC: Melanie Martinez - Pity Party
Music Video Link -    • Melanie Martinez - Pity Party (Offici...  

All Comments (21)
  • I really like these bloodstains on the floor, it makes me imagine that a mutation has happened and she is disoriented and relearning to walk
  • @mandyg4144
    Wow when I noticed the tears in Pinkie’s eyes this picture had a whole new meaning.
  • @kangakatt9874
    Neytirix with FNaF: it’s a horror game, so let’s make them adorable chibis! Neytirix with MLP: it’s a kid’s show, so let’s make them nightmare fuel!
  • @lynn6579
    Dentist: Okay open wide please Me:
  • Those people that disliked are just salty their childhood was ruined
  • Dentist:....what the fuuuuuuck! WHAT! THE! FACKKKKKKK!! Edit: pinkie has mastered the victory screech from spongebob
  • @potatocat6342
    I can just imagine her being like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • @colorsrrealduh
    Brain: want some nightmare fuel? Me: no- Brain: clicks on video
  • @pearlescen
    Pinkie was setting up a party for applebloom. Everything was perfect! The cake, the decorations, everything! But everything changed when a dragon got attracted by the scent of cake and came in, the rogue dragon started to break everything while pinkie was picking apples for the cider. Soon the dragon destroyed the cake and everything and left. Pinkie walked in, she was shocked! A little tear was shed, all her hard work, gone! Applejack walked in “oh my! What happened here?” Applejack asked. “I-I don’t know..” pinkie responded. “I just walked in and it was like this.” She said. “Well you better hurry, applebloom is getting suspicious and I cant stall any longer!” She said, a bit worried. Then she walked out the door, wishing her luck. The pink pony couldn’t do this by herself, she needed magic to fix it. She went to the mirror pool. “I-I don’t know... I should’ve learned from last time... NO! I cant let applebloom down!” Pinkie told herself. There was a black liquid in the pool, but she ignored it. She walked it, reciting the spell. When she came out there were no clones, no pinkies. “Huh? Did I say it wrong?” She thought to herself. She then felt a deep pain, like someone was cutting into her chest. She screamed in pain, but no one could hear. Suddenly her body took over and looked in the pool. Pinkie could still think and see, but couldn’t control herself. She saw her reflection and was terrified. Her mouth continued down her chest and into her stomach. It was all bloody and her teeth were bloody are sharp. Her tongue was like a snakes and her eyes were all blue. The pain didn’t stop though. It tore her skin apart leaving a bloody mess, but the poor pony could not scream.
  • @hindrance7775
  • @marypotter5150
    (ew I need practice so I made a backstory sort of thing? Enjoy!) After the destruction of her friends, Pinkie was the only one left. With the fate of the girls in mind, she knew it was only a matter of time until something happened. Until something loomed out of the darkness and turned her into a monster. She had made her friends promise to throw her a death day party when she died- when everything was all smiles and laughter and sunshine. When they had laughed and shook their heads and giggled 'oh pinkie.' In the spirit, she made her last party. HER party. She sat down in front of the sloppily decorated cake, tears swimming in her eyes and her hooves shaking. "Happy death day to me..." she whispered, oblivious to the bright blue of her irises beginning to expand, eating up the white. "Happy death day to me..." She tried for a forced smile, her words choked. "Happy death day dear Pinkie..." Then her pupils began to disappear, the bright color filling her eye like a lightbulb. "Happy death day to-" the candles were blown out, but not by the pony. Her pain-filled scream clawed through the darkness, the ripping of skin and muscle filling the air. After moments, the screams died down as what once was the happy party pony limped from the shadows, tears threatening to roll down her face. Her mouth was curled into a smile that would never end, tearing up her cheeks and down her chest- the fangs she now possessed shined in the fading lights as she tried to gurgle out once last sentence, but all that came out was laughter.
  • @popsocket6885
    Photographer: "Smile like this!" * Shows me their big ass smile. * Me:
  • @ghoul5644
    I love how Neytirix's art has evolved. It was still really good back in 2016, but I prefer the style she uses now. Its always nice to try out different styles, after all.
  • @lumiqes8230
    She: im gonna make you smile! Me: Im actually smiling
  • @opalrice7170
    I've got a spooky story!!! pinkie was the happiest pony in equestria!! And today was fluttershy's birthday! she laughed and played every day...This was normal.Pinkie was baking in sugar cube corner. as usual she ate most of the food in the bakery. until she found something quite strange "GUMMIES" she shrieked with excitement (( ;) )) when pinkie was young . she used to eat only sweet things. so she had so many cavities and loss of teeth. mr and mrs's cake did not want their taste tester to retire. so they got some gumdrops that made teeth grow back, make them clean and more efficient when biting into any thick candy or fruit..pinkies teeth were already a bit sharp now but pinkie was still hungry. she opened the lid and ate all the gummies. she was still hungry. but she heard a crack . did she break something? she walked around...she felt something fill inside her mouth.. it was normal for pinkie to throw up after she ate a bunch of cake ,sugar and sweets. she ran to the bathroom and opened her mouth. when she opened her mouth she could taste gross salty and stinky water. IT WAS HER TONGUE!! "w-what" she said backing away..antothe snap and crack filled the bakery. she looked at her chest . there were spikes running down her chest and to her stomach...she tried to close her mouth but when she did her chest would jerk. it hurt. but then she realized that...those spikes were not spikes at all...THOSE WERE HER TEETH . She heard a knock on the door. "PINKIE" twilight called out for the party pony. SHE COULDN'T LET HER FRIEND SEE HER LIKE THIS!!! the door creaked open ." pinkie is it ok if i set up party now?" that's right it was fluttersy's birthday "y-yesh!" pinkie managed to say.. after a couple hours pinkie's hunger grew intense. Twilight knocked on the bathroom door as all of her friends were out dancing. "play w-wish out me" pinkie hissed. "pinkie are you ok?" twilight said in a alarmed tone 'IM FINE" pinkie growled. twilight opened the door and was about to speak until she saw her friend "p-pinkie" the baker turned around and roared "I SAID GO!!" the hunger was now unbearable her friend was there, pinkies like blue light bulbs. her mouth unlatched. she lunged at twilight. swallowing one of her best friends . she turned 'HUNGRY" she was no longer in control on the inside she was screaming as her teeth crunched against the last of her friends. swallowing the bitter taste of the matalic substance that was her friends. she was crying as she laughed manically."HAHAHAHAHA" it was now her party....and....she could cry....and she wants to (dont eat gummies)