Worst MMO Ever? - Albion Online

Published 2023-03-17
Thanks to Albion Online themselves for being brave enough to sponsor their own 'Worst MMO Ever' episode without censoring the script, that takes guts.

Try the game here: albiononline.com/ref/6HL4R28FMD

(that's a link so they know you came from this video)

There's also an official starter guide vid here:    • Albion Online | Start Your Journey Right  


Albion Online is a sandbox mmo advertised by an old man with a croaky voice, it's a game about crafting and then fighting and dying and losing all your crafting tools and feeling silly while you punch a tree with your bare hands.

It's a sandbox which historically struggle to gain or keep players, but does Albion buck the trend by having JUST enough framework to guide players like me?


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All Comments (21)
  • @SoulSearcherr
    The fact that they sponsored their own episode, they got my respect.
  • Having the balls to do a sponsorship like this means you have faith in your product. It may not be the best but it just needs to be competent enough to be fun.
  • @SirRadington
    I have to admire the absolute confidence you'd need to have in your game to willingly pay someone to make a video review of it in a series called "worst MMO ever" that takes balls.
  • @andershusmo5235
    I remember trying this out several years ago, though I only played for a few days. My favorite memory was discovering the price differences between the local markets and that I could actually make a profit as a merchant, buying and selling according to supply and demand. A very meager profit, admittedly, and I would probably have been better off gathering and selling resources like everyone else. But it was just so fun to find my own path and my own way of doing things. No guides, no optimal strategy, nobody telling me that being a merchant was even a thing you could feasibly do - just me, a messy handwritten page in a cheap notebook of the latest prices of various goods, and frantically making the run between the markets to try and stay ahead of price shifts. I'm happy to hear the game is doing so well, I think I might give it another shot!
  • Having the player-made stuff distributed to other players in drops is literally the coolest thing ever.
  • @redzig2235
    Wow Albion online. Getting your game on "worst MMO ever" and giving the host full permission to tear you apart is a bold move. I'm glad it payed out for you. It shows me confidence in your game and being humble about showing flaws. More games need to advertise like this. I'm gonna give it a try. I hope Josh Strife Hayes gets more ads like this.
  • @natsuki9465
    Im glad Im getting ads for Albion on this Albion Online video sponsored by Albion Online
  • The "being in your class and you calling out some youtubers and their behaviours" bit throughout the video was really on point had me chuckle every time, without fail. Great video!
  • @DragonlordN7
    Whenever another YouTuber mentions DougDoug I am both shocked and appalled as I am reminded that Doug is a real human who actually exists and has an online presence and isn’t just some cosmic entity that appears on Twitch every so often to destroy my speakers.
  • @Paladin-ev1gg
    "RuneScape and Diablo had a kid but then abandoned it and the kid was the found and raised by Ultima and Eve Online". Jesus that killed me. I'm Albion veteran with 4k+ hours and I have enjoyed your video. Keep doing.
  • 8:13 Are you kidding? CB's attention would have left the room LONG ago lmao.
  • @efestus5
    as someone that played for nearly 100 hrs, i have to say that the part that killed it for me was the fact that any loot you get can be easily stolen by a gank squad, beacuse of this you cannot enjoy anything you get, because at any moment it could be taken
  • @DabbleDo
    I’m imagining the entire Albion marketing team, taking shifts refreshing YouTube until this video finally pops up. They rally the group, followed by 32 minutes of studious silence… “I’m giving Albion an A-“ Confetti, cheers, hugs. A group of full-grown adults, gleefully celebrating getting a gold star from teacher 🥳 Well done, everyone involved!
  • @AntonioZL
    While I don't play Albion anymore, it's a great game. As an economist, the realistic player driven economy is amazing. A few years ago, me and other economist friends started a merchant guild where we made profits doing price arbitrage; basically, buying low in low demand cities and selling high in the most populous ones. We also ran our own shops and etc. We haven't played in a while, but it was really fun seeing a bunch of adults (some doing their Phds) applying economic principles to an MMORPG and having lots of fun. :D
  • @andredemenech
    I have recently crossed a thousand hours in this game. For someone who doesn't seem to have hundreds of hours, I think you have done an excellent analysis of it. I could only think: imagine the amount of experience this guy must have had in other games to achieve such a quick grasp of how this works. Well done!
  • @hughquigley5337
    I have never really been into these kinds of games, but like many people in this comments section have said, this was a really convincing video. Despite the run-of-the-mill sewer vermin (aka "skilled players that camp and needlessly kill totally naked, new players for no reason"), this game looks like it could be fun! I might try it out. Thanks Josh
  • @nightlord531
    The black market concept of getting loot drops made by other players sounds really interesting, not heard any other MMO with such a system.
  • @wakuwaku6647
    "it's a game about crafting, making thing, fighting, dying, losing those thing and then crafting them again" You explain this game so well, I love it
  • @scarecrow5476
    If you plan on playing this game solo, without friends then DON'T. You will get bullied by higher level players and they will ruin your days. If you plan on joining a decent guild also DON'T because you will become their little slave until you get kicked for some b.s. or you realize you're being used and leave.