genetically modified grasshopper mouse

Published 2007-06-25
A genetic mutation in grasshopper mice changes their vocal patterns as heard in this video.

All Comments (21)
  • @gummyboots
    I've been coming back to this video since it was uploaded. If those first two "howls" don't get you, that last one will fucking slaughter you. The first time I saw this I damn near pissed myself laughing, but now it is one of the few things that can make me laugh every time I see it. I wish I could send the dude who made this some money or some shit, because this is comedy gold. Fuck that, comedy platinum, and it's also criminally stupid, but just stupid enough to work.
  • @spartan1010101
    that last howl got me; I was fine before but that last howl was too much hahahaha
  • @TheGlave80
    Hahahaha dude I was watching this at 2am and woke up everyone.
  • I'm trying to remember this video that had this clip in it, it had something to do with metal gear and towards the end the mouse was screaming to dramatic music or something.
  • @Sewshii
    Has anyone just forgot the entire point..?
  • @JOELwindows7
    2007. The day when YouTube is young and full of parodies as well.
  • @Happyman1773
    Expected a mouse that had the body of a grasshopper, I've been left disappointed
  • @253d5
  • @dudefromacountry
    If you listen VERY closely, I think you can almost tell that the howl has been added in post-production.
  • @egiltv1
    Gotta love shark gulp in the beginning
  • @E7FiretrUCK
    Id want one of those in my bedroom so he can deafen me while i sleep soundly.
  • @Halo35671
    I like how the shark makes a mom noise.