10 Overhyped Games That Died the Fastest

Published 2023-08-24

All Comments (21)
  • @siguropre6565
    My father over-hyped my arrival to the world then suddenly vanished.
  • @mirrorrorrim
    I was honestly REALLY surprised Anthem wasn’t on here. It was supposed to be the “Destiny Killer”, yet EA stopped supporting it like 2 weeks after it came out. I was so hyped for it, and actually loved the movement system. Probably would’ve given it more or a chance had they not given up 2 weeks after launch.
  • @demongoddess2012
    Most of the games on this list had one thing in common. They leaned heavily into online multilayer experience (I loved Evolve and Colonial Marines and really wish they didn't flop)
  • @viewingclub2646
    Let's be clear, Overwatch didn't just release within weeks of Battleborn... they put their free to play trial weekend on Battleborn's launch day/weekend. It was a targeted assassination, knowing that people wouldn't commit to buying a game on release if they could try the "competition" for free. I played both that weekend, and the Battleborn servers were just far too quiet, and because of that it just never got up to a sustainable population even though it was the game I enjoyed far more out of the two.
  • @JonoSSD
    The funniest thing about Colonial Marines is how a modder changed like a single value in the game's code and it essentially fixed the Aliens' AI.
  • @CuriousMind477
    Marvel's Avengers was really the one that hurt the most for me. After playing through the story I could really see the potential in there, and how great it could have been if the devs weren't so focused on the microtransaction crap
  • @Duke_Lindenhurst
    I was part of the Community Management team for the original "The Culling" game. It definitely did not die because of PUBG's release, which was a bit more than a year later. It died because gribsoteur, the Lead Dev at the time, was concerned about the future of the game when big streamers started bringing up balance suggestions and concerns regarding gameplay exploits like teaming up in strict free for all gamemodes. It was then decided unanimously to change up the gameplay according to community feedback which lead to hardcore players being pandered to and casual players losing a lot of agency, since either you ran Meta Builds and Meta Strategies or you were annihilated. Tons of perks and loadouts were removed from the game entirely and the fallout from those decisions made the playerbase dwindle until the playerbase had dropped to about 500 players just a few months after release. In 2017, right before PUBGs official early access release, The Culling already only had a playercount of 300 or less players.
  • @DaHobbles
    Battleborn was so much fun! The taunt mechanic was so hilarious! Super nostalgic seeing it again
  • @destroyer-yf3lb
    fun fact: aliens colonial Marines horrible enemy ai was actually caused by a typing error and modders only needed to change one character in the code to completely fix the AI so it worked as intended.
  • @markymark417
    Evolve definitely fizzled, but before the meta formed and balancing issues took place, that initial period of learning the game and playing with friends was so much fun.
  • @jtvenable11
    Not having Anthem on this list is a federal crime
  • @xplayman
    I loved Evolve. From playing during the Closed Beta I said it would be the Game of the Decade. Then it launched and the game's performance was significantly worse than the beta which was pretty much flawless. And it remained broken like that for over a year. I mean I was getting 1 frame per 7-12 seconds on the latest GPU. When it went free to play it was still broken until finally a couple patches later it finally worked. By then the game was dead.
  • @tin9524
    BRINK comes to mind too. It was one of those games back in late 2000s that had incredible demo video showing of parkour FPS in an interesting setting with unique base/match rules that were attached to cool post-apocalyptic lore reminiscent of Water World -- no one really knew the genre of the game besides that. On release it didn't land it's ideas.
  • @miloskesegic863
    I like how they didn't even mentione Lawbreakers, it died so fast nobody even realized it existed.
  • @notoriousrjg9257
    I remember when evolve came out, it was the reason I went out and bought a ps4. It wad a lot of fun at first, but it got repetitive really fast, especially if you didn't play online. It's a shame. It had such promise but greed ruined it
  • @terribletruth8201
    > Devs: We're going to make it live service > Players: We don't want live service > Live service made anyways > Devs: Why didn't our game do well
  • @Quick-Silver206
    You guys should do a video about unexpected successful games. Ones people expected to just be middling but became really special.
  • @OldManWithers13
    Man, just seeing Evolve and Battleborn gave me all the feels again. Miss those two games, I truly do. And also surprised I didn't see Anthem on this list, which is another I miss.
  • @tt128556
    Forspoken deserved to be on this list.