I Evict Airbnb Squatters Every Time with this Trick.

Published 2023-10-08
When Elizabeth Hirschhorn’s Airbnb stay ended in April 2022, she simply didn’t move out. She’s been living there rent-free ever since, and she refused to budge unless Jovanovic paid her a relocation fee of $100,000

Dr. Jovanovic, who owns a dental surgery practice in Santa Monica, rented out his accessory dwelling unit via Airbnb to Hirschhorn, whose Airbnb stay ended in April last year, according to the Times. She hasn’t paid rent since.

Hirschhorn’s attorney told the Times that "she was not required to pay rent because the city had never approved the unit for occupancy and that its shower was constructed without a permit.

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All Comments (21)
  • @AirbnbAutomated
    🎥VIDEO: The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Starting an Airbnb Business https://youtu.be/HMqsZBUA_Ks 🎥VIDEO: Top 10 Airbnb Must Haves https://youtu.be/tlxRarLHGIA 🎥VIDEO: My Most CURRENT Market Research Video https://youtu.be/1JplgI36rYI 🎥VIDEO: My 5 Methods of Airbnb Arbitrage https://youtu.be/VSRy_JRdXew 🎥 PLAYLIST: HOW TO PITCH AIRBNB ARBITRAGE youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjdl1yk0inrX0qF5DD_hi6J… 🎥 PLAYLIST: AIRBNB FURNISHING AND DECOR youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjdl1yk0inrXJ03ikusjpi8…
  • @xordoom8467
    A guy I know removed Squatters from his rentals by paying associates to move into the rental as Squatters themselves that basically forced out the original Squatters because they made living there a living hell. Typical within a week the Squatters are gone and the associates move out having done a great job....
  • @johndoe6859
    My sister had a rental in Arizona. Squatters moved in. Pay 1 months rent. She went through the courts, 6 months. Then got the eviction notice. The cops would not serve the eviction. They claimed they were to busy. She called me. I did some quick research. Once a tenant stops paying they no longer have a right to the property, and the property owner can re rent the property. I rented the house. I pulled up in the front yard, in my F150. Turned lose my Rottweiler. I had key's. I let my self in. They were flipping out. Called the cops. The cops left. I began dissembling the home. Removed door, water heater, disabled the A/C, the morning of the third day they left and were never heard from again.
  • @Crowdreactions-
    I had someone try to squat in my Airbnb. As soon as I realized what he was doing I kicked the door down and told him he either leaves peacefully or we are going at it. He replied “you legally can’t kick me out”, without saying a word I grabbed him and physically threw him out the door with his belonging. The next day police came and told me they were notified that I kicked out a squatter. I replied “I have no clue what you talking about, I’ve never had anyone squat in my place”. With no evidence they left and that was it. Nice and easy, no money lost, no violence and no courts involved.
  • @ventureted
    If the judge says "tenant" owes no rent because its not a rental then hes not a landlord and landlord tenant laws don't apply.
  • @mrfine00
    Since the guest house was built out of the code, the owner can be able to shut off the utilities for the safety of the premise since it was not code compliance.
  • @jupitereye4322
    In Serbia, you pay a few hundred euros to a few guys and they evict, no problem. They simply take people out, take the furniture out, replace the lock, and that is that.
  • @terry_willis
    This is why the Mafia was invented. "Hey, Tony, I got a job for ya."
  • @ocean12
    After years of being taken advantage of by squatters and corrupt politicians, why in the hell would anyone still own rental property in CA?
  • @MikhaelWebb
    She agreed to paying rent to stay in the guest house, then she stopped paying rent. I don't understand why anyone would try to defend her, even if the guest house wasn't up to code. California is the gutter of justice
  • @AndreaJeanne88
    The thing I don’t understand is if the landlord doesn’t have landlord rights and can’t charge rent how is she considered a tenant and how does she have tenant rights? Just per definitions, a tenant is someone who rents a space and pays rent.
  • If it is illegal to occupy then she should be removed. Anyone squatting in my property is stealing from me and my family. They will be removed!
  • @magicworld3242
    What the landlord can do is get his buddies to come over and live there for free. Have them make as much noise as possible.
  • @EricMiller
    Here in Phoenix an owner of an apartment building that became a drug trap den and he wanted to get the dredges out. He offered to let the local fire department run drills on all the floors of the building making it unbearable. It worked. Thank you for the fantastic video!!! Keep up the great work.
  • @mountdoomee
    Squat on the squatter, move a friend in with a new lease
  • @popquizzz
    You may not be able to shut off utilities like Internet, but you can slow down the speeds so much that it becomes impossible to do anything online. Just ask a network engineer like me.
  • What people keep leaving off this story is that she was booked off the Airbnb platform when her original stay ended. He let her stay on without getting the proper protections: Lease, deposit, credit references, etc. So she wasn't an Airbnb guest at the time she started squatting. she was a former Airbnb guest. He did screw up by not making sure the ADU was legal but also in not getting a lease agreement and deposit. Pretty dumb. That said though, the woman is a leech.
  • @alfr1
    My Uncle had some real squatters move into his home and claim they rented it furnished from "Joe Smith" (Not a real name), so he asked for the best advice, then printed 10 copies of a ONE Percent purchase contract for the home, gave one copy to each of his 5 big friends, and took the other 5 to the courthouse and registered them. Then they all took their sledgehammers and sleeping bags and went to the house, broke in the barricaded back door the squatters had got in through, and when the cops got there the men had papers and the squatters had nothing. Cops arrested the squatters for threats. House was repaired and sold in a month. After it was all over, her gave a big barbeque, and 100 dollars, to each friend and burned the papers at the BBQ. (His lawyer gave him the advice.)
  • He’s not a landlord according to the court. Therefore she is nothing more than an uninvited trespasser. So he can just kick her out.
  • @momdad8771
    When I was renting units I always had them sign that all rooms were common areas…that way if they don’t pay rent..I can also have access to all common areas..which is everywhere. Bring my friends over and watch the tv..eat the food…and use the crapper…crawl into bed when they are in bed..lol..they leave after a few days..