This BLOODBORNE BOSS made me question everything

Published 2024-04-01

All Comments (21)
  • Jev, I think your muscle memory of Elden Ring is working against you here. In Elden Ring the bosses had really delayed attacks so you'd wait right before they hit you to dodge. Bloodborne doesn't have many delayed attacks so you should dodge as soon as you see the attack coming in most cases
  • JEVS GOTTA MASH R1 L1 L1 L1 for a lotta damage. Also beast bosses accumulate limb damage so the more you attck a specific limb the more you stagger them. Good luck hunting Jev!!
  • @Bubbaboy5548
    Hey Jev, never thought id be the type to make a comment like this but here i go. my name is joseph and im 19 years old, ive been a fan of yours for quite some time and am currently in hospital for a Stem Cell Transplant. in between the rounds of meds your bloodborne videos have brought happiness to my life so thank you Jev and goodluck moving foreward! (right outside the door to amelia if u go left theres a pathway to the next area)
  • @demodemascus8164
    Jev, your dodge has an incredibly quick "cast time" (cant think of another name for it) but equally short Invulnerability frames and dodge distance. Basically, when fighting most bosses, especially those with sweep attacks, try to dodge THROUGH the weapon/attack to a spot of safety. If you dodge in the direction of the weapon, you basically float within the hitbox with invulnerability until the invulnerability runs out, but the attack's hitbox is still there, and you're still inside of it, which is a reason as to why you kept getting hit during the Vicar Amelia fight. Think of it like sekiro deflecting, you have to time it perfectly, much like other souls games, the window is simply smaller.
  • @dragonxz4832
    Jev continuing to play bloodborne is the best gift while being sick
  • @innosar1142
    Also, at the cathedral ward, if you head straight, to the right before the stairs, there should be a monster with a bag. Let it kill you. You'll be transported to a new location. If it doesn't appear, might have to progress a bit further into the game.
  • @cowan1234
    id watch 50 episodes of this. 100% you should just do all the optional stuff + DLC. its worth it
  • @Cie3lo
    “Darkness, blood and hair” is the best encapsulation of bloodborne
  • @itagami3652
    Glad ur sticking to the bloodborne playthrough Jev!
  • @dylanwatts159
    Bloodborne can be summed up in two statements: There are enemies with hair and claws. There are enemies with tentacles and eyes. Bloodborne is Werewolves and Cthulhu: the game.
  • @sourkoyote
    Jev before bossfights: 😃 Jev during bossfights: 😡🤬😣😩 Jev after bossfights: 🤭😊🤪
  • @glitchmasers
    Couple tips for you Jev: 1. For bosses start using your gun to your advantage. Most bosses you are able to parry, and for larger bosses you are able to shoot their head to cause them to stagger. 2. Take advantage of the saw cleavers transformation move set (R1, L1, L1, R1). It staggers enemies like crazy, increases damage because it has a multiplier when you build a combo with it (not sure the specifics but there’s good videos detailing Bloodborne damage multiplier math) and builds up CRAZY amounts of extra damage when you use a beast blood pellet. 3. Speaking of beast blood pellets, they are incredibly useful but I recommend using them only when you are confident in your ability to dodge a bosses attack. You take increased damage when you have a beast blood meter active, and the higher it is the more damage you’ll take Loving the videos, keep it up. The best is still ahead!
  • @tonci702
    Start doing combos like R1 L1 L1 because every combo multiplies so the first R1 hit is 1.0X damage then L1 is 1.2X and another L1 is 1.4X and so on Also combos fill up your beast meter faster after you use a beast pellet
  • @aced9706
    I imagine the bosses scream so much because the beast transformations probably cause a massive amount of pain
  • @Stepbrohelp
    By the way Jev that door next to the chest at the bottom of the stairs is ALWAYS going to be closed. The devs intended to have that area connect with the end of a bridge closer to the spawn location. For some reason they left the door in but never put in a way to open it.
  • @hsen4912
    Jev insight is a very weird system but basically the higher the insight the faster the frenzy meter bar fills up and having enough insight let's you see "weird stuff" and I think even changes the attack of some enemies
  • @gmar0547
    So just for some backstory on what the lore is here TLDR version Yarnham (the city of the entire game) basically started using beast blood to heal people from all afflictions, however this caused many of them to later become beastmen. The hunt is basically like “The Purge” where people go and kill the beasts at night, but they soon start losing their minds. After the fight with Amelia the cutscene between those to guys are basically leaders of the Church, one of them, the man on the rocking chair, wants to ascend to godhood using eyes (aka insight) Lawrence wants to use the “good” blood to advance humanity. Again TLDR version but that’s pretty much the gist of what’s going on right now. Things get crazier later on.
  • @Drake13266seven
    A couple of tips: - The transformation attacks are great at building your beasthood meter, so when you're using beast blood pellets they're basically needed to get beasthood up really high which will do significantly more damage. Higher insight also decreases your beasthood meter, so you want to probably have 0 insight going into a boss fight that you plan on using beast blood pellets in. - Levelling vitality is really strong since blood vials always heal 40% of your max health, whether you have 10 or 99 vitality, so vitality also in a way is how you upgrade your healing. - Fire paper is also very good to have, especially against beast enemies. You can buy both it and beast blood pellets using insight from the insight messengers in the Hunter's Dream. - You can kinda spam R1 in fights and shouldn't go for charged R2s unless it's a boss that does stagger (which there are almost none of). - For beast bosses, you really can just dodge to the left and behind the boss and hardly ever get hit. There's almost no attacks in the game you want to dodge away from, you're always forward dodging and staying in the fight. This game is way higher tempo than Elden Ring or Dark Souls.