Did JESUS Study BUDDHISM in India? The Untold Story of His Missing Years

Published 2024-06-26
Did Jesus spend his "lost years" studying Buddhism in India? It sounds crazy, but what if there's more to this story than meets the eye? 🤔
Join us as we dive into one of history's most intriguing mysteries. We'll explore:

The 18-year gap in Jesus' life that has puzzled scholars for centuries
Ancient texts that hint at Jesus' journey to the East
The striking similarities between Jesus' teachings and Buddhist philosophy
The controversial theory of Jesus surviving the crucifixion and retiring in Kashmir
What do modern scholars and skeptics say about this mind-bending idea?

This video will challenge everything you thought you knew about one of history's most influential figures.
🔍 Uncover the hidden connections between East and West
🧘‍♂️ Explore the possibility of Jesus as a secret yogi
🌏 Travel the ancient Silk Road in search of truth

Interested in diving deeper? Check out these fascinating books mentioned in the video:

"The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" by Nicolas Notovitch: amzn.to/4eHgDee
"The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi H. Dowling: amzn.to/3XDW3FC
"Jesus Lived in India" by Holger Kersten: amzn.to/3XEVpYE
"The Lost Years of Jesus" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet: amzn.to/4cVoRy3

Warning: This video may seriously expand your mind! 🤯

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more mind-bending explorations of history's greatest mysteries!

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#JesusInIndia #LostYearsOfJesus #SpiritualMysteries #HistoricalSecrets #BuddhistJesus

00:00 - Introduction
02:27 - Chapter 1: The Missing Years of Jesus
04:22 - Chapter 2: The Buddhist Connection Theory
05:54 - Chapter 3: The Legend of Saint Issa
09:14 - Chapter 4: Matt's Journey
09:47 - Chapter 5: The Kashmir Connection
11:29 - Chapter 6: From Scrolls to Screens
15:45 - Chapter 7: Teachings Across Borders
18:39 - Chapter 8: The Skeptic's Corner
20:32 - Concl

All Comments (21)
  • @BuddhasWizdom
    "🕵‍♂ Welcome, spiritual detectives and history enthusiasts! 🕵‍♀ You've just stumbled upon the cosmic crossroads of East and West. Whether you're team "Jesus definitely went to India" or "No way, he stayed in Nazareth," we want to hear your thoughts! 🤔 What's your take on the "Jesus in India" theory? 🧘‍♂ If Jesus did study Buddhism, how do you think it might have influenced his teachings? 🌟 What other historical mysteries would you like us to explore next? Remember, the journey of discovery is just as important as the destination. Let's keep the discussion respectful, open-minded, and as enlightening as a conversation between Jesus and Buddha over a cup of chai! ☕🙏
  • @SeahawkMoments
    The beauty of Buddhism is to “find out for yourself. Be curious. Don’t just follow what someone says or writes.”
  • @johnl-1297
    He studied in the Middle East ...being Buddhism was a well known philosophy at the time in the Middle East and levant ...Buddhism was a well known philosophy in Greece and Afghanistan as well...
  • Why is it surprising? Buddhism travelled East and West. Even today many westerners seek spirituality in the Indian traditions. India is the holy land.
  • @kenmorales9855
    I always felt when Jesus says [paraphrasing] "Only through me lies the Kingdom of God" he wasn’t trying to literally gatekeep the salvation of Christians, but trying to say "Be like me, listen to my teaching from me, and through me you will find the Kingdom of God for yourself." Also, the "Wages of sin is death" isn't a condemnation to Hell and Damnation, but more of a warning "Hey, if you keep doing bad stuff, its going to get you killed." Like if you look at what Jesus says through a practical lens rather than a mystical supernatural one, what he says kinda makes sense. But it's been distorted and misunderstood because of improper context.
  • It too much a coincidence that the teaching of Buddhism and Jesus are very similar its really having a open mind and open heart... Thank Matt your the best
  • @gekiryudojo
    I study Dzrogchen buddhism I don’t even believe my own story let alone anybody else’s. even the Buddha said don’t just have faith and believe anything question everything..
  • If I am a Buddhist, why would I even care if this mythical person ever found the Dharma? This is for Jesus believers to think about.🤓
  • @ani1151
    I had the same thought for awhile now. The people I had expressed this idea to had basically shoot down the possibility. However, I feel believing in God gave me a sense of hope that I didn’t get from the teaching of the Buddha. The Buddha taught us to believe in no one else but ourselves…. And then not even ourselves because there’s no self. Very complex. I find believing in God is much more peaceful and hopeful at times.
  • Even lord Buddha traveled around following 4 teachers one after another, including what's now called Jainism from its founder.
  • @GinaHigbie-x2g
    Wonderful summary of the sources of the Jesus in India theory. It’s no wonder that mainstream religious organizations would quickly dismiss this information…it would destroy their institutions!
  • @EtKlarereSinn
    Lord Buddha explains quite detailed in "Brahmajāla Sutta" how prophets like Jesus, Mohammed etc., and the gods of these religions, came to have their understanding of their reality. However, what I find particularly fascinating about Lord Buddha's explanation is that he actually explains the universe is expanding and contracting, additionally he says that the universe at this time is expanding. This is quite specific if you ask me, modern science relatively recently figured this out 😊 Here comes a small extract from the sutta: “There are, bhikkhus, some recluses and brahmins who are eternalists in regard to some things and non-eternalists in regard to other things, and who on four grounds proclaim the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal. And owing to what, with reference to what, do these honourable recluses and brahmins proclaim their views? “There comes a time, bhikkhus, when after the lapse of a long period this world contracts (disintegrates). While the world is contracting, beings for the most part are reborn in the Ābhassara Brahma-world. There they dwell, mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And they continue thus for a long, long period of time. “But sooner or later, bhikkhus, after the lapse of a long period, there comes a time when this world begins to expand once again. While the world is expanding, an empty palace of Brahmā appears. Then a certain being, due to the exhaustion of his life-span or the exhaustion of his merit, passes away from the Ābhassara plane and re-arises in the empty palace of Brahmā. There he dwells, mind made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And he continues thus for a long, long period of time. “Then, as a result of dwelling there all alone for so long a time, there arises in him dissatisfaction and agitation, (and he yearns): ‘Oh, that other beings might come to this place!’ Just at that moment, due to the exhaustion of their life-span or the exhaustion of their merit, certain other beings pass away from the Ābhassara plane and re-arise in the palace of Brahmā, in companionship with him. There they dwell, mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And they continue thus for a long, long period of time. “Thereupon the being who re-arose there first thinks to himself: ‘I am Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. And these beings have been created by me. What is the reason? Because first I made the wish: “Oh, that other beings might come to this place!” And after I made this resolution, now these beings have come.’ “And the beings who re-arose there after him also think: ‘This must be Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. And we have been created by him. What is the reason? Because we see that he was here first, and we appeared here after him.’ “Herein, bhikkhus, the being who re-arose there first possesses longer life, greater beauty, and greater authority than the beings who re-arose there after him. “Now, bhikkhus, this comes to pass, that a certain being, after passing away from that plane, takes rebirth in this world. Having come to this world, he goes forth from home to homelessness. When he has gone forth, by means of ardour, endeavour, application, diligence, and right reflection, he attains to such a degree of mental concentration that with his mind thus concentrated he recollects his immediately preceding life, but none previous to that. He speaks thus: ‘We were created by him, by Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. He is permanent, stable, eternal, not subject to change, and he will remain the same just like eternity itself. But we, who have been created by him and have come to this world, are impermanent, unstable, short-lived, doomed to perish.’ “This, bhikkhus, is the first case. The full sutta can be read here for those who are interested: https://suttacentral.net/dn1/en/bodhi?lang=en&reference=none&highlight=false
  • @RabanisLarry
    I pray every day for every day life, I pray no object in front me, because I'm experience God spirit talk to me in 2003&2014 I meet jesus Christ, she's watching for my prayers in front of me in short distance...
  • @georgerobin4672
    The Buddha after his Enlightenment had many followers who also became enlightened from his teachings over the course of 2,000 years or more. Many were omniscient who were mainly from India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Japan and so on. As far as I know these beings mention of Jesus could have been recorded but I have yet to come across it. Accept for one enlightened teacher who said that Jesus did visit lands between his home and India (but never reached India). He visited many monasteries along the way and did learn some of the teachings. At that time the Mahayana teachings of Amitabha Buddha and Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pureland teachings) were popular in the region. Jesus, once back in his home most likely misunderstood these teachings, Amitabha was interpreted as God and the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pureland) was interpreted as the Kingdom of God. The teachings though quite parallel but took different directions. So, the message took different meanings. Amitabha' s Pureland teachings were taught by the Buddha and to this day, it is the most important teachings in Mahayana Buddhism. The death of Jesus from crucifixion at age 30 was a complete tragedy but turned somehow to be the salvation of mankind or thereabouts....
  • @LookDeepWithin
    I totally respect Buddha 🙏🙏🙏 And I want to sincerely practice His Paths and Skills, on Enlightenment and Nirvana.
  • @Dragon_Verde11
    I always kind of just figured he was working as a carpenter with Joseph the whole time.
  • @anielyantra1
    One should ask; " How many spices from India made it to Nazareth?" How many thoughts and ideas came with them? How many people traveled the silk road without any evidence? What would be the likelihood of an inquisitive boy from Nazareth embarking on a journey? How much evidence is there you ate dinner in town 2 days ago or took a trip last year?
  • Alexander conquered parts of India and connected early indian culture and arts with Greek culture and arts, jesus probably went somewhere in India with a merchant caravan or something, but I do sometimes think that maybe Buddhidhama was jesus reincarnated into Buddhist culture because their teachings share eerie alignment in their similarities.