Polyester - Dexter's Expulsion

Published 2008-05-19
Here's a clip from the 1981 classic, "Polyester" starring Divine, directed by John Waters, which is featured at the beginning of "Frontier Psychiatrist" by The Avalanches.

All Comments (21)
  • @gnalkhere
    dexter is criminally insanesanesanesane
  • @DodderingOldMan
    Thanks to The Avalanches I've heard this a billion times without ever seeing the characters. To see this now is both weird and familiar at the same time. It's an odd incongruity.
  • @SCWood
    Frontier Psychiatrist references aside, this scene is fucking hilarious. She keeps talking about how her life is falling apart, and keeps getting interrupted by people calling her with more bad news.
  • @sladikk
    And he also made false teeth.
  • @tomharding
    Little did those actors know what they'd created.
  • @CorporalCob
    It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane!
  • @williamofdallas
    Screwed around in audacity for a bit to conclude that Frontier Psychiatrist increases the speed of this sample by about 10%
  • @tekbarrier
    I can't stop laughing at these comments. 90% of them are quoting Frontier Psychiatrist
  • @jaseyboy
    Avalanches above, business continues below.
  • @viperxeon
    You gotta love the facial expressions from Divine.
  • @neonatalpenguin
    I wonder what John Waters thinks of being sampled by The Avalanches.
  • @hornek
    they should have used that "I'm sorry" in the song. Also, I love how he's still talking and Divine is all "HELLO? HELLO??"
  • @youdbettertube
    Omg i LOVE that the Avalanches sampled a John Waters movie.
  • I NEVER knew what this was from and only now that I've been on a John Waters kick have I finally found the missing piece. I love when you uncover gems like this.