SAVING LIVES! Atlas Support Gameplay (SMITE Conquest A-Z)

Published 2022-12-12

All Comments (21)
  • Medusa: Don't clear with your dash Mast: Now I'm gonna dash even harder
  • I love atlas. Idk why he’s so much fun to me but he is. He’s so simple yet so rewarding when played well. He reminds of that Futurama quote: “if you do something well, they won’t know you’ve done anything at all”
  • At Mast's current pace of one of these videos every 9.5 days he'll finish the series in October of 2025. That's not even accounting for new gods!
  • This video has inspired me to try support more, you made it look fun af. And then that Medusa immediately made me never want to bother cause just ugh… the duality of man.
  • @joshd1033
    I can’t wait for that Zhong Kui A-Z build. I know it’s gotta be coming up soon 😂
  • @gmowrx
    I was the Gilgamesh in this game. Atlas is ridiculously tanky and has so much CC its hard to deal with. GG's Mast. Been in a few of your games lately. It's been fun.
  • @sirraccs9584
    “Don’t use dash to clear” Mast: “what? Oh sorry, didn’t hear you over all this dashing”
    GAWD, Atlas' passive reads like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card.
  • I love how the guardians are double teaming everyone and kicking arse
  • @brewstin
    Day 56 of telling Mast that I adore his videos and they brighten my day. Atlas is always fun, I love him in support because oh my god. The damage is so DUMB you always steal so many last hits unintentionally, I will be full support and be like 6-0.
  • Cool vid, I love playing Atlas, he's my favorite guardian, I really like getting sprint as a support relic and it probably would've helped a lot in this game since anubis and jorm are mostly immobile and its also a really good counter for gilga ult
  • @TheSket
    I haven’t watched the whole video but this Medusa is giving me an aneurysm.
  • You are the only reason I play Smith 🤣 well besides its a fun game, I probably would have stopped playing a long time if it wasn't for you. Keep up the good work love the videos you make 👍
  • I discovered Mast doing the duel A-Z. I’m nostalgic and also reallly want him to finish this one.
  • @tedholic99
    Atlas ult at max rank is 50% prot shred and 20% power debuff. I'm saying this to say you can set up tanks to get MURDERED late game and I'm always looking for any to overstep lol
  • @meherlin4501
    To be specific, out of combat anti heal doesn't apply to healing from items which is why they don't get reduced. If I recall correctly it is in the description of the debuff but if not then I'm not sure where I learned it but I do know it's true
  • @CheezyTime
    Mast daddy with the rare support game. Good job