[Introductory] The "biopathic method": Part 1: Deficiencies of "allopathy" and "naturopathy"

Published 2024-02-25

All Comments (2)
  • @sirelegant2002
    How could someone that held the naturopathic understanding convince a practictioner of allopathic medicine that illnesses had a metaphysical cause, were meant to instill lessons, and included learning the corresponding lesson as part of the cure, etc. In other words, I like the idea and am open to the possibility but have yet to actually see evidence, experiential or empirical. For example, a month ago I got severe food poisoning from pizza and felt basically disabled for two days. I work in a nursing home, and so I had the thought that the experience was teaching me to empathize with those whose bodies are totally malfunctional and basically constantly in pain. Is this thought not unfalsifiable? I also thought, maybe this experience is telling me to not get takeout as much. How can one actually discern the lesson that is trying to be taught?