Mary Neal's Near-Death Experience

Published 2014-01-04
Mary Neal, MD, discusses the near-death experience that she had during a kayaking accident.

An excerpt from "Experiencing Death: An Insider's Perspective" featuring Steve Paulson, Sam Parnia, Mary Neal, Kevin Nelson, and Peter Fenwick.

The New York Academy of Sciences
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

All Comments (14)
  • @marmackk
    She was told that her eldest son would die..and 10 years after her NDE he died in an accident.She even told her husband and her son on his 18th birthday (he died when he was 19) that he would die.That doesn't sound like an hallucination to me.
  • This is a very honest, again pragmatic woman,with very concrete personality. In my HEART and SOUL ,Dr.Mary Neil,is being 100% honest, and truly having such a private ,and personal experience, she had a lot to confront , to absorb ,and to really choose ,whether or not ,this was something she wanted to share ! Kneeing and being told ,that your son ,is going to die, I'm sure ,she thought, well nothing in life is written in stone , and perhaps God's opinion could,/would change.However this was the dilemma , this was all about trust, Faith, and complete surrender! KNOWING her son would be okay ,and I can see the pain. But I also see ,and know ,that her son's death ,was not in vain! She took forever to write this book ,and when sheeas READY to surrender ,that's when God knew ,she was far more prepared, that she could TRUST God has another plan for her son,and to trust and remember that precious Faith, in God we trust ,and we must also surrender ! Thank You Mary and may your beautiful son RIP until God reunites the 2 of you !
  • She is really beautiful too what I love about her is her down to earth nature,I thoroughly believe her.
  • @TheCriticom
    Amazing and like so many other NDE's stories! I think there are still a lot we need to find out about this universe and beyond yet.
  • @choff56
    your're not going to find out everything you want till you get to the other side.
  • @rep3e4
    excellent stuff! I believe her
  • I've heard many people speak of being's ,knew us so completely. I do believe in Reincarnation, although not a Buddhist
  • @bonnie43uk
    Yes, there are a number of possibilities, it sounds very comforting to go to a nice place after we die, but there isn't any solid evidence that I've heard of. She certainly experienced *something*, and I've no reason to think she's lying. The brain is a very complex organ, maybe when starved of oxygen it can make you hallucinate. All interesting stuff.
  • This is Sam parnia he was a doctor that tryed to prove nde but failed the experimental of cardiac patients came to nothing
  • these near death experience are just a deceptive way that satan uses to make individuals believe that they can leave a life of sin and still go to heaven,also the devil uses these experiences to make folks believe that when you die that you go to heaven immediatly after death but the bible said that we go to the grave when we die and not until jesus return and the ressurection happen only then do those that have accepted jesus christ will go to heaven,i dont dout this woman experience but the devil can also take you into a trance and make you see things because the bible clearly says that deception would be in the world and that if it was possible the devil would decieve even the true christians. test everthing by the bible because the devil can do miracles remember the magicians of equipt were able to do miracles.