Published 2021-07-14
Hey everyone Wolf Lord Rho here!

Today we discuss Mortarions relationship with Malcador the Sigillite!

Spoiler Warning to begin the events we are discussing today are from the Horus Heresy short story "deamonology" by chris wraight. As always i really recommend you read the story for yourself first, as thats the best way to enjoy the lore, for yourself. Not only that we help to support the great games workshop and black library because without them we dont have this amazing lore to talk about. Link:…

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All Comments (21)
  • The Emperor, Malcador and Primarchs are an immediate like and watch. It's just the way it is.
  • @kre8or465
    Its very possibly that Mortarian simply didn't realise just HOW important the Webway was. After all, Malcador may have told him of the webway project, but I bet he conveniently left out the bit about chaos, and Mortarian may have subtly picked up that malcador still wasn't telling him everything.
  • @davidthomas2870
    It wouldn't violate cannon if Angron and Kurz were found and brought back WHILE Mortarion was on terra being treated. It could help explain why Angrons reunion was the way it was; the emporer had to rush home to tend to 2 wounded sons now
  • @phage5342
    Imagine your "uncle" that you barely know who is a psycher that you distrust takes you to a room and shows you a picture of Nikaea and tells you "your destiny awaits there." Your thoughts would probably along the lines of: "what is this old man smoking?" "An odd way of avoiding me dad, thanks."
  • @fumarc4501
    They call him Morty the Moocher He was a lowdown hoochie coocher He was the roughest, toughest frail But Morty had a heart as big as a whale
  • I like how the emperor can't even be bothered to be with his son when he grounds them at home lol.
  • @yeoldchief7711
    It was a mistake to keep Mortarian on Terra. After his imprisonment, I doubt it would have sat at all well. Mortarian tried to resist Nurgle as much more than he resisted the Emperor, and is known to abhor having any master... This is probably why he got on with the Khan, a thirst for freedom.
  • @SuperUniverse
    Uncle Malcador trying to comfort an angry son of a very busy father
  • @yetipotato8567
    I think Mortarion and his legion were supposed to be just another siege legion/mainstream legion to defend the imperium together with army etc. But it went wrong when Mortarion got too fucked up by Barbados. Mortarion saw the strife of humans on his planet and joined them to defend them, but planet and necromancers were so toxic he lost all compassion for weak humans. Then when even he failed made him think he is weak too. Thus we have a toxic and sceptical Morty with no hope.
  • @bliblivion
    12:57 i desagree, some primarchs are more resilient to the warp than others, Mortarion is one of them ( he was not corrupted by chaos, he choose coruption to save his legion)
  • @Geyser39
    I find Mortarion's insecurity compelling, personally, because I suffer from the same kinds of insecurity. When you're filled with as much self-loathing and self-doubt as Mortarion is, it's easy to dismiss other people's trust and value of you as lies and assume that they're manipulating you. I think that was what was going on when Mortarion continued to complain about not being valued--he only believed what Malcador was saying while he was in that room, and within a few hours, he was looking back on that conversation and telling himself that Malcador must have been lying and trying to placate him (after all, he had just been trying to kill Malcador, surely anyone would lie in that situation...). Remember that he grew up with no positive reinforcement of any kind, just lies and manipulation and being told over and over again that he was worthless, no matter what he did.
  • @Ventruethful
    10:22 "conversation" ? That's an interesting way to spell "unspeakeable violence with genocidal levels of collateral damage" Wolf Lord
  • @joevines3428
    It really makes you wonder what the 2nd and 11th primarchs did to get erased from history.
  • @mlpsh6995
    At this point Mortarion perhaps doesn't know about Curze and Angron and thus can't have known how bad it was them.
  • So that's why he did the shake down to Magnus that day. He knew his brother's ultimate fate.
  • @foxie2cool
    I always love these breakdowns when there's the primarch, the emperor/ Malcador involved. Just so much packed into their relationship, Rho speaks πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯, when everything it stripped away- it always comes down to a father's love and his children trying to be loved.
  • @dave-ish8098
    As this series presses on, I find myself disliking Mortarion more and more. Granted a lot of the primarchs have similar character flaws but this guy is just a supreme emo about all this.
  • @max1mumchr1s
    When you realize that the Primarchs who betrayed the Emperor, the ones that Chaos corrupted, were the very Primarchs that the Emperor Valued the most. Horus, the favored son, Perturabo, the Lord of Iron, Mortarion, the one who The Emperor wanted to heal the most, Magnus, the one who the Emperor destined to take the Golden Throne. It truly is painful when you think about it
  • @jihost2589
    All of them were damaged by the scattering because even in the "positive" cases, they were influenced by their adoptive cultures; whereas if they had stayed on Terra as intended then they wouldve become the honed weapons that the Emperor intended.
  • @Ttrouble
    Lanterns light is another good and interesting short story about Morty, I really hope you cover that one day. I'm also really hoping you talk about the ending of The Buried Dagger.