The Siege of Al-Batukum

Published 2024-07-21
The Siege of Al-Batukam

Join the Eagle Federation (Unofficial):
December 14, 1996

Emboldened by the offensive actions taken against Al-Batukam, Rosama Bin Laden rallied a massive group of irregular militia, tribal, and FISH-loyal Salmoni forces to attack Al-Batukam. Two days after the December 11th incident, FEDNORCOM satellites spotted a massive FISH battlegroup, consisting of multiple infantry, armor, and artillery battalions, moving out of a sandstorm on Highway One towards Al-Batukam. Unable to communicate with the garrison there due to FISH broad-spectrum radio jamming, Federation forces were caught unaware and forced to mount a sudden defense of the city. In the next 14 hours, more Federation losses were sustained than during the last six months, and the battle became the deadliest in the history of the Salmonistan conflict, with massive casualties on both sides. Adverse weather conditions grounded air assets for a majority of the battle and prevented the Seventh Armored Division relief column from reaching the city. Thanks to the quick responses and bravery of the soldiers in the city, however, the assault was repelled and the fall of the city prevented. The defense of Al-Batukam not only depleted Rosama's forces, but also prevented FISH from taking a strategic position close to the heart of Salmonistan. The battle on the 13th marked the climax of the Salmonistan conflict, and fighting only lessened from then on. However, some mysteries from the battle remain unsolved -- despite multiple eyewitness accounts and reports of "foreign-sounding" radio transmissions, both Hawk and Eagle sources have denied the presence of Hawk observers at the battle.

#mtc #mtc4 #salmonistan #eaglefederation

All Comments (21)
  • @nikkam1098
    Sorry for the delay, we were on and off cause I went on a couple vacations this month. We spent a few weeks on this and we're proud to finally release it--me and my friends really appreciate the support recently and definitely didn't expect our roblox shitposts to pop off, though we're thankful especially for those who come out and help film our ideas. Anyway, here's some FAQ's! FAQ 1: What game is this? -Multicrew Tank Combat (4.0) FAQ 2: What is this depicting? -The short above is set in an original MTC-AU. If you want to learn more, you can join us at the discord link in the description. FAQ 3: Is this a faction? -No, we just do machinima stuff for fun. From time to time we raid public servers and mess around, though. FAQ 4: How do I join? -There's steps in the discord for you to join us--we take all the help we can get <3 FAQ 5: Are you stealing content from Unverified? -sure lol
  • I fought in the bloody battle of Al-Bassing, I have seen things I regret witnessing until today.
  • @ducypace
    Truly breathtaking experience, can't wait to see more off this. Al-Batukum was tough, I can't even imagine what will happen in Al-Batublou!!!
  • I served in Al-Boutabuss as a Bradley commander, I came out with a purple heart after my bradley got hit with an RPG-29, served during Operation Blow in 1997, respect to all those boys in Al-Batukam.
  • @blitzszz
    I'm Specialist Ben Dover, from the 22nd Mechanized Infantry. I was one of the TOW missile loaders, and was assigned to the AT gun positions back in Al-Batukum. We first saw the enemy insurgents around 15:00-16:00, with a BMP and several Katyusha Rocket Launchers, and opened fire on us immediately after we saw them. One of my bestest friends, also my Sergeant, Mike "Mikey" Hawk was hit by one of the shrapnel in his upper left arm. We quickly TQ'd him up, but the medics told me he wouldn't make it, as they also found shrapnel in the back of his head. His final words were "Hold Mike Hawk's ring".
  • 10:58 Russian subtitles are kinda funny: "I don't speak Russian, for your information" "Today is a good, warm and sunny day" "I actually went for Korean BBQ. Very good." "Blah blah, we are machinima, trusting the process as much as possible" (?) "As you can guess, I just use web-translator for this" "If you see this, write below or something like that" (Just did bro)
  • Al-Batukum was truly a journey, one can only guess at how Al-Batubust will turn out.
  • @HamaIicious
    We making it out of salmonistan with this one 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • @Myself-xf2gw
    My brother was an fish state insurgent , he was very brave sadly he died in an suicide car in al-batublou Holy fuck i got 277 likes
  • From a veteran of Battle of Bunda Rahma City at Bogor, I salute for your men's service
  • This brings back memories to my time in Al-Batuphukinut in Egypt as an Mi-17 gunship pilot. We were hit by a Strela from an insurgent when we were responding to a request for air support and we only survived due to the extra galvanized square steel and thug oil we had onboard for repairs. We were able to finish the mission since we had more bullets and bigger weapons than the other helis, but our gunner, Tukutuku, was unfortunately killed when a DShK round hit the cockpit. I pray to Allah for peace for my brothers in Salmonistan 🙏
  • I was in of the Al-Batubust offensive, I fought building to building, throwing 7lbs of lead at the defenders and capturing strategic areas, until one fateful night a suicide bomber blew my teams vehicle up, setting 3 marines ablaze and 2 more completely vaporised, with one guy had to have all his limbs amputated. I was outside of the vehicle and the only injury I had was a burn and PTSD from what happen. Sgt. XX_Bloxy Lt. SwordFigter9942 Cpl. BuilderClubHater1289 Pvt. SwordFightMaster291 Pvt. Brickbattler932 LCpl. ObbyPro932, lost their lives on that night. Their deaths will never be forgotten.
  • My dad told me many tales serving in the 5th Inf. during these days. Just before the Siege of Al-Batukum, he recalls having met a defector named Qauq Sukr, who gave him a rough but useful schematic detailing key positions of the Fish State's artillery at Mt. Al-Bawtafaqinnat, resulting in the subsequent demise of a high ranking Fish State commander, Bari Madiqin Yurmawt.
  • I was apart of the filming of this and so glad I was. Thanks for having me and I hope I can be in many more! Also this part of may service gave some real problems after and I even got a Purple Heart from it…. BUT ANYTHING FOR EAGLE! 🦅🦅🦅 Edit: Sorry I’m so late for commenting on this absolute masterpiece you put together from everything you had us do, truly great work.
  • @Kush-ii
    love that you're actually going with the name Al-Batukum and going so far with the coordination in these shots!
  • @CheapSushi
    I had no idea Roblox went this deep. I feel like I just watched a movie. When's Netflix picking up the next season?? :face-orange-biting-nails:
  • Bro this movie... Is... SOOOO GOOOD! I HOPE THIS IS MORE! BRAVO! 🎉
  • During the battle, my grandfather with his squad managed to stall Hawk and Fish forces attempting to breach the city, however suffering losses and in the process, losted his life, thank you for making this film.