I Hate Halloween Ends - Review

Published 2022-11-01
I really disliked Halloween Ends. I loved Halloween 1978 (which I thought it came out in 79 but I guess it didn't) 2018 and Kills, but Halloween Ends was not for me. #halloween #halloweenends #moviereview

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All Comments (21)
  • The amount of disappointment I felt during this movie can't even be quantified
  • Micheal in Halloween Kill: demolishes an angry mob like an absolute giga chad Micheal in Halloween Ends: gets beaten by both a teen that got bullied by band geeks and also a 70+ year old Laurie Strode all because he hasn’t killed anyone during the time-skip, which made him “weaker” I guess we owe Revenge, Curse, Ressurection, and RZ Halloween 2 a apology as at least they actually had Micheal as a character instead of a cameo 💀
  • I think it could’ve been a fine movie if it weren’t tied to 2018 or Kills, but this film as the closing of this franchise is absolutely ridiculous.
  • And the added insult to injury is the appallingly dishonest marketing. The movie is called Halloween Ends. Michael Myers and Laurie Strode feature front and centre on the posters. All the marketing, the trailers, even Jamie Lee Curtis' social media were pushing this as the big showdown, the big final fight. You can't blame people for being mad at not getting what was explicitly being sold to them.
  • Blumhouse had the potential for a gold mine after Halloween (2018) then immediately dropped the friggin ball with the sequels.
  • @Chainsawhappy
    Totally agreed. It felt like they just threw darts at a random concept board in the writer's room. I loved KILLS so let's just pretend it ended there so we can get through life.
  • I agree with what Jeremy Jahns said that Halloween ends should’ve been the 2018 film. It has a perfect ending with him burning in the house, Laurie has closure with the man who killed her friends and traumatized her. Kills was fun but given that it ends on a cliffhanger and this is meant to be the “satisfactory conclusion” to the series, 2018 is my Halloween ends
  • @notthefia9154
    I’m a massive fan of the 78 original and the 2018 “sequel”, but this ain’t even a popcorn movie, this is a “I haven’t felt this bad since Josstice Leauge” movie
  • @Daddyharlem
    "Written from a 15 year old from wattpad" now im in love with this channel
  • I disagree that Allison was likeable, she was insufferable. She meets a psychopath and chooses his crazy ass over her grandmother after knowing him for a few days. Her character is useless.
  • @Xehanort10
    24:13 I think the main problem with Ends is them deciding to do a 4 year time jump. Originally the whole trilogy was going to be set the same 2018 Halloween night. But Covid caused Kills's release to be moved to last year and Ends to this year. Whatever the original plans for Ends were Corey probably wasn't a thing in them.
  • This was David Gordon Green SLAPPING Halloween fans in the face! Michael & Laurie’s conclusion seemed like such an afterthought. They didn’t even have Laurie react with a facial expression when she realized someone else was in the house after Allyson left. And I can’t believe how underused both Frank and Lindsey were, especially her since she’s the original actress and character from 1978. I was so hoping for a huge, MASSIVE, long chase & fight scene with Michael vs. Laurie, Lindsey and Allyson at the end throughout the whole house AND that abandoned house next door with all three women surviving. I think it would have been a very powerful ending for the three of them considering how Michael impacted each of their lives. So many missed opportunities.
  • 10:30 was my biggest problem.dont make sense. He got up after they beat him senseless just to take them all out. Now if he just disappeared without killing the mob then it would make sense....but no he was very much super triumphant and gave us the impression that he will be "more dangerous" and totally bait n switched it. That's what irritated me. They go to say he don't have powers yet, he shakes all violently when he killed Doug. It's just very contradicting
  • @WB-H
    Michael is actually on-screen for a total of 10m55s in Halloween Ends (2022), while his screen time in the original Halloween (1978) is only 9m37s. So he gets 10% of the screen time in Halloween Ends (2022) at a runtime of 111 min.; and 11% of the screen time in Halloween (1978) with a runtime of 91 min.
  • @Kn1ghtborne
    I also felt like this movie was made in contempt of Halloween
  • @royalcass
    I know some people get a guilty pleasure out of this one but I don't. I feel no pleasure, only guilt
  • I hated this movie. Left the theater wanting a refund after loving 2018 and Kills. The plot just doesn't do it for me and the lack of Michael and botching of his character pissed me off the most. It's the finale, the end of laurie and michael's story, why is the main villain not here? I'm no famous professional director or screen writer but here's what i personally wanted from this. Have everything play out the same until the moment that Corey meets Michael. Michael is weakened and doesn't have the energy to kill Corey due to his wounds so Corey escapes. Corey starts to overthink and starts planning in his head. He knows that it was Michael Myers in there and he is weak but he remembers how monsterous he is. If he kills him, he would be redeemed in the eyes of the town and be a hero. There is also the chance it does nothing and he will still be ridiculed for his past even after killing Myers or he could be killed the same as anyone else who tried to take action against the shape. It drives him crazy and makes him jumpy and distant knowing he has a big choice to change his life but is uncertain what to do. He goes to kill him but Michael doesn't put up any fight. Right before he takes the shot, the cop who thinks he is alyson's bf comes in to settle the score for what happened at the diner. As he overpowers Corey, Michael saves him and kills him. Corey sees this and has a new plan. Thinking nothing would change, he instead seeks revenge and since Michael saved him, he thinks he can gain his friendship and control him to kill for him. This leads to him visiting Alyson at work alot and stealing medical supplies from the hospital. Over time he heals Michael and his relationship with Alyson continues to grow suspicious instead of loving. Corey starts luring his abusers and bullies to Michael who then kills them one by one, somehow growing his strength back. This success makes Corey grow somewhat of a god complex which Laurie sees so she confronts him and this adds her onto his hit list. He gives a proposition to Michael that he will lead him to Laurie, knowing he wouldn't be able to lure her to the pipe, and hearing Laurie Strode's name, something clicks in Michael's head. He finds the strength to exit the pipe and Corey is ecstatic. Michael goes on a killing spree with Corey through Haddonfield again in search of Laurie who is planning to go after Alyson who wants to leave town with Corey. Corey also feeds Michael false info to continue killing those who he hates like the radio guy and his mother while on the search. Alyson finds Corey and confronts him on why he is acting even more strange than before and Corey spills the beans and tells Alyson who in shock tries to get away. Corey knowing this could ruin his plans kidnaps Alyson and uses her to lure Laurie to a trap where Michael will be able to corner her. Laurie confronts Corey at the kid he killed's old house and explains he sees no problem killing those who wronged him and that they were no better than him for their actions. He enjoyed killing the kid and everyonr else. They ruined his life so he will take theirs. Laurie states he is just as evil as Michael. After a struggle, Michael shows up as Laurie is injured and Corey in a high on power tries ordering him to kill her. He instead kills Corey for Michael is smart. He took an easy kill on the cop and after seeing Corey bring him supplies, be goes with it so he could USE Corey to aid him while he was weak by bringing in victims and giving him medical aid. All so he could get well enough to finally go back after Laurie to settle the score. This leads into a huge brawl between Michael and Laurie, both well beyond their primes. After a car chase and struggle similar to halloween 4, it leads to the radio station where police are investigating a previous murder that michael and corey committed. She tries to use the radio to alert everyone in town Michael is back but he slaughters the police in the area and attacks, causing the station to catch on fire. This leads to the roof for the final battle. Laurie is almost killed but Alyson with a vengeance manages to pummel the weakened Michael badly with a pipe for taking everything she cared about from her parents and life to the boy she loved. Laurie takes this advantage and stabs him repeatedly until his hand is severed from the blows. With both of these people wailing on him, Laurie takes his mask and we see his face. He is broken and defeated from the fight in his weakened state and without his mask just a person. Michael falls unconscious and as Alyson goes go finsih the job, Laurie stops her and says they need to make a statement. Everyone from around town comes down to the station after Laurie contacts Barker who I still alive after being on another murder scene and he spreads the word. The citizens then approach where they see Michael tied to the radio tower in chains in the form of a crucifixion as it burns. They all watch as the evil of Haddonfield burns on the tower and as Laurie watches Michael look at her one final time with his evil eyes before the inferno takes him, she throws the mask in as well destroying the legend that was Michael Myers. Just my idea, not everyone's cup of tea but this is what I wanted and was expecting. I am glad some people did like the movie though. .
  • @guibox3
    I can't even begin to say how disappointed I was with this movie. Even though I knew it got bad reviews (of which I read none of them), I had to see it through after 42 years of my life invested into Michael Myers. Nonetheless, I found myself actually debating leaving the theater 3/4 of the way through. I came to see Michael Myers wreak havoc on Haddonfield and he and Laurie battling it out to the death. Instead we got almost an hour and a half of moping Corey becoming a serial killer. It was insulting to all fans of Michael Myers to have him become virtually a back burner sub plot in a movie that is supposed to end a legacy. Unbelievable.