I DONT have any audio ideas rn | read desc| Aud for @ProfessionalZazaDealer | #WensdaysSillyWillyFangan

Published 2023-10-05
Name: Hana Koji
Age: 16
Birthday: November 13th
Ultimate: Peacemaker
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: cheerful, Kinda quiet, friendly (yeah she can be serious tho so-)
Backstory: she was mostly abused and betrayed by people, she thought if she changed who she was, she could make more friends and stopped having all of this happen to her. But it really changed nothing to other people and they kept doing mean stuff to her. Her parents died later on and was left alone in the house, so she decided to walk around for some time. She did get kidnapped by a kidnapper but she didn’t want them to hurt her. She managed to escape and went back home alone, where she knew she had bad luck with others. She kept changing herself over and over again until she can be somebody who people like for once.
Blood type: A
Likes: Kind people, supporting others, having fun
Dislikes: boredom, winter, her birthday…😭💀
Fears: Having to repeat her backstory again (if you red backstory you would probably understand why-)
Moral code rq: neutral ig???
- simple reaosn she hates her birthday is because nobody says happy birthday to her sadly and she doesn’t get the fun stuff like cake and presents and all of that stuff 🥱
- she’s more of a dog person than a cat person
- she wears gloves bc she does (nvm this doesn’t make sense just go to next one then it will-)
- her clothes are like Eden Tosbia’s clothes (DRDt BBG😘)
- she hits herself in the head a lot 💀 (even when she pays attention 💀)

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