Published 2023-12-01
Hey everyone Rho here! Today we're discussing the similarities between Fulgrim and Sanguinius! How perhaps, the Emperor originally intended a very different role for each of them...

General Spoiler Warning to begin as today we will be referencing events from across the Warhammer 40,000 universe. So you have been warned!

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All Comments (21)
  • @Iceisnice1
    Of all the Emperor's sons, only two had been called beautiful. But Sanguinius's beauty had been alien, inhuman; a thing wrought from humanity's dreams. Fulgrim, on the other hand, was humanity personified. The apex and aleph of human. The canon of proportions, in the flesh. Vitruvius ascended. - Excerpt from Clonelord
  • @BishopFurio
    It seems fullgrim was meant to be put over the planetary governments and nobilities. And Sanguinius for the soldiers and perhaps the common folk.
  • I really wish Games Workshop will use Clonegrim eventually. I out of all the Primarchs, I like Fulgrim's ideals and values the most, before his fall. The idea of him being released and igniting a 'Renaissance' within the Imperium should not be wasted!
  • Fulgrim is one of my favorites. Out of all the primarchs, I see my good and bad traits in him the most. I hope he can come back in some way and get more character development.
  • Pre heresy fulgrim was supreme. Its just a shame all his most noble officers got killed and replaced with simpering yes men. Also a small thing with huge implications in support of your point is the fact the emperor made them purple, there's no way he didn't intend the symbolism behind that.
  • @viridisxiv766
    you make a good argument. when you put it like this it does sound like fulgrim was meant to be the emperors envoy or ambassador while sanguinius would be stay at home as his regent.
  • @____________838
    One was an emissary for everything outside the Empire, the other the figurehead within the Empire
  • @eyeofgnosis558
    Fulgrim and Sanguinius seem to be the most cultured of the Primarchs too and were invested patrons of the arts suggesting perhaps a more nuanced role in the Imperium that was meant to be after the Great Crusade :)
  • Sanguiniun is the purest/ noblest/ truest/ most loved of all the primarchs. He is the only primarch to be completely compared with the emperor. He was chosen to sit the throne when the emperor was gone
  • @WarriorKidd06
    The way you break this down is very interesting. Makes his fall that much more sad
  • Horus was lorgar's counterpart, if you pay attention to how lorgar is described and the effect he has on people you'll pick it up.
  • @livingghost7975
    I think sang and fugrim were meant to function as symbols of what humanity could be , sanguinious’s the noble aspirational dream that humanity was to strive for and fulgrim the reality of all that humanity could achieve. One being a more gronded aspiration a perfected form of all that we could be the other being a lofty dream.
  • @SunshineNaomi
    My favourite primarch is actually Fulgrim, and I consider his story the most tragic of all the traitor primarchs. Seeing what happened to a so precious, charming, intellingent man, made me thing, that he would have been happier or even more succeful to be remain the ruler of Chemos, and be the king od his own planet. He "upgraded" a whole planet! He made the life much better on Chemos, he was the only primarch, who actually had some kind of love life as well. After he became the leader of the Emperor's Children, he always wanted to be the best, better than his brothers. And then, he found that damn Laer sword, everything got so chaotic, so tragical... I cried a lot about it. He even kiiled his beloved brother Ferrus. What a loss! A charismatic, charming, intelligent, strong primarch was consumed by Chaos... Despite what happened, I still adore him, but I clearly miss the pre-heresy Fulgrim, who was the most outstanding fuire among the primarchs.
  • @TheToxicMairon
    I think fulgrim was generally intended to be a diplomat and symbol for the imperium, but in a proper manner. I imagine the emperor intended fulgrim to be somewhat like rylanor and all the other emperor's children who dwelt in the emperors light... to strife for perfect in a more virtues way - to become the best version of themselves, the best mankind can offer in order to display it whenever he is engaged in any diplomatic work.
  • @Kat1kafka
    Fulgrim's hair will never be as fabulous as Sanguinius's
  • @marsmech
    some how I just keep thinking of the mom who is your favorite meme. its the Lion and Fulgrim "Dad who is your favorite?" "I like you all equally" * Fulgrim leaves * * the emperor pulls the Lion close * "Its you by.. and by A LOT, here a bunch of warcrimes weapons and some men of iron".
  • @321lionheart8
    Horus was allegedly the first son found and raised by the emperor. Because you're forgetting Alpharious .
  • @buntosuaurus2613
    Great video mate , definitely my two favourite primarchs ! ( Sanguinius is my favourite of the two) I love Book 5; Fulgrim
  • @RSBurgener
    I think Fulgrim was always destined to be the Dandy. He's got an Oscar Wilde quality that is so prevalent. Maybe it was the degrading humbleness he was surrounded by on Chemos that caused him to dream of a better galaxy. And these humble beginnings may have made him insecure about not being good enough and greedy for something more. It caused him to be very self-involved; totally different from Sanguinius who thought mostly of others. But the levity that Fulgrim brings, the acerbic wit, the fabulousness of his personality; Sanguinius was never really like that. And it was something that the Imperium could have used, had his self-involved tendencies not been exploited by Chaos.