Slowest Robbery Ever


コメント (21)
  • Imagine robbing a store and the teller actually tells you to "hurry up bro"
  • I’m surprised he didn’t just come back in after with his little headband and sunglasses off, shirt inside out and a shocked expression saying “oh my god, what happened?” Just to give himself an alibi.
  • Fun fact: little Caesars only has like $55 in each register at any time. Once you go over $70 in the register, it locks out and won’t let you use it again until you drop money into the floor safe which obviously is way harder to open than a register. This means that all his effort was over a maximum of $70
  • @MC4TWT
    I was robbed at gunpoint when I was young with my family in a fast food restaurant. The guys came out of the bathroom in ski masks with guns and started yelling "everyone get on the ground!" And the young girl working in the back said "Hey! Craig's here!" Craig, who was fired the night before apparently, shouted "Shut Up!" and continued to rob the place. He was caught the next day at his house. They didn't even have to check the cameras or fingerprints, everyone there was like "Yeah, it was Craig. He picked up the headset and started telling the people in the drive thru to leave and knew where all the buttons were too. It was definitely Craig."
  • @mofo5971
    Former Little Caesars employee here. I can confirm Charlie’s statement, this man would’ve gotten max $30.
  • I love the employees shit talking him as he’s robbing the place “All that for $60 bro” 😂
  • Other robbers: speedrun This guy: getting every achievement for robbery
  • @tux75
    This robbery is so poorly executed that it’s almost criminal
  • I love how, at 2:20 and then later on when he wipes the finger prints, you can actually hear them still taking pizza and donut orders. The guy is such a non-threat, they are literally still working while he was trying to rob them
  • He looks like he’s in the tutorial and is still figuring out the controls
  • The fact the employees actually asked is that all you gonna take is crazy. Dude walked out of there with just enough money for the vending machine lol
  • When your level 1 in the robber simulator and head for the boss mission
  • I just love the loud sipping one of the employees takes while the robber does his thing. this robber had the threat level of a barking dog on the opposite side of a glass window.
  • Love how the employees are just giving tips like "Just take the register."
  • Massive respect to the guy in the background who said "thats all you gon take?" as the robber is leaving after drastically failing
  • I think the funniest part is that the police did not show up in this time frame. I don't blame them (even speeding it does take time to get somewhere) but the fact this guy just walked everywhere just showed how slow a response actually is.
  • @Boo-lz7fm
    I love how even the second customer coming in just decided he is not worth getting his ass kicked so everyone just laughs and gives him advice. This is the most perfect goofy robbery I've ever seen.