How to deal with a broody chicken.

Published 2021-05-02
Spring update: How to deal with a broody chicken

All Comments (5)
  • @jmfong76
    I just wanted to say that I’ve just watched a couple of your videos and you do an amazing job at explaining everything you’ve done and why you chose to. I also love that you show where you have things placed, why you placed them there and other items you’ve used prior. I love how, in the video you showed your entire new set up with new coop, you video taped inside and out and I love how you showed your gardening spots. If you don’t mind, could you do another video showing your set up now, show more details about where you have your garden beds, how long and tall they are etc? I’d also love to know if those are in an enclosed area, like how you have all of the chicken areas enclosed or is it just sitting next to their enclosure? I am very big into gardening and I have a beautiful potting bench with a huge old antique sink in it that I use to make up pots etc. However, I’d love to have something very similar to what you appear to have for gardening beds. I will be getting chickens in the spring. We just bought our house last fall and we have almost an acre. There is an old shed on the property which we are going to convert to a chicken coop and I’d like to make the enclosed outdoor area like what you’ve done. I’ve watched hundreds of chicken coop videos and have not seen a setup quite like yours. I really love what you’ve done with your coop and everything. You’ve made a very nice sized home for your chickens and they all seem very happy with being there. We live out of city limits and several families have chickens in our neighborhood. I am friends with two of them and have seen their setups. They both free roam and have done so for years with no losses, and I was thinking about it but I like the idea of having them safe like how you have done. I may not rule out giving them some free roam in the grass from time to time but it won’t be an everyday thing. We live in North Carolina in the Raleigh area and we do have coyotes, fox, and lots of large birds. Although, no predator has seemed to bother the others in the area with chickens, I wouldn’t handle a loss very well at all. Also, what types of chickens do you have again? I know you have the silver laced Wyandottes, and some Orphingtons? Do you seem to prefer one of the breeds you have over the other? I’d like to get some blue Cochin, blue laced red wyandotte, jubilee orphington, and some silkies or similar. My next door neighbor has some Dominics, which seem to be more rare, well, not a lot of people seem to have them. I’d like to have more of the uncommon type chickens. Presently and most likely to be a permanent decision is that I’d just like to have the chickens for the eggs. I won’t be eating the chickens and presently, I’m not planning to get a rooster. My other neighbors that I’m friendly with, both have nice roosters, so, should I decide to have any babies, I may borrow one of their roosters. Again, I’m so thankful for your videos. You’ve shown me exactly the setup I’ve been looking for and I’d love it if you wouldn’t mind answering my questions at your convenience. Thank you and have a great day.
  • @tastycar
    I have one in jail right now. She's a buff Orpington and a repeat offender lol
  • Hi, I'm going to be getting 2 hens this year for the eggs. Do you find that she (after putting her in jail) holds any grudge against you? I'm hoping that mine can also be friends like a pet. How is your physical bond with them and your daughter with them. Eg. Do you pick them up and stuff. Thanks Charlotte