The Classic is Pathetic...

Published 2024-05-26
The Classic was really bad. Plain and simple.

All Comments (21)
  • @Seth528
    The preset loadouts force you to use different towers. If you could just use accel on every stage, the fun would be ruined.
  • @catexity
    tbh, the part you probably forgot to mention is how stupid it is to get the launchers. Trying to get them is like this: wait for the person to be ingame, wait 5-25 minutes, hope the person doesnt leave (which is a 25% chance the person doesnt leave), and then get it.
  • @xmanthegreat370
    I think tds set loadouts were a great idea, not only did they just add an INSANELY OP brawler tower, but it also makes noobs have to use the same brainpower and strategy as pros to beat the event. It made it much more of a challenge and much more enjoyable imo.
  • @tank67132
    what i think happened was that roblox gave games too little time. like tds in the hunt only managed to make like 10 or less new enemies. so they might of gave tds too little time, causing them to have no special enemies, not even a 1x1x1x1 bossfight. this might of been the same for other games, or they just suck. unrelated: i knew ttd was bad, but i was surprised to see it have THOUSANDS of players despite having so low quality. animations are terrible. cutscenes were like slideshows. the enemies dont even have animations unless it was medium mode for like 3 enemies. (only player the game a bit for the tokens though) balancing is horrible. no keybinds. (besides placement) gruelling long gamemode, even on easy and medium. you have to gamble for the good towers. from a game with hundreds of thousands of players on average, it is HORRIBLE. roblox needs to up whatever this "quality control" thing is. dress to impress was so long. i wanted to go to sleep but the obby took like 10-20 mins. arsenal was painfully difficult. that minigun guy sucks for pistol only. ON ONE OF MY RUNS I ACCIDENTALLY PICKED SOMETHING UP SO THAT PISTOL RUN WAS FOR NOTHING! arsenal should've kept it a little easier. im fine with a challenge, but not literally so difficult it takes multiple attempts.
  • @BlazeSwordYT
    I wouldn't say it was "really bad, plain and simple", but I do agree there were definitely some bad parts of it. Like the Hunt is was basically 50/50, some games were great, some not. But, I will say, the rewards this time around were awesome, and the hub was definitely one of the best.
  • @Aidenev77
    In tds, during the hunt event, if you select hard mode it didn't give you a preset loadout.
  • @Exorbulla
    Tds preset loadout stuff is actually cool, i mean, having a gamemode that could just be beaten with scout would be boring.
  • @Ozzbim
    dont even get me started with today's live event. sucked. too easy, too short, no prize. tix machine explodes, duck fountain opens, yeah. there's a door with a code, punch in the code, and there's a 1x1x1x1 bossfight. very easy, beat him in under a minute, and that's just in a public server. there's a 1x1x1x1 sword, but it's 40000 robux, which is 400 dollars wasted on a sword. there's literally just a credits scene.
  • The fact that you needed to do around 225 BADGES IN 5 DAYS (thats 3x more than the hunt) If there are more games, its even worse.
  • @milobusterz3280
    the boss fight kind of plummeted this event more. I thought the fight was kind of fun, I just don’t know why they hyped it up so much. If they didn’t hype it up with the tix machine, I would’ve been satisfied with the boss fight, and the events ending.
  • @AmicaSecret
    I agree this was WAY too short. Like u had to do 95% of the hunt to get all items while here you gotta do around 25%
  • @ClassicChlorine
    The Classic was mid, but I'm so glad you werent required to play 95% of the event for every item
  • I love how you didn’t even mention blade ball Probably for good reasons
  • The event was supposed to be classic inspired, that’s why we see games like god damn Toilet Tower Defense.
  • @SightofMights
    Look, imo the hunt was bad, but not as bad as the classic. The lobby of the classic is ofc miles better, but holy did the game options dissapoint. Money hungry devs making the event as long and cash grab as possible. And what’s funny enough is that i think around half of the games in the classic are the same games that people hated the most in the hunt. Like what was said in the vid “ quality control my ass” the quests are longer, boring asf and basically unenjoyable. Even if i could do them, there is not enough actual time. I’d have to spend day and night finishing them. Atleast the hunt had these easy filler games which were easy to complete. And the longest quest in the hunt probably didn’t exceed an hour. And it was only one badge per game in the hunt ,end of story. I don’t need to replay or multi task to get 15 fucking badges (tokens and tix). The average game time in each event in the classic is 1.5 or 2 hrs minimum. In conclusion, the hunt had somewhat better/easier quests. but u sorta had to complete them all. The classic had a better lobby and rewards. (Although in all fairness, you only have to do the quests in the lobby which are enjoyable along with a game or two; but cmon everyone was waiting for an event like this and want to complete it with a good memory like me.)
  • @dovaplay2173
    The worst game in the classic had to be blade ball, because oh my god it's literally doing 1 thing, then it gets 10x harder and then it gets 20x harder and so on.
  • @HTsnaps
    would of been much better off as just the hub only with a bit more features
  • @Exzequiel1203
    The hub was legit more fun than all of the games💀
  • @Aezro_Official
    The event is mediocre. Some of the games that participated were already in "The Hunt" so pretty lazy already, another thing some of the games were not even classic themed and were just horrible picks. I don't even have to say which games they are. Some games such as Dusty Trip killed the theme. The hub is great and other games that participated, But the hub also has problems, fisrt the pop up items, sorry but what? ik that they are limiteds, but cmon i was hoping that more of the items were free, corporate roblox just sucks. Anyways the game just feels like a bait but still the hub is only the enjoyable part. Yea thats all, i could yap more