Powerlifting vs Bodybuilding

Published 2023-01-26

All Comments (21)
  • Im choosing only 1 hour in da gym 3x a week, eat happily, dont get injured n stay healthy. Not into it for the sport or the pageant, doin it for fun.
  • To me powerlifting contains an aesthetic too. Looking physically impressive while lifting with good technique is what it’s all about to me.
  • If you’re the average person that doesn’t care to compete in either one, you would benefit by strength training and hypertrophy training in the same week, that way you can be strong and look strong
  • @thispak
    Powerlifting, hands down. Being a previous bodybuilder, let me briefly explain why: 1. Functional strength: powerlifters train for optimal strength that is based on performance and technique, which is useful for daily living 2. Injuries: There is a huge misconception about getting injured from powerlifting; as a former athlete and bodybuilder, I actually got more injured lifting high volume and playing sports than powerlifting. In powerlifting, we focus on technique and we lift with equipment/gear: belts, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, etc. I've been powerlifting for 2 years now and squatting over 500 lbs, deadlifting 550+ and benching 365+ and not once did I ever get injured. Powerlifting is very safe and sustainable if coached properly. 3. Aesthetics: obviously, bodybuilding focuses more on physique rather than performance, but if you do POWERBUILDING which is a subform training style of powerlifting, you can have a nice body while being insanely strong, if you could, why not have both? We don't cheat reps and we don't ego lift. Ego lifting will inevitably get you injured. BOTTOM LINE: Having experience previous experience as a bodybuilder, sport athlete and powerlifter, I highly recommend powerlifting to anyone. It's a beautiful, growing sport that trains the mind like none other and the community is very encouraging and supportive.
  • @DUA1SH0CK
    doing my first competition in powerlifting been training for 6 years myself tho
  • @Laute-
    Yo what were those incline lateral raises? I'm gonna try them, any tips?
  • @Warm_Ice0
    When he said bodybuilding is about sculpting the body it made me remember the guy that trained his upper body but not his shoulders bc he was curious.
  • @Joe___R
    Bodybuilding competitions are just beauty pageants. Which makes bodybuilders nothing but models.
  • @aghii458
    I like the variety of movements in bodybuilding, it’s really fun. However, bodybuilding can lead to extreme body dismorphia, which’s super dangerous
  • @Asteros1453
    I'd do powerlifting if i actually enjoyed squat or deadlift, i enjoy bench only, my favorite exercise isnt even a compound its tricep cable overheads
  • @bowsandaro
    A great way for an intermediate/advanced lifter to gain both strength and hypertrophy is the PHUL split. The PHUL split has 4 days of working out – first half focused on strength, the second half on hypertrophy. I have recently started doing my own PHUL program and personally I am enjoying it a lot! I may update on if it's giving me better benefits than my previous full-body split program.
    I’ve been doing powerbuilding for about a year & it’s been going really well.