Uncompromising Nonduality with Jim Newman | Living Mirrors #120

Published 2023-12-01
Jim Newman holds meetings about nonduality, in a style that has come to be known as uncompromising or radical nonduality. This style began with the book The Open Secret by Tony Parsons, and along with Tony, Jim is the arguably most prominent person speaking of nonduality in this way. Whereas some approaches to nonduality advocate the following of a path in order to eventually realise that we are not separate from the rest of existence, the uncompromising perspective sees this as mistaken, the fundamental idea being that because reality is already non-dual, whole, and undivided, there is nothing anyone could ever do to move closer to or further away from the wholeness of what is. Today, we explore the intricacies that somehow seem to arise out of this very simple message.

#nonduality #nondual #advaita

Welcome to Living Mirrors with Dr. James Cooke. Living Mirrors is a new podcast in which neuroscientist Dr. James Cooke will be interviewing people on topics like consciousness, science, spirituality, meditation and the renaissance in psychedelic research. Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.

Credits: Animations by Janko Pješivac vimeo.com/user22957416

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We live in a world filled with suffering, where attempts to help have been split into largely separate scientific and spiritual communities. As a spiritually engaged neuroscientist I hope to communicate how these seemingly separate world views can be reconciled. I produce weekly videos on topics at the intersection of neuroscience and wellbeing, including consciousness, meditation and psychedelic science.

Dr. James Cooke:
Neuroscientist, writer & speaker, focusing on perception, meditation, psychedelics, mental health and wellbeing.
PhD in Neuroscience, Oxford University
MSc in Neuroscience, Oxford University
MA in Experimental Psychology, Oxford University

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All Comments (21)
  • @thanelewis4675
    Well done Dr. Cooke; you’ve gone where angels fear to tread.
  • @Lisa.Martin_AL
    One of the best interviews with Jim ever heard. The clarifications of the non message really quite illuminating and to no one! Thank you Dr. Cook
  • Thanks for this, I've watched many interviews with Jim Newman and the host here asked many insightful questions and managed to get quite a lot more out of Jim than most interviewers.
  • @advaitawho
    Jim has the greatest style in Radical Non Duality! 😁☯👍
  • @ptanji
    Such a refreshing message. All the practices summed up in three simple words. This is it.
  • @christinaforras
    Jim opens with “This is it,” and I burst into laughter 🤣❤
  • @nicht-etwas61
    Thank you, Jim. Yes, there is no Ping-Pong. There's just "Ping".😂
  • @onelove1968
    The 'self' doesn't fall away. There's simply just a clear realization that it's completely illusory. Never existed to begin with.
  • @everest001
    Great interview. Well done and thanks.
  • @ACIM_
    Great chat Really enjoyed listening to Thanks 👌🏻
  • @hermansohier7643
    How can the person wants something if it doesn't exist ? It's the believe in a person that does it and there's no one wanting or not wanting anything .
  • @lisalawwill4843
    Great interview! This host was really able to drill down, as much as is possible with this subject, to the root of Jim's uncompromising sharing of nonduality. This allowed a much deeper discussion. It was obvious that you are very familiar with Jim's message and that you did your homework which enabled you to ask more insightful questions than most. Though it's understandable why they do so, I have grown weary of interviews in which a good portion is spent having the guest go through their 'awakening story'. You simply touched on it briefly for context, then moved on.
  • @voovpauli
    I understand that there is nothing to understand yet i am totally interested in this subject matter.
  • @robinstarbuck211
    I just love the message and Jim's eloquent delivery but I too must agree that not being able to hear the questioner as well as a brief summary of the question is fruckstrating!!
  • @Milkshakman
    The refutation of a relativistic model for recognizing disparities in stress levels and how that is likely to contribute to (non)self-related insight comes across as extremely privileged to me. And yet I can’t deny that what he says is ultimately true. I think it’s best seen as a framework that fills in a niche, and it seems to work for some people. I’m reminded of the Dzogchen system, where while there is a deep understanding of the unity of emptiness/form, there is still an emphasis on dualistic preliminary practices, because they don’t want to give people a pointing out instruction that doesn’t transmit clearly enough to have the importance of the insight received. I think Douglas Harding said somewhere “the voice of the devil says ‘so what?’” But if it works, it works 🤷‍♂️. Paradox.
  • Since Jim, as far as I know, doesn't offer us an email address, just a phone number (I'm not going to call him for something as trivial as what follows) I'm going to offer him a suggestion here. I enjoy watching the various and sundry "meetings," but only the monologues at the beginning. Once people start asking questions and commenting it's often as not very difficult to hear what they are saying. If there was a microphone available for them the "message" would reach a much wider audience and hopefully teach a lot of people how to stop wasting their time and/or following teachers of bogus teachings.