Cosmic Journeys - Hubble: Universe in Motion

Published 2015-07-31
Watch the 50-minute 4k feature, "Venus: Death of a Planet," on:…

Since its launch 25 Years ago, the Hubble Telescope has returned images of unprecedented beauty of a dynamic and changing universe.

In this episode of COSMIC JOURNEYS, Hubble’s most iconic images are bought to life to answer some of the most important questions facing astronomers today. Colliding galaxies, the birth and death of stars, jets of gas thrown out by material crashing into distant suns: these incredible images tech us valuable lessons about how galaxies are formed, what dark matter is and even the fate of the earth itself.

Here at SpaceRip, we value the exploration of the unknown. We surpass boundaries for the sake of uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos and what they may tell us about our origin and our future. With our videos, we hope to educate our viewers on how we fit into the universe, and more so how we can do our part to better it.

We believe there is no better time to inform ourselves about the world around us. Our partnership with MagellanTV is aimed to educate viewers on our complex world to prepare for our rapidly changing future. Through our videos we hope to capture a variety of important topics with the overall goal of promoting positive discussion and action.

Natural World:
Human Spirit:
The Dark Side:

Music by Epidemic Sound (

All Comments (20)
  • @meryem9664
    My method of falling asleep is watching videos about universe. Usually people are shocked and they ask me how do I know all this things. Lucky guess... 😂
  • @joechiodi5529
    This guy’s voice is amazing. I fall asleep within 10 mins of it every night.
  • @koilerREC
    love his voice watched almost every Space documentary out there but his voice is one of my favorites its like the space itself is speaking to you
  • @Knaeben
    This guy's voice is so soothing. He is the perfect narrator for this type of material.
  • @Jammsbro1
    Turns off lights, sits back and prepares to fall in love with space again. Thanks for this SpaceRip.
  • @MJKircher1221
    Hubble brought us some of the most beautiful pictures ever, for the eye to behold. Thank you to the team that made Hubble a reality.
  • @H.11109
    I have been watching and listening these videos for over an yearsince I discovered them by chance... & every time they put my senses into another realm . The narrator voice is exceptionally well , I haven't heard anyone like him. Just wonderful ❣💫
  • @martynh5410
    I am always in awe when looking at these Hubble deep space images. Thankfully, even a modest amateur telescope allows one to capture images of some of these distant objects, although of course with far less clarity and resolution. I have taken images of several of these distant objects myself (including the Pillars of Creation, the Ring Nebula and Little Dumbbell Nebula) but I'm always looking for more and more objects. The number of nebula and galaxies is so large, I'll never get bored looking for them!
  • @MetalPcAngel
    A SpaceRip video? On a Friday? and it's a 4Omin+ vid? Today is a good day. <3
  • It’s a blessing to be alive this day and age to see how our Planet Solar System Galaxy and visible Universe looks like. Great Men of Old would have given anything to see this, we are truly lucky to live in this age of knowledge.
  • Love these documentaries. Dick Rodstein's narration is the best. First watched these on Amazon Prime but they periodically paywall them so I'm glad they're on youtube for me to rewatch over and over again.
  • @sanansa4567
    Some times when I feel closed off, stuck and focusing on trivial issues and trying to control things too much...I just sit back in my zero gravity chair and realize..the Universe is Infinite, it helps me let go. I heard a famous scientist say they speculate there are 200 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe. In my uniformed opinion, I don't even think they are sure about that figure, it probably isn't even a number that you could calculate, as the Universe has to be can't stop.
  • @Marci124
    Sad to see this has just above 10K views while thousands of vloggers make a living out of turning on a camera and talking about their day.
  • @kardis6
    bong hit + spacerip = good trip
  • What a marvelous cosmos we live in! With time, the Divine will allow us to look, feel, and experience this wonder more by inspiring better Hubbles. As a physician, it reminds me of the cells seen under the microscope. We really are a micro-cosmos containing the whole cosmos.
  • @JamesPCastor
    Watching 'Cosmic Journeys - Hubble: Universe in Motion' feels like embarking on an epic voyage through the cosmos! The breathtaking imagery captured by the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the beauty and wonder of our universe in ways we could only imagine. Thank you for this awe-inspiring exploration of the cosmos! 🌌✨
    amazing and beautiful. i love watching anything about the universe!
  • @nosferatu8530
    This is therapeutic...really. The music and especially the narrator and first of all the Universe of course
  • @artworkbyjeff
    This man’s voice lulls me into a deep deep sleep.