Can This Man PROVE That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer

Published 2024-05-03
In a lively yet in-depth discussion, Piers Morgan drills down to the core of human existence with Stephen C. Meyer, the prominent ‘intelligent design’ advocate.

In this Piers Morgan Uncensored special, Meyers firmly rejects the idea that a scientific worldview leads to atheism, arguing instead that ‘the universe requires a creator or cause’. When Richard Dawkin’s name is mentioned, Meyer claims that he actually really loves the atheist firebrand and admires his intensity. Lastly, Morgan and Meyers agree that the question of God’s existence is tied to more than just cold hard facts, but also human nature itself.

Piers Morgan's interview with Richard Dawkins:    • Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Re...  

00.00 - Who is Dr Meyer?
02.23 - Is Darwin Wrong?
06.03 - Scientific evidence for God
15.58 - The Multiverse
19.29 - What is the meaning of life?
22.52 - Atheists’ anger
25.48 - Why is there suffering?

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#god #piersmorgan #evolution #richarddawkins #atheism #intelligentdesign

All Comments (21)
  • @suegordon6805
    I remember being at my mother’s bedside when she died. She died of Alzheimer’s and was non verbal for many months before her death. She opened her eyes and looked at me and said, “Sue, I’ll see you on the other side”. And then she passed. It blew my mind.
  • @stuart_edward
    I've been an athiest all 32 years of my life, more attracted to science and things that I can see or prove. To the point I've debated people in the past about how stupid the idea of a god is. Recently, I began to find myself being more and more interested in religion. I've no idea why, I just know that I felt a calling to learn more. Now baring in mind that I've been staunchly against the existence of a god, I started to get this strange feeling when I was doing things. The feeling of being watched. The feeling of being judged on my actions. As crazy as this sounds in words, I began to think to myself, "if there is a God, he's watching me right now. I shouldn't be doing this." And so I started to adjust certain behaviours to try to be good, because I felt I was letting someone or something down. The same type of way you don't want to let a parent down. I also, very recently, began to get this feeling of some type of presence. Like no matter where I am or what I'm doing there's a presence with me, and I find myself apologising to this presence I believe to be gid, if I do something wrong. Imagine that? Sounds crazy right? Maybe it is. Maybe I am. Who knows. Now, if you've lived my life, you'd understand how crazy it sounds to me or anyone around me to be apologising in my head to God😂. I mean I feel crazy typing it. As I walk, as I work, play, talk... no matter what I'm doing it's all I'm thinking about. I'm apologising for all the things I've done and all the people I've hurt in my life and hoping I'm forgiven by this presence or power. Even as I sit typing right now, I can feel a presence watching over me and it's almost to the level I feel like I'm typing this to spread the word, or even just to share it. To open up someone else's eyes. I also started reading the bible not too long ago, and again, if you knew the life I was from you'd understand how crazy it is to even have a bible, it really was a huge step. Every single person in my life is completely non religious and would laugh if they seen my bible. I'd be a comple outsider. The only one. The "stupid" one "if I believe any of that nonsense." I've had recent conversations where workmates have laughed off the idea of a god, they think the idea is something to mock religious people over. I didn't defend it. I didn't tell them i was religious. I didn't challenge them and I've found myself feeling riddled with guilt that I never. One of the arguments was "I grew out of religion when I was about 12 when i realised Santa wasn't real either." Unfortunately, I don't have the wisdom, or the information to defend or debate it right now, but I will have, eventually. Full disclosure, I still don't fully know if I'm Christian, I still have doubts, I'm still very much unsure what this journey is. But hopefully it starts to become clearer and clearer over the next few years. If if you've made it this far, thank you! I really appreciate your time🙂
  • @nzlotrfan
    I had the pleasure of hearing Stephen speak in New Zealand a number of years ago. A lovely and intelligent man.
  • @Charles-tp6sm
    Excellent interview. As a former skeptic, growing up in Catholic Ireland. I discovered a personal relationship with Jesus / God 17 years ago and I've never been the same again. All true meaning and purpose is derived from an openness, and gradual acceptance of a loving God.
  • @roselzero
    Finally! A good show where there is no screaming, fighting or yelling. Whichever side one takes, you can appreciate the intelligent and meaningful conversation.
  • @Ex_Nihilo777
    I remember when my dad died. We went and saw his body. The moment I looked at him I said "he is not in there", and the image of an empty vase came to mind. The sight of death is quite profound as it forcibly directs your whole being to the thought that me, you, us are not our bodies. At that moment my faith in a God became stronger. And his name is Jesus Christ.
  • What are the chances that anything can happen by chance? Nothing can happen by chance because chance cannot do anything. I once had a discussion with a professor at Harvard who said to me the universe was created by chance. I pushed him a little bit on this, used a coin to illustrate the problem. I said, “If I have a fifty-cent piece and flip it up in the air, what are the chances that it comes up heads?” He says, “50/50.” I said, “OK, how much influence does chance exert on the flip of the coin?” He said, “What do you mean?” I said: “Well, the way it comes up heads or tails is determined by how much pressure is exerted on it, what the density of the atmosphere is, how many revolutions it takes, and so on, whether you catch it here, or here, or here, and whether after you catch it you turn it over or don’t turn it over. Those are all the variables. How much influence does chance have?” He still didn’t get it. I said: “Well, look. If you’re using the term chance to talk about mathematical possibilities, it’s a perfectly useful term. But when we ascribe to chance a power to do something, we are saying the chance is something. Now, what is it? What is this mysterious X factor that causes the coin to come up tails or heads?” He still looked at me, and I said, “Wait a minute.” I said, “Chance cannot do anything because chance is not anything.” For something to act, it must first what? Be. Chance is not a thing; it’s no thing; it’s nothing. When you say to me that the universe was created by chance, you are saying the same thing as saying the universe was created by nothing, and you’ve taken a perfectly good word to describe mathematical possibilities and now informed it with magical power. Giving it ontological status, giving it power to do something when it is not anything, and that is the principal idea that is used as a substitute for creation. Now, I know there are some who argue that the universe is eternal and always has been here. That’s another question, but the vast majority of critics today who deny the creation of this world by a self-existent, eternal God appeal to some kind of beginning to all of reality that comes from nothing. It’s the rabbit out of the hat—without a hat, without a rabbit, without a magician. It’s worse than magic; it’s pure mythology. If there ever was a time when there was nothing, there would be nothing now. So there always had to be something, something that had the very power of being within itself or nothing could possibly be. Is there anything more elementary than that. If the equation is God or chance, the only possible solution, is God. Because chance can do nothing. R.C. Sproul
  • Having lost my wife suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 53 I know only too well the pain of grief, but I can honestly say this experience has brought me closer to God. God has shown up in my life like never before through many supernatural coincidences that have brought me a great deal of comfort, Psalm 34 vs 18 says “God is close to the brokenhearted “ this has been my experience. I am now more convinced than ever before that there is a God and my wife is in heaven and I will see her again.
  • @SotonSam
    I've been an atheist my whole life and I've just started calling myself a Christian within the last week or two
  • Well as Shakespeare once said " you can't believe everything you hear on the internet "
  • @OLBK
    It truly feels weird to say I have come to like Pierce. Meyer I have always loved. What a nice conversation.
  • I loved how Meyer apologized for bringing up a “personal moment” in the context of an interview about physics and philosophy. In the Age of Oversharing, this struck me as such an elegant move.
  • As an atheist, these are the kind of conversations that make me question myself. Love it.
  • @lisaevans6530
    Wow, that has truly blown me away as a non-believer in any God. Absolutely brilliant 👏
  • I'm an agnostic. A logic fallacy that I always hear on this conversations is: "I can't explain the origin of Universe, the origin of life and the nature of human consciousness... hence God". People forget that 200 years ago a simple storm (it is simple because we now know the complex interactions that create one) was considered a magic punishment from gods. In the last 200 years science solved so many "magical" puzzles but we are still arrogant enough to say "it can't be explained... so it was a god".
  • So nice to see people like Stephen Meyer on "mainstream" channels with a broad audience like Piers Morgan.
  • @benturner52
    When my mum died I was 16 and I totally dismissed God. 9 years on and I am totally convinced God is real. Thank you for this conversation
  • @TravisElrond
    Love it, from the beginning until the end, focus on the essential questions so many have, at least in have/had. Thank you so much!
  • @dwptechduco
    One of the more honest confessions I've heard in a while. I think you are on your way to finding what is true and what is false by having an open mind. First, take religion off the table. You may have never thought about it in this way but, think of a transcendent being creating everything we see in reality. There is no religion involved here. It's simply a transcendent being (we call God) creating because he has the ability to do it. Now because none of us were around when he did this, the question is, did he do it? How would we know unless he told us? So now the question is, did he tell us? The answer to that question is a resounding YES! And the way he chose to tell us is through his written Word (the Bible) The explanation of creation of all things is described very simply. He also said that we would know of his existence through his creation. Because God is a personal God not a religion, he cares for you personally because he created you very special and unique. There has been no one, nor will there ever be anyone like you. We are all uniquely created by him. It is perfectly normal to question if he actually exists because we cant see him. When Jesus was here, he said "if you have seen me, you have seen the Father" because Jesus and the Father are one. So be honest with God. Just say "I don't know if you exist and I want to know. Make yourself real to me." He tells us in the Bible that "if you seek me earnestly, you will find me." From there, it will be a learning process (I believe) you are going through right now. Be patient and continue to seek. He will reveal to you what you need to continue in this very special relationship with him. Don't listen to others who want to destroy this process and wreck your goal to learn more. They have always been around and will always be around. Don't forget, you have an enemy who is also fighting for your soul and he uses these people to discourage you and defeat you. All of the suffering in the world people like to blame God for it. The funny thing is, they never put blame where it belongs, and that is the devil himself who hates you! Why does he hate you? Because in the creation event, God said, (and you can find this if you already haven't), Genesis 1:26-27 26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” 27 So God created human beings in his own image In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. We are the only created life on the planet with a living soul. What is that? It's uniquely you. Our souls animate our physical bodies. When our physical bodies die, we continue to live full conscious and aware. This is what the battle is for. Satan knows his end and he wants to pull everyone he can down to the depths of Hell with him. So the battle is to keep you from accepting the free gift of eternal life in Heaven, being "Saved". Because God loves you so much, he sent Jesus to die for our sinful condition and pay the penalty for us. All we have to do according to Gods Word is found here in the book of Romans 10:9-10. "Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." This is what Satan is trying to keep you from doing. And because none of us know when we will die, the Bible tells us that TODAY is the day for salvation. Not tomorrow or a week from now but TODAY. People get up every day and get ready for work or vacation or whatever they are doing and none of us think that today is our last day on earth. Nobody thinks that, but it happens day in and day out! I pray for you and your journey and God's blessings upon you and your family!