How Transformers Reproduce? Why Do Female Transformers Exist? - Everything Explained

Published 2022-07-11
Credits - Our thumbnail hosts the amazing fan art by Valong, he is beyond awesome! Definitely checkout his DA page. Transformers, despite being robotic life forms, have always had on display human behaviors, and to be honest here, as fictional characters created by human beings, they have been quite consistent in portraying themselves as beings filled with souls as well as feelings. It goes without saying that the element of love has played a massive role in the world of Transformers, helping them form emotional bonds with one another. No points for guessing that in today’s video, we will be specifically talking about how the Cybertronian race has been increasing their numbers all this while. It is going to be an interesting in-depth analysis of the different methods of reproduction as well as delving into the best Transformer couples. You better be ready for this!

All Comments (21)
  • @roosh1986
    Blud tried to bait us with the Wingblade and Starscream thumbnail💀💀
  • @wolfbane7497
    How to transformers reproduce well basically. Remember when you had your two action figures and you used to smack them together. When they were fighting as a kid basically that's how they reproduce it's like basically slapping two of your action figures together really hard.
  • @jeremytung1632
    Why do female robots exist, I don’t know, why do robots have beards, why do robots have names instead of numerical designations, why are robots programmed to feel pain, why do robots become wrestling champions? Have I made my point, I sincerely hope I have.
  • Arcee (Are•see / R•C) was NOT in love with Cliff Jumper. They were combat partners. Comrades in arms, and he wasn't her first partner to die, and why she was reluctant to take on any new partners, cybertronian or human. The closest we see to a relationship on T:P is when Arcee and Optimus almost die in the Antarctic.
  • @ArcDragoon
    I think an important thing that is not mentioned here is the motivation of Primus, the God of the Transformers. It has been explained that both Primus and Unicron were created by a even almightier God, The One. Or that they were one being separated into two opposing forces. Or any of the multiple interpretations. However, a lot of those interpretations still only say that Primus and Unicron were both ancient, but not necessarily the first signs of life in the Universe. Primus having traveled the universe saw that there was life, animals and plants. Upon fighting Unicron, Primus had created the first thirteen Transformers, the first Primes. Presumably, the first Transformers were created in a method very similar to budding, spawning from Primus itself. After the defeat of Unicron, Primus and the first Transformers, continued to use the budding method until the quota of Transformers were met, which time the method was meant to be sealed away. However, during this time Primus did something that it noticed was common among organic life, it created two sexes, even though it served no real purpose. Primus had given the Transformers a means to produces sexually, but Transformers being more logical robots, saw no purpose to do so. Especially when there were more efficient ways to reproduce. Once through the previously unsealed budding method. Later on through a method where Transformers discovered that Cybertron would occasionally spawn Protoforms with Sparks. Protoforms being Transformers which did not yet choose their forms and purpose yet; and the Sparks from this method were dubbed "Forged". But this method would also eventually be less and less frequently used as Cybertron's Protoforms would eventually dry up. The Transformers would then look to a new method of creating Transformers. The new method involved using The Matrix to split existing Sparks to create new ones, and then have these inhabit bodies there were pre-constructed; this would be the "Cold Constructed" method. Sentiments found with the "Cold Constructed" method made it so female Transformers were becoming more and more of a minority. Remember that Transformers still do things at times with a cold logic. There just wasn't a purpose to female Transformers, when you could just construct Transformers, more so when pre-constructed Transformers would already have their purpose assigned. Much later on, during Beast Wars and Beast Machines, it is revealed that there is a "prophecy" that would introduce organic life to Cybertron. The purpose of this was always intended to do what Primus itself could not do. Primus' creation of the Transformers was nothing more than an imitation of life, and it deemed it necessary to introduce organic life to create technorganic Transformers.
  • Depends on the fiction. My interpretation is that when two cybertronians fall in love and wish to reproduce each one opens there spark chambers and each spark embraces themselves. This is cybertronians sex. Sometimes a new spark is formed from the sharing of sharing sparks, and then they take the spark to an empty protoform and hope the new spark didn't degrade enough to die.
  • @cattameme
    You keep showing that picture of two transformers embracing each other in love... doesn't she betray him on the next page? lol
  • @TheNocturnal1
    The 2D Animated show had Optimus and I believe Alita. She was “left behind “ and became Blackarachnia. Pretty much like Sarah Kerrigan becoming the Queen of the Swarm. That show got cancelled and we never really saw the rest of the story playing out. She aligns with decepitcons but still has some feelings for him.
  • Ok, how can you make a Transformers relationship video without mentioning Airrazor and Tigertron or Silverbolt and Blackarachnia? The former became fused into the most powerful Maximal in the series and the latter became one of the main plots of Beast Machines.
  • @ManitobaMando
    Lots of other notable relationships. Optimus and Elita-1 for sure. It was also hinted in G1, that IronHide and Chromia were a thing, MoonRacer and PowerGlide, Inferno and NovaStar ( AKA: FireStar)
  • I’m pretty sure it was intended that Hot Rod be the son of Optimus and Elita-1 in the 86 movie. Why else would Prime not fire on Megatron while he was using Hot Rod as a shield? Prime was able to shoot the shoulder straps keeping Spike in a moving transport bound for the space bridge, all without hurting spike at all. The only reason Prime didn’t fire would have been if Hot Rod was something more than just a random autobot. Like, Prime couldn’t trust himself not to miss Hot Rod because of all the emotions tied into: Hot Rod being his son Elite-1 probably being dead and Hot Rod reminding Prime of that. And facing Megatron again with the intent to finally end the war. Losing so many of his soldiers in one battle. But, that’s just a theory…a sexy robot theory.
  • @dangamertop9253
    My theory: Primus made a limit of how many sparks max can be alive at once, if one perishes and joins the allspark, it starts an automatic system that produces another one to compensate for it, that way there is no overpopulation.
  • @ViewerOnline101
    Well, we know that Transformers posses a Spark, which is the equivalent of a soul. It's possible that energy from a male and female Transforme's Soarks combined can create a new Transformer Spark as a method of reproduction, possibly containing energy-like traits from both parents, which could result in siblings.
  • @ranwolf7650
    I remember reading a fanfic years ago that went with the idea that Cybertronian procreations involved a combination of both partners sacrificing a portion of their sparks, raw material and nanotech fluid.
  • They're aliens from another planet that are mechanical instead of biological, inexplicably bear superficial resemblances to earth vehicles, and on multiple occasions are even named after Earth creatures, and the thing you find weird is that there are females?
  • @hope-cat4894
    You don't want to read how it works in fanfiction. 😳
  • @zara-hope5518
    So here's my theory. Joined budden. Unlike normal budden were they come out fully grown clones but joined budden needs two bots, a guider and a forger. The forger takes birth metal from both parents and molds it into a protoform body and the guider mixes a small sample of inner most energon from both bots and puts it in the protoform's spark chamber. Now here's the tricky part both creators must find a hotspot (bringing the protoform body) and locate a newspark. Once the spark is found it will sence the protoform, go into the spark chamber, then the chamber will close and now to cybertronian. In 2 to 3 months the spark will make their own inner most energon. The buddlet will need time to cool down and deep codeing like any other protoform. What do you think of this theory?
  • @georgemercer402
    Air Razor and Tigatron-- she managed to get him to give up on solitude some time after he lost his organic foundation which he himself named Snowstalker. There's also Blackarachnia and Silverbolt-- opposites attract after all.
  • @rodimus7926
    Well in the original continuity the Transformers simply built them up when they need new members for their factions, they simply use Vector Sigma, the Matrix or their own sparks to create new Transformers, however in Transformers Beast Machines the Oracle managed to merge both metal and flesh in the Maximals, creating a new kind of Transformers that is called Tecnorganic, so perhaps, and that´s just my guess, they can have sexual reproduction since in this part of the story the Transformers really had sex and gender thanks to the organic animals they scan
  • You forgot somebody. Someone who really makes you wonder how Transformers procreate. Wheelie, the child bot. There's a picture book that was published that explains Wheelie's origin. He crash landed on Quintessa with his parents. Yes, according to this picture book, Wheelie had parents. They died in the crash leaving him an orphan. "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson". I use to have the book. I don't know if it's canon though. Wheelie is the only child Transformer that I know of. I don't think there were any other child Transformers in Masterforce, Victory, Zone, or Battlestars. There's no explanation as to how his parents made Wheelie. Most Transformers are built as fully formed adults. Why a child bot? No explanation.