How good is Anti-Material Rifle in Helldivers 2

Published 2024-03-01

All Comments (21)
  • @mrhat1073
    I really wish the armor penetration was much higher, and had punch-through so you could kill the driver of the Scout Striders in one shot.
  • @s0niKu
    I play with someone who always brings the AM rifle. From my observations, it's the best against robots on big open maps. A lot of people say "Just bring railgun" but the AM rifle's scope and magazine allows it to kill a lot of stuff a lot faster at much further range than the railgun, which in the niche situation where you've got a bunch of hulks all coming at you from a good distance away can deal with them all in one magazine before the rail guy has the chance to load another round. Obviously, like a lot of weapons, you should probably bring it when you think you can set up that kind of situation, not to general purpose missions. It can deal with chargers... kinda. It destroys the squishy bug butt very fast, and at that point you can just run away and let the charger bleed out. Not the optimal counter, but if you end up stuck with an AM rifle on a bug planet somehow, it's your best bet.
  • @Alsborg
    Anti-Material Sniper needs: - Medium Penetration - Fixing Scoped Vision.
  • @sarbe6625
    Yet more evidence proving that wayyyy more weapons are way more viable than people give them credit for. They're just not willing (or perhaps capable) of learning how to use them effectively.
  • @Valrok1870
    THANK YOU for talking good about my sniper. Tips: Leave the sniper on 50m range for the scope. Most of your engagements ARE within 40-60 meters against bots. However, if you have a team that can rush bases, then use the 100m scope and sit back. You need the armor that reduces recoil by 30% crouched or prone. If you are supporting from long range, prone. Running all over the place? Crouch and aim low, the recoil will drag the round up (literally like 5% lower down than you normally would aim) BUGS, it does not do jack against titans. Chargers are a different story. Hit them behind their armored legs right at the knees. It can start to peel the leg of. 2-3 shots (depends if it is a normal or behemoth) should do it. But that is not where the sniper shines. Use the sniper to conserve your primary for bigger targets or when swarmed. Aim for the head, ESPECIALLY on hive guard and brood commanders. The headless commander may still walk and attack but a round to the leg or your primary put in can bring it down. If you have ever played Halo 3 or Reach, treat the sniper like that. Edit: Tanks matter about angle of fire heavily for the vent. Try to line up STRAIGHT on the vent's back. That will reduce the shots to kill down to a more manageable 5 (assuming the tank hasn't received ANY prior damage)
  • @LungDrago
    I think the biggest issue with the AMR is the same as with the machine gun - they're both weapons that want you to be holding your ground, being stationary and covering an area. In a game when you need to be moving constantly and where enemies literally spawn in behind you, so you're guaranteed to get flanked.
  • @hampdog5716
    I run AM rifle with Jump pack on Robots. Grenade Launcher with Jump pack on Bugs. Always try to get the high ground, love sniping or blowing stuff up from a big rock.
  • @ketherga
    The anti- material rifle is actually a one-tap for any bug smaller than a charger. But you have to hit the head and aim a little bit lower than you think on most of them. Especially the spewers. It will pop brood commander's heads in one go and the hive guardians won't look like they're going down right away, but just give it like, half a second and and they'll just fall over.
  • @shadowkhan422
    5:03 Heldivers 2: Pallworld edition . Bile Titan is watering your crops (and is getting stuck behind breeding station as per Pallworlds usual )
  • @Frederic_104
    I use it with the first scout armor for stealth and movement. Aggro doesnt mean the enemies have spotted you, automatons will randomly fire in your general direction until theyve spotted you, which at prone with stealth armor is about 15m. If you keep cool and dont miss your shots, it wipes groups easy, especially if youre just rounding them up to wipe them with an eagle or orbital. Railgun is better for the layman that walks in the front door of every encounter without thinking.
  • @TommyCurrell
    I love using this gun with the jump pack against bugs on open maps. My main targets are brood queens, hive guard, and the fat bial spewers with armoured heads. It punches through their head armour for quick kills. It's basically a long-range railgun with less penetration.
  • @TheSIyFox
    You can actually 3 shot a charger after it charges. You shoot the hind legs really fast and it goes down. The timing and shot placement is very tight, but doable with practice.
  • @NiftyriftyLoL
    Definitely my favorite weapon. super satisfying and surprisingly versatile.
  • @TheHuffur
    I definitely agree with the reticle, it kinda makes the 50m zoom option useless as even targets up close gets covered by it. Another thing I dislike with this rifle is that IDK if its just me but the shot seems to hit slightly above and to the left of the centre reticle as I find myself bouncing tons of shots on Hulks if I aim on the visor while I hit most of the shots by compensating for this and aiming a little lower and to the right.... I am half convinced that perhaps its a FOV issue? But yeah its definitely a anti-automaton weapon and I usually pick it over the railgun. I bring this and as always a ammo backpack. It has enough "ammo economy" that spending a few shots to pick off weaker bots is very viable and can make a big difference when you pop those little guys with their rocket launcher, unlike the bugs 6 dead bots is usually a large chunk of their forces and its afaik only these small guys that call for backup. The mediums/Hulks can wait on your reload. To deal with tanks and turrets I simply bring the 110 missile barrage, it kills either of these seemingly 100% of the time and hopefully the rest of the team has things that can deal with those as well without you having to sneak around to their side/backs to dump shots into them.
  • @venanreviews
    Learned if you fire 1-2 shots from BEHIND a charger's front 2 legs, it shows the indication of them being "broken". Not revealed fully, but it shows that "slightly broken" effect and does kill them within 3-4 shots if you focus the same leg. Explosive damage is still effective on their "weak spot" but unfortunately... that's too niche coupled with the fact you mentioned with the reticule being too bulky and the amount of sway. Can open up those grenade-able doors though like the slugger can!
  • Seeing you two shot a hulk makes me want to run this thing again. It was one of the first support weapons i unlocked and i remember having a lot of fun as a sniper.
  • @lazy7789
    Thing is, you can one shot Hive Guards if you get the head. Might not seem much but it’s fantastic if you don’t have the armor penn primaries and other special guns
  • @quannd
    Great tips. I also love using the AMR. I use thw supply pack over the shield personally.
  • @DaddyHensei
    Try shooting the back of the legs on the chargers. The armor is there is weaker. Should strip enough armor to be able to damage the front of the legs like with the Auto cannon. Auto canon will even drop a charger with 2-3 hits on the back of the back leg. Reckon the anti-material could probably do it too since they have the same armor pen trait.
  • @user-td8nk9si2i
    I love using the AM rifle but I feel it’s best used with a jet pack so you can always get height.